Coffee review

The rose summer coffee on the slope of Balu Mountain at an altitude of 1500 meters is precious not in price, but in its value.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) are you tasting the rose summer drink growing on the slopes of Mount Balu 1500 meters above sea level? the first time you heard the name of Rose Summer, or from friends who do not drink coffee very much, she said that she was surprised by heaven and earth after drinking it, and then bought it herself to try it. Besides being delicious, another feeling is expensive! Rose Xia Yi

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

You are tasting the rosy summer growing on the slopes of Mount Baru at an altitude of 1500 meters.


The first time I heard the name of Rose Xia, it came from a friend who didn't drink coffee very much. she said she was surprised after drinking it, and then she bought it and tried it herself. in addition to being delicious, another feeling is that it is expensive! Rosa Yiyi distinguishes quality according to red, green and blue standards, with prices ranging from tens of dollars to thousands of dollars per pound. The coffee shop sells for about one hundred yuan a cup.

What will be selected for this tasting is the rosy summer of the Jade Manor, with a market price of no less than 117 US dollars per pound. This kind of rosy summer comes from the hillside of Balu Mountain at an altitude of 1500 meters. when you taste this cup of coffee, you will find that it is the best coffee you have ever had. It tastes very silky and has no bitter feeling. Instead, it is fruity and tastes more like fruit tea.

"would the audience like to bet NT $150 for a cup of coffee?" Add another 0, 1500 yuan for a cup. A coffee shop in Hong Kong is already on sale. The most expensive coffee bean in the world comes from Panama and is called geisha coffee. Because Geisha has the same name as Japanese geisha, the coffee is called 'geisha', which is said to be a selection of coffee beans from the jade estate in Panama.

When I rushed to the morning school meeting on the highway, my eyes were still bleary (should be slightly sour when I didn't get enough sleep). When I heard that there was a limit of five cups of coffee a day, a cup of NT $1500 coffee, my eyes suddenly lit up. Not because of an unheard of surprise, but because of the excitement to hear the coffee you already know and drink. A little bit of expert delight here.

"the radio heard the introduction of geisha coffee! It's 1500 yuan a cup. Is it our geisha? " On the other end of the phone, I told my husband about geisha coffee. It turned out that he had heard the radio the day before and already knew the old news. He answered me and said, "that is the Jade Manor. Is our geisha Feicui?"

The geisha in our family is not emerald, but spinach. Think of spinach stirred in a fruit and vegetable machine and turned into a fluffy ball, which can be boiled into an exquisite and coveted emerald soup. So I replied with such a cold joke. In fact, what flashed through my mind was the green eyes of the Renaissance geisha described in my 1997 Argentine novel the Anatomist and the Sexy Belt (by El anatomista,Federico Andahazi). )

"but our geisha already tastes great, and at present there are two brands that are not bad."

Student P.C is stationed in Panama and comes back to visit relatives almost every year. Every time he comes back to call on friends and friends, the former teachers, students and friends gather together. It is commendable that these students are not students in the same class, but several classes before and after. Because Spanish connects them. This group, commendable, have graduated for more than 12 years, and so far they have returned to the team immediately at the ends of the earth. This group is commendable at National Taiwan University, which does not have its own department of Spanish and literature. Sometimes it gives me the instant pleasure and vanity of "my own students."

Every time P. C comes back, we often connect with J. S. Y, who did not come back from afar, and complain to each other about why the coffee is not sent to the top. When it comes to the top, we have to make a name call. There is a kind of top coffee called Geisha. When it comes to geisha, I immediately think of the Memoirs of Geisha. I want to say that the name of a geisha must come from. Is it because of the superb "skill"?

P. C justifies itself by saying that coffee should be given to excellent students and given to teachers and friends, so he pays the bill for J. S. Y first (it seems to be "swear for others." the Hokkienese phrase is rather strong, saying "curse to others X"). As soon as it was too late, an order had been placed and everyone wanted to share it, and B.L., F.K and A.C all echoed. However, the compliment of "good things should be shared by good students" is also unconvincing!

Panama's century-old friendship changed overnight, and the newspaper saw the picture of flag lowering. Two flag bearers stood on both sides of the flagpole, slowly pulling down the national flag. One of them is J. S. Y. These diplomats who worked hard abroad returned to Taiwan with a feeling of unwillingness, sadness and helplessness. Although sorrow returns to its native land, "wind and rain come", and there is still joy in the atmosphere of low pressure, there is still joy in the Spanish slang "keep a good mood in bad weather" (Al mal tiempo, buena cara) We have seen J. S. Y who has been in the country for many years. According to the past, when people return to their hometown, they must "recruit troops and call on the armed forces" to repeat the gathering of "when we are together". Spanish circle people, teachers and students amicably gathered together, J. S. Y took out geisha coffee to "filial piety" everyone, he said "a bean" is difficult to get, went to several stores to buy. Thanks to him, "the last night of Jin Daban", if you don't buy it, you will have little chance. When I saw the face of the geisha coffee, I suddenly felt a shock-the face of the student was ten thousand times happier than the face of the geisha who saw the top coffee, and the fragrance lasted longer.

In fact, as early as J. S. Y brought back a geisha, P.C., "proved" that he was also an excellent student and gave everyone a geisha, but he was also the last time to surprise everyone with a geisha after he was transferred back from Panama. Everyone in the group praised and thanked one after another. My husband not only knows how to taste wine, but also is good at coffee. He says that the geisha is good. The big bag brought back by J. S. Y is also a geisha, as if "ginger is old and spicy". However, P.C sent everyone geisha, but said that he did not love geisha, came to my house, but fell in love with my "pimp" hanging earbag, I said that the family coffee is "pimp", because it is the king of classic coffee, Lanshan pure bean coffee. It can be seen that "radish and green vegetables have their own preferences" is equivalent to the Spanish slang word Del gusto no hay nada escrito. Therefore, today, we should not be fooled by advertisements or merchants, thinking that 1500 yuan for a cup is the best in the world. "there is no best, only better", everyone has better coffee, as long as it suits your taste / taste.

What's the difference between pure beans and hybrids? Who can drink amateurs? Once during a chat, our vice principal of finance said to me, "Real pure bean coffee tastes like plain boiled water." Indeed, pure simplicity is the ultimate, is the boutique. Geisha (Geisha) good taste, good variety, good labor, good soil, good climate, good fragrance, but also because of pure unmixed.

When they see the introduction of geisha coffee on the Internet, they do not want such high-end coffee to be associated with the geisha industry, but want to use its transliteration name "Geisha", which sounds like class or professional discrimination. Little do you know the social reputation of famous prostitutes during the Italian Renaissance. One of the words gigol ó (men who eat soft rice) means that "little fresh meat" makes a living by accompanying well-known mature girls or geisha. When the Marquis de Sade of France sang "boudoir philosophy" or "120 days of Sodom" in the 18th century, the 18th century Spanish literati Morat í n (Nicol á s Fern á ndez de Morat í n) also sang together "the Art of a prostitute" or "the Garden of Venus" by F é lix Mar í a de Samaniego, counting the romance between celebrities, gentry and prostitutes. It is understandable if it is because of the different preference for names, and if it is because of the occupation of a geisha that it will affect the price of noble coffee, this kind of thinking is open to question.

Geisha coffee crowded into the famous family has its roaming history. The Arabica bean traveled from Africa to Ethiopia to Kenya, Kenya to Tanzania, moved to Costa Rica in 1953, arrived in Coffee Paradise in 1963 and settled in the town of Chiriqu í in Panama and coffee farmer Selassim. Don Pachi (Francisco Service í n Col ó n Pachi) was given this Arabica coffee bean cultivation by the "Tropical Agricultural Research and Teaching Center" Centro Agron ó mico Tropical de Investigaci ó n y Ense ñ anza (CATIE). After 40 years of research and development, it gradually gave birth to a graceful champion coffee. The beans are round and fruity in the citric acid: aromas of papaya, peach and pineapple, which Chiriqu í residents call geisha coffee (Geisha). Today, Deli is the local aboriginal Gobi. The meticulous care and skillful craftsmanship of the Ngobe-Bugl é, who continue to make use of the rich soil concessions of Candela and Boquete, make Geisha coffee the world's leading coffee. The elegant aromas of coffee beans are very diverse: citrus, walnut, tender ginger, mulberry, mango, almond, guava, cinnamon … Bursts of pungent fragrance. The name of a geisha has spread like wildfire, because Panamanian coffee farmers sell it to the Japanese emperor Emperor Akihito for more than $1000 a kilogram, so the class of geisha coffee is not low at all. According to Panamanians, it is "emperor coffee" and is famous in Japan.

It is said that there is a strategy and mechanism for business operation to praise a product to heaven. Nowadays, geisha coffee stands tall and upright-it should be said that it is in the ascendant and is about to compete in the Central Plains and occupy the market. Classic coffee or established coffee will also be ready to "prove / correct the name". As a result, as soon as it is said that Geisha is not named by the residents of Chiriqu í in Panama, it is the name of a township in Ethiopia, the hometown of "Geisha", which has existed since the 1930s. Why is it so late / famous after hype that the "identity card" has become Panama? This is a debate about the evolution and performance process that is difficult to answer and seems to need no answer. For example, when "Magic realism" in Latin America became a blockbuster because of Marquis's "one hundred years of Solitude", many people came out to say that "Magic reality" already existed in Greek and Roman mythology. or this narrative skill and style has long been found in other foreign literary works. Or, more obviously, why didn't the world go on a pilgrimage until 1992 when the Cathedral of Gaudi and his other architectural works had been in Barcelona for decades?

In the coffee market, when geisha coffee was surging, we also had a 4000-pound cup of coffee at the University of Tsukuba in 2016. Japanese friends said it was an analogy to the Panamanian geisha grade, because they were already familiar with geisha coffee (Emperor Coffee). So we often use geisha analogies to make sense. This time, this coffee is a joint product of the University of Tsukuba and the University of S ã o Paulo. It tastes like pure water. A delicate cup of 4000 taels costs about NT $1200, which is comparable to 1500 yuan for a handful of coffee in Hong Kong. Moreover, their 4000 bars are not in short supply at any time, and they do not need to rely on the "hunger strategy" of limiting five cups a day to tempt consumers.

This year, I drank the second cup of 4000 kilos of coffee, with a limited amount of one person and a biscuit with two school logo. * * this cup of 4000 kilos of coffee immediately surpassed this priceless treasure that is not for sale, and could not be collected. I had to taste it in order to feel its value. Therefore, think again, the treasure of a geisha, the price of a geisha is not in the price, but in its value.

I recall that when students carry luggage all the way back to a geisha, is it a unit price of NT $1500 or NT $4000?