Coffee review

Characteristics of shallow baking flavor of suntanned pearls in Costa Rican Coffee La Lajas Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Costa Rica Las Lajas Perla Negra Natura La Lajas Manor in Costa Rica. JAS, USDA, NOP Organic certified production resume: country: Costa Rica (Costa Rica) Origin: central Valley (Central Valley) Variety: Catur

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Costa Rica Las Lajas Perla Negra Natura

The black pearls of La Lajas Manor in Costa Rica are in the shallow sun.

JAS, USDA, NOP organic certification

Production resume:

Country: Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Origin: central Valley (Central Valley)

Varieties: Caturra, Catuai

Altitude: 1300-1500 m

Treatment method: solarization treatment

Baking degree: shallow to medium

Flavor description: ripe fruit / tropical fruit / peach / berry / cocoa

The editor's experience:

La Lajas Manor is a very stable quality, and the price is reasonable with a conscience manor, drink this texture is really profitable, so the editor likes to push this one, if you do not know what is good texture, this bean is a good choice.

Although La Lajas Manor is located in Costa Rica, which is traditionally dominated by water washing, their home is characterized by exquisite sun treatment. The two most famous are black pearls and black souls, which attach importance to fruity notes and sweetness and taste. But to tell you the truth, black pearls are more refined, with both layers and texture.

The characteristics of the Central and South American sun are very distinct, so do not steam too much, about 20-30 seconds is the most balanced aroma and fruit acid, refreshing wine tonality with very full sweetness and thick but dense body, the consistency is very good, the extraction difficulty of a bean is very low.

Low acidity of plum acid, but because of the high sweetness, fruit acid is just embellishment, afraid of acid to choose him, the aftertaste of cocoa.

In addition, because of the distinct characteristics of sun fermentation, this bean is very delicious to make iced coffee (ice drop / cold bubble / ice shrink). After putting it in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours, the wine will be more sour, just like high-quality sweet plum wine, fascinating.