Coffee review

Introduction to the Flavor characteristics of the Variety treatment of Gold Manning Coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Exchange of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand-made coffee tutorial can not be solved by a recipe, this can be regarded as a popular science post. You can also know what it takes to make a cup of hand flushing and how to do it. Coffee bean name: Golden Manning Origin: India

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

With the development of the boutique coffee market, many coffee fans have begun to study how to brew coffee by hand at home, but it can not be solved by a recipe, but it needs to be brewed for a long time in order to find the feel and brew good coffee. Then the article on Qianjie Coffee will teach coffee fans how to make their own hand-brewed coffee at home. Among them, Qianjie Coffee thinks that Indonesian Mantenin coffee beans are relatively easy to practice, so Qianjie will popularize science from Indonesian gold Mantenin.

Front Street Coffee pwn Gold Manning Coffee Bean

Country: Indonesia

Producing area: Mount Aceh Jiayu, Sumatra

Altitude: 1100-1600m

Variety: Ateng

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor: baked toast, nuts, pine, caramel, herbs

Producing area of Manning Coffee in Indonesia

Qianjie Coffee is often mentioned in previous articles that there are three major factors that determine the flavor of coffee beans, namely, coffee producing areas, varieties and treatment methods. Then Qianjie Coffee will talk about Manning Coffee around these three points.

Mantenin is mainly produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, it is the largest island in Indonesia, located near the equator, is a typical tropical rain forest climate, high temperature and humidity, abundant rainfall, so it is very suitable for the growth of high-quality Arabica coffee beans.

However, the altitude of Indonesia is limited, and the space for growing high-quality Arabica coffee beans is also limited, so only 25% of the coffee beans produced in Indonesia belong to Arabica. Because Arabica species can only be planted at high and altitude areas to have the best flavor, so the remaining 75% are robusta coffee trees that can be grown at low elevations. And the highest elevation in Indonesia is Sumatra.

And the best of the traditional Arabica coffee produced in northern Sumatra will be sold under the name Lin Dong Manning. To be exact, Lin Dong Manning coffee beans refer to coffee grown in a small area southwest of Tobahu in Lindong District.

Sumatra coffee bean producing area

Among them, Mantenin coffee beans are also known as "Sumatran Coffee". Most of the producing areas in North Sumatra are Gayo producing areas, while Lake Tawa, which is dominated by ateng varieties, can be called Aceh Coffee or Lake Tawar lake Coffee, and the area between Lintong and Toba lake Lake in Lindong, South Sumatra can be called Mantenin. Lindong is the producing area of Mantenin, and there are four best varieties of Mantenin coffee: Sidikalang, Bergendar, Siborong borong and Telok Sanggul.

Lake dopa: located in the central part of North Sumatra, the Dutch colonists moved Java Mantenin northward to the Lake dopa region in 1888, creating a modern Mantenin legend.

Lake Tawa: located in the middle of Aceh Special Administrative region. Located at the northern tip of Sumatra, the area is less than 1/10 of Lake dopa. However, the quality and output of coffee have surpassed that of Lake dopa in recent years.

Gayo Mountains: located in the Aceh region of the northern province of Sumatra, most of the coffee farmers working in Gayo are local farmers. The word "Gayo" comes from the tribes of Aceh in Indonesia. This area has ideal growth conditions, long history and culture and unique flavor. The region widely uses organic methods to grow coffee without chemical fertilizers, and is considered to be the world's green coffee production region. Therefore, Gayo coffee is often called green coffee and Gayo organic coffee.

Indonesian Manning Coffee processing method

Here, Qianjie Coffee has to mention that Indonesian Mantenin Coffee is loved by the majority of coffee lovers because of its unique flavor. In fact, this is also due to Indonesia's unique coffee treatment method-Indonesian wet planing. It is the use of this treatment that makes Mantenin coffee has a unique soil and herbs, spice flavor.

It is worth noting that when using the wet planing method, because the semi-hard and semi-soft wet raw beans are easy to be crushed when the pectin sheep skin is removed, the beans are crushed and split like a sheep's hoof, commonly known as sheep's hoof beans. Qianjie Coffee believes that this is a remarkable feature of Mantenin and is not a defective bean.

The source of Indonesian wet planing method

According to Qianjie Coffee, it is understood that the reason why Indonesia uses wet planing to deal with coffee fruit is that the local weather is often dominated by Rain Water, with constant typhoons, unable to achieve the good weather needed for the sun, and the local economy is not good. It is also impossible to use the more expensive method of washing, which gives rise to a wet planing method with local characteristics.

Of course, the development of coffee in Indonesia is no longer as poor as it used to be. There are many manors that can be washed with water, and there are also many companies, but they still do not give up the wet planing method. Qianjie Coffee feels that the wet planing method is the factor that has brought Mantening coffee to the world. When it comes to Mantini coffee, I think of the wet planing method, and obviously they already complement each other.

The specific steps of the wet planing method can be divided into the following two stages:

In the first stage, the peel and pulp were removed by a wooden peeling machine, and after fermentation for 3 hours, the moisture content was reduced to 30-50% of semi-dry and semi-wet. In the second stage, the pectin and sheep skin were removed and the latter part of the drying process took 2-4 days, and the moisture content was reduced to 12-13%.

What is Golden Manning?

When it comes to Golden PWN, the acronym is often mixed with the name of Manning Coffee, which is actually a company's acronym Pwani Coffee Company.

This company is a very famous local coffee acquisition company in Indonesia, mainly buying Mantenin Coffee. It has acquired almost all the best producing areas in Indonesia, so most of the beans produced by PWN are unique boutiques. Gold Mantning is the product produced by this company. After the acquisition of raw beans, the beans are selected by hand to select the full and flawless beans. Finally, these beans can be divided into Golden Manning as if they had gone through the draft.

However, PWN registered the gold manning as a trademark, that is to say, only the gold manning produced by PWN can be regarded as the real "golden manning". Many of the beans on the market that are not made by PWN and hang the gold manning brand should actually be called boutique manning.

So how to make this golden manning coffee bean by hand? The front street coffee is coming to be shared with coffee fans.

What kind of equipment do you need to prepare for hand coffee?

It is necessary to use the corresponding equipment to make coffee by hand. what exactly are there? Qianjie Coffee will be cited one by one for coffee fans.

1. Hand punching pots: there are hand punching pots of all sizes and materials on the market, which can be selected according to your needs. It is the size of the kettle that will affect the cooking results, because it is turned off to the amount of water. Beginners are generally advised to use a small pot, which is easier to control. In addition, each hand punch pot is suitable for different heating methods (induction cooker or gas stove), so you should pay special attention when buying it.


2. Filter cup: the size and material of the filter cup are also different, mainly divided into three shapes: fan-shaped, tapered and wavy filter cup. The size of the filter diameter at the bottom of the filter cup will affect the flow rate of coffee extraction, and then affect the flavor of coffee. The fan-shaped filter cup has the advantages of small filter diameter, slow flow rate and mellow taste; the cone-shaped filter cup has large filter diameter, fast flow rate and light taste; the wavy filter cup has a flat bottom with special wave filter paper, which makes the coffee taste the most uniform. What is more special is the metal filter cup, which does not need to be used with filter paper, which can retain more coffee oil and taste thicker, but some finer coffee powder may not be filtered out.

3. Filter paper: there are two kinds of filter paper: bleached and unbleached, the bleached filter looks whiter, and the unbleached filter looks close to light brown. The function of filter paper is to use the extremely dense fiber to retain the ground coffee powder and filter the extracted coffee into the cup. To buy filter paper, you should choose the corresponding filter paper according to your own filter cup.

4. Bean grinder: a good hand coffee needs to be equipped with a good bean grinder. There are three types of bean grinders on the market.

1) Ghost tooth bean grinder

2) flat knife bean grinder

3) conical knife bean grinder


5. Thermometer: the thermometer is used to measure the water temperature of coffee. The thermometers on the market are Tiamo thermometer, Hero thermometer and Cafede Kona thermometer.


6. Electronic scale: electronic scale allows us to better control the ratio of powder to water when brewing coffee, reduce unstable factors, and increase sufficient fault tolerance. Electronic scales range from several hundred yuan to dozens of yuan, including Yami electronic scale, hero intelligent scale and Timo electronic scale.

7. Sieve powder screen: mainly to judge the degree of grinding, each type of coffee beans are suitable for hand grinding degree is different, Qianjie coffee through continuous tests, determined to pass the Chinese standard No. 20 screen 80% as the hand grinding degree.


What should I do with the detailed steps of making coffee by hand?

1. Water temperature

The higher the water temperature, the stronger the extraction ability, the more bitter the coffee is, the stronger the taste; the low water temperature, the weak extraction ability, the coffee is easy to turn sour, the taste is mild and light, the temperature of the hand should be adjusted according to the roasting degree of the coffee, the shallow roasted beans can be 90-91 ℃, and the medium-deep roasted beans can be 85-87 ℃. Qianjie coffee is basically adjusted within this range. Once a customer questioned this brewing temperature, Qianjie Coffee took Golden Manning, a coffee bean (deep-roasted), and boiled it at a water temperature of 90 ℃. As a result, the taste was almost comparable to that of Italian concentrate.

2. Degree of grinding

Refers to the size of coffee particles, the degree of grinding will affect the contact time between coffee and water. If the coffee powder is finer, the water can extract more substances in the same time, but the degree of grinding is fine, the coffee is easy to be extracted in the process of extraction; on the contrary, the coarser the degree of grinding of coffee, the less substances extracted by water in the same time, but the coarser the degree of grinding is, the coffee is prone to insufficient extraction. Qianjie coffee is recommended to take 80% of the pass rate of the Chinese standard No. 20 sieve as the hand grinding degree, which is obtained after many tests. It should be noted that the grinding degree of different coffee beans is different, so when the hand flavor is not right, we can see if there is a problem with the grinding degree.

3. Ratio of powder to water

The powder-to-water ratio refers to the ratio of coffee powder to brewing water, which affects the thickness of the coffee. It can be 1:10, 1:13, 1:15, or 1:16. Qianjie Coffee recommends using a powder-to-water ratio of 1:15, which is relatively moderate in concentration or taste. Of course, everyone's pursuit of coffee taste is different, when extracting coffee, we can adjust their powder-to-water ratio according to the taste they want.


Next, Qianjie Coffee will share the specific parameters of hand-brewed pwn gold Manning coffee beans.

[Qianjie Coffee pwn Gold Manning Coffee suggestion]

Filter cup: KONO

Powder weight: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Water temperature: 86-87 degrees

Grind rich: the pass rate of No. 20 screen is 70%.


Pwn Gold Manning Coffee brewing technique: segmented extraction.

The first stage of water injection is steamed with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, and the second stage is divided into stages when small water flow is injected around the circle to 125 grams, and when the water level is about to be exposed to the powder bed, the third stage continues to inject water to 225 grams to stop water injection, remove the filter cup when the water level is about to be exposed to the powder bed, and (the time of steaming starts) the extraction time is 2 times 39 times 00 ".

Pwn Gold Manning flavor: varied, mellow and clean, high balance, intense nutty and caramel aromas with chocolate aromas and a long finish.

These are the instructions of Qianjie Coffee on how to hand-brew pwn gold Mantenin coffee beans, hoping to help coffee fans who want their own coffee in the sink at home.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925