Coffee review

What's the difference between individual coffee and mixed coffee? Does a single cup of coffee have to be better?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). Today, when you go into a boutique coffee shop and look through the coffee options offered, it is not difficult to find two major categories of individual coffee and blended coffee. What is the difference between the two? A single item is a single item. More and more boutique coffee shops offer single item (Single Ori).

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

. Nowadays, when you go into a boutique coffee shop and look through the coffee options offered, it is not difficult to find two major categories-single coffee and blended coffee. What is the difference between the two?

A single item is a single item.

More and more boutique coffee shops offer Single Origin coffee, which is actually relative to Blended Coffee. To put it simply, a single product can be a single coffee producing country, a single producing area, or even a single manor.

According to SCAE, the most important thing about the emergence of individual products is to trace the source (Traceability), so that coffee lovers know that this kind of high-quality coffee comes from the unique manor, and the taste represents the origin, producing area, and bean species. It is precisely because of the third wave of coffee, pay attention to the pursuit of coffee knowledge, such as brewing methods, flavor, etc., making individual coffee more popular.

The blended coffee is complementary.

Blended coffee is made by roasters or baristas who mix beans from different places to produce a more balanced taste. For example, if one kind of coffee bean is slippery but lacks aroma, another kind of rich aroma bean can be added to combine the advantages of individual coffee beans. Sometimes the beans are mixed and then baked, and sometimes the coffee beans are mixed after baking.

Matching is both a technology and an art, with the style of a baker or barista. Blended coffee is often used for espresso such as Espresso, Americano, Latte or Cappuccino. After blending, the taste of coffee is more balanced, more palatable and more stable, so it can be said that the taste is more popular.

Individual coffee tastes better?

Drink a single cup of coffee in order to get the true taste of the coffee, so there is no sugar or milk. Some roasters point out that if you use an Italian coffee machine to brew individual coffee beans into a single product concentrate (Single Origin Espresso), under high pressure, various characteristics of coffee, such as acidity, sweetness, and bitterness, will be magnified, and not everyone can accept it. Therefore, it is not necessarily better to drink coffee alone. If you cook it by hand, AeroPress, etc., the sharpness is much lower than that of a single product, and it is more acceptable. In addition, with light or medium roasting, the coffee taste is more acceptable, of course, you can also try to add dilute water to the high concentration of single coffee.

Tasting high-quality coffee is no different from tasting red wine, which is knowledgeable and profound, but it is also the interest of challenging taste buds. I hope you can learn to taste and like the fine coffee.

