Coffee review

How do you eat roasted coffee beans? Can roasted coffee beans be eaten directly?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the brewing method of coffee powder in coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the brewing method of coffee beans after grinding excuse me coffee beans (roasted) can be eaten often (not to drink, I am not interested in drinking)? I seem to be infatuated lately. But it is said that it is not easy to digest. My experience is that I have eaten coffee beans.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The brewing method of coffee powder the cooking method of coffee beans after grinding

Excuse me, can coffee beans (roasted) be eaten often (not for drinking, and I'm not interested in drinking)? I seem to be infatuated lately. But it is said that it is not easy to digest.

My experience is that there is no problem with my health after eating coffee beans. I also like to eat coffee beans directly. I usually go to coffee bean stores to buy coffee beans that have just been roasted (not in supermarkets or stores), then pack them into vials, seal the rest and put them in the refrigerator. I will eat a few when I am free, and I will eat them every day. It has been two years, and there is no bad situation at present. What if I feel weird and uncomfortable if I don't eat all day?

According to my own experience, there is no so-called indigestion!

Because each oven will contain a taste in the mouth, so over time, individuals also have this habit.

In principle, chewing coffee beans directly can test the freshness of coffee beans. The more fresh and fragrant coffee beans are in subtropical Taiwan, the taste is crisp, and the bite has an obvious sound, which is a bit like biting "shrimp first." if the beans are damp or not fresh, the taste will be detected immediately.

When you bite, you have to bite into pieces and then swallow it into the esophagus, and soon after that, all the charm of the coffee is fully revealed! The feeling of a coffee bean in the mouth is equivalent to the feeling of drinking half a cup of coffee, and we often have to test the taste of different kinds of coffee, people with such experience can experience the different flavor of each kind of beans! Grind and add steamed buns, change into coffee buns, add biscuits into coffee biscuits, put in appropriate coffee powder, add soup to boil chicken soup, and turn into coffee chicken. I hear it tastes very delicious.
