Coffee review

Columbia Coffee Hope Manor Super rare batch Bourbon rare Variety two-Color bourbon Flavor description

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Columbia Hope Manor two-color bourbon sun Colombia La Esperanza Bicolor Natural last year's coffee show at the raw bean merchant's cup test, a whole row of geisha and Pacamara, mixed with a bourbon. A most common breed. But after a round of drinking,

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Colombia hopes the manor two-color bourbon sun

Colombia La Esperanza Bicolor Natural

At last year's coffee show, there was a bourbon mixed with a row of geisha and Pacamara at the raw bean merchant's cup test. A most common breed. But after a round of drinking, I was impressed by the bourbon. Thick and sweet, fruit tonality is as good as Pacamara or even some Geisha. At that time, I was looking forward to the mass production of this bean.

Not long ago, this two-color bourbon finally appeared on the bean list of raw bean merchant P, it is a pity not to test the gap between the sample and the actual shipment. Take a look at the reference cup provided by bean merchant P to test the flavor, dry aroma has wine aroma, entrance has strong wine aroma, ripe fruit, fruit beer, comprehensive fruit tea aroma, peach, passion fruit, papaya, mango juice multi-level sweet and sour flavor. To put it simply, the wine is strong and the juice is full of sweet and sour taste.