Coffee review

Hartman Manor, Volcán District, Panama Familia Hartman presents Kadura Caturra

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista exchanges, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Hartman Manor is operated by Familia Hartmann. His family ancestor Alois Strasil Hartmann was born in the then Austro-Hungarian Empire (now the Czech Republic), and was forced to start a new life outside due to the outbreak of World War I and the turmoil in the country.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Hartman Manor is run by the Familia Hartmann family. The ancestor of his family, Alois Strasil Hartmann, was born in the then Austro-Hungarian Empire (present-day Czech Republic). Later, due to the outbreak of World War I and the unrest of the country, his mother hid him in a ship and took Alois to the United States. In 1911, when he was twenty years old, he traveled with friends to Panama, and then Alois decided to work and settle in Walken, and built his first cabin in the Kendra Forest.

At present, the main operator of the third generation is Ratibor Hartmann, and the estate is managed by the five children of Hartmann Troetsch. Hartman Manor consists of two main farm areas, Santa Clara-Hartman Manor and Water Eye Manor, located between 1300 and 2000 meters above sea level, with coffee shaded in the pristine rainforest. Hartman's operators avoid cutting down existing tree species and even replant native trees and banana trees to maintain the natural circulation of the original biosphere and healthy soil. In addition to its own estates, Hartman also provides management services for nearby estates, such as Ninety Plus ®'s estate in Panama, which continues to work closely with Hartman.

Hartman Manor is now a family business-each member is enthusiastically involved in manor management and is responsible for different work projects in planting, production and tourism. For the Hartman family, coffee is the destination of life, culture, and the family-not only a lot of hard work, but also sincere love. Their idea is: co-exist with nature, and the land symbiosis without destroying it. Because they agree with their ideas, the cooperative staff will come back to work happily together again every year, and so will their co-buyers.

"my father always connects coffee production with environmental protection." Rabitor, the landowner, said so.

About Panama.

Panama is bordered by Costa Rica to the north and Colombia to the south. Its coffee-growing areas are all around the highest volcanoes in Central America, including Baru Volcano, Poquetta, Walken, Romanci Anto, and so on. Panama has a unique microclimate and the land is rich in nutrients in volcanic soil, providing the perfect environment for growing unique boutique coffee.

Hartman Manor in Panama in the sun

Water pear, citrus, plum, passion fruit, jelly, cashew nut

Producing area / Walken area

Variety / Kaddura Caturra

Treatment / solarization

Planting altitude / 1300-1800 m

Baking degree / shallow baking