Coffee review

What is white mocha coffee? How? The difference between white mocha and mocha lies in chocolate?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand mocha and Italian mocha the difference between mocha coffee flavor and characteristics of white mocha White Mocha sweet but not greasy white chocolate, into the full-scented Italian coffee and fragrant fresh milk, the cup mouth is squeezed with fine whipped cream and covered with snow-white chocolate chips, taste

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

The difference between hand-brewed mocha and Italian mocha mocha coffee flavor and characteristics

White Mocha

Sweet but not greasy white chocolate, blended with the aroma of Italian coffee and fragrant fresh milk, cup squeezed with fine cream and then covered with white chocolate chips, smooth taste!

Raw materials:

Espresso 1 scoop, white chocolate syrup 1oz, steamed milk 3oz, whipped cream


Stir the white chocolate into the espresso. Stir in the white chocolate at the bottom of the glass with a bar spoon, add steamed milk and stir in the whipped cream. Garnish with chocolate syrup or chocolate powder.

mocha coffee

Mocha coffee (also known as mocha or mocha, English is Café Mocha, meaning chocolate coffee) is a variant of Italian latte (Café Latté). Like a classic latte, it's usually one-third Caffè espresso and two-thirds milk foam, but with a dash of chocolate. Chocolate is usually added in the form of chocolate syrup, but some coffee distribution systems substitute instant chocolate powder. Sometimes whipped cream, cocoa powder, and marshmallows are added to enhance coffee flavor and garnish.

Unlike Cappuccino, mocha coffee is topped with no fresh milk foam. Instead, mocha coffee is usually topped with some whipped cream and either cinnamon or cocoa powder. It is also possible to add marshmallow powder to the surface as a decoration and to add flavor.

A variant of mocha is White Café Mocha, which uses white chocolate instead of milk and dark chocolate. In addition to white mocha coffee, there are also varieties that mix two chocolate syrups, sometimes referred to as Zebras and sometimes comically as Tuxedo Mocha.

In some parts of Europe and the Middle East, the term Moccaccino is used to describe Italian lattes with cocoa or chocolate. Mochaccino in the United States refers to Italian cappuccino with chocolate added.

The name mocha coffee originated from the Red Sea seaside town of mocha in Yemen. The region monopolized coffee exports in the 15th century, particularly affecting coffee exports to the Arabian Peninsula.

Mocha is also a "chocolate-colored" coffee bean (mocha from Yemen), which conjures up the association of coffee mixed with chocolate and led to the development of chocolate espresso drinks. In Europe,"mocha coffee" may refer to either the drink or simply coffee brewed from mocha beans.


* Hot mocha-added directly to the glass

1. Chocolate sauce 1 oz +30 c.c. espresso, stir well

2. Hot milk bubble 8 minutes full + cream squeeze + chocolate sauce + chocolate powder + chocolate chips

* Iced mocha-to be added separately

1. 1 oz. chocolate sauce +30 c.c. espresso in container, stir well

2. Fill glass with ice + chocolate and coffee in step 1

3. Ice milk bubble 8 minutes full + cream squeeze + chocolate sauce + chocolate powder + chocolate chips

Step 1 [Chocolate sauce 1 ounce can be increased or decreased according to personal preference; be sure to mix the chocolate sauce and Espresso evenly first, otherwise it will be chocolate when drinking, and the bottom will not be evenly mixed, and the taste will be different]

Step 2 [To see the size of the cup add the right amount of milk, usually filled with 8 minutes, but your cup can not be too big exaggeration, otherwise there will be no coffee flavor, are milk; chocolate sauce + chocolate powder + chocolate chips are only decorative can be added to personal preferences, but I usually add all, because this is more rich; Some stores don't add whipped cream, just decorate with milk foam and chocolate sauce. There are all kinds of pictures. See which way you like better. You can refer to it.]

Brewing method: espresso machine

Ingredients: coffee 100cc--120cc, chocolate sauce, whipped cream

Practice: 1. Pour the brewed coffee into the cup.

2. Squeeze whipped cream along the rim of the glass and drizzle with chocolate sauce.

So the chocolate flavor of mocha is extra yo!!!

Caffè Mocha and White Chocolate Mocha

Didn't expect that! The calories in this combination are more impressive than any other sugary frappuccino, and probably the meatiest of all regular drinks.

In fact, it can be seen from the raw materials. Mocha is a combination of coffee, chocolate sauce, milk, and cream, while white mocha is a replacement of mocha chocolate sauce with a sweeter, higher-calorie white chocolate sauce.

If made with whole milk, a Grande (large cup, 454 ml) mocha has 370 calories, while white mocha has 520 calories, the highest of all beverages.