Coffee review

Coffee pattern embossing shaking teaching reverse embossing pattern work demonstration: Saint

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee pattern analysis of how to avoid pattern deviation? Drawing Tip reverse embossed pattern drawing demonstration: Saint first completes the first part of the figure by slowly swinging, and then makes a simple leaf swing combined with the cup turning technique and quickly completes the last one.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Analysis of the steps of coffee flower drawing how to avoid the pattern deviation? Tips for flower drawing

Reverse embossed pattern drawing demonstration: Saint

First complete the first part of the figure with a slow swing.

And then make a simple leaf swing.

Combine the cup turning technique and quickly complete the last leaf.

Slowly swing the steel cup to the bottom.

It can make the figure more stable and not easy to drift.

Speed up after the bottom is finished.

It can make the whole picture more bright and dark, ♥.


1. The coffee cup tilts slightly and the fresh milk that has been whipped into the espresso is injected into the espresso to blend with the fresh milk.

In order to fully integrate fresh milk and coffee, tips can rotate the coffee cup and flower-drawn steel cup while injecting fresh milk.

two。 When the fresh milk is filled with about five or six minutes, you can start drawing.

3. Slowly swing the steel cup from side to side and pour in the fresh milk to produce white ripples in the coffee.

4. When swinging the steel cup left and right, lift the steel cup slightly to complete the bottom of the flower.

5. Shake the steel cup left and right, lift the steel cup slightly to end.

6. The coffee cup is 180 centimeters long, and the position of the flowers and leaves should be more accurate in order to make the overall shape better and perfect. In the middle of the bottom of the flower, inject the milk column.

7. Shake the steel cup from side to side and pull back.

8. When the milk column is close to the edge of the coffee cup, lift the steel cup slightly and pull it forward to the edge of the figure, then lift the steel cup to the end.
