Coffee review

Is Blue Mountain Coffee bitter? is lims Blue Mountain Coffee good? why does Blue Mountain Coffee have to place an order before it is roasted?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Mavis Bank Blue Mountain NO.1, the authentic Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica has mellow, mellow, rich, rich, moderate and perfect sour taste, three tastes (sweet, sour, bitter) excellent blending, can make the taste sense more sensitive, taste its unique

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Mavis Bank Blue Mountain NO.1, Authentic Jamaica's Official Blue Mountain Coffee Region

Blue Mountain Coffee has a mellow, rich taste, rich, moderate and perfect acidity, three flavors (sweet, sour, bitter) excellent blend, can make the taste sense more sensitive, taste its unique taste, is the best coffee.

The world-famous Blue Mountain Coffee is produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The Blue Mountains are located to the east of Jamaica. The mountain has such a beautiful name because there was once a British soldier, came to Jamaica Island, saw the peak shrouded in blue light, he shouted: Look! Blue Mountains! It was named Blue Mountain. In fact, Jamaica is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On a clear day, the sun shines on the sea, and the mountains outside the ring are shrouded in a faint blue atmosphere due to the refraction of the blue water.

Most of the Blue Mountains are more than 1800 meters above sea level, and their highest peak is 2256 meters above sea level. It is also the highest peak in the Caribbean Sea and a famous tourist attraction. Blue Mountain Coffee's unique flavor is related to its unique geographical location and climatic conditions.

Blue Mountain is located in the coffee belt between 25 degrees north latitude and 25 degrees south latitude, with fertile new volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, rainy all year round, and most importantly, every afternoon, clouds cover the entire mountain top, not only for coffee trees shade, but also can bring abundant moisture, so that Blue Mountain coffee taste and aroma outstanding.

Coffee in the store, cooked beans, purchased, roasted

Why order after roasting, order after roasting can ensure that the coffee beans reach your hand is the beginning of the best drinking period of coffee beans; coffee beans and red wine, all need to be raised the same, wake up to get the best taste. Coffee beans generally grow for 3-5 days, and it usually takes 2-4 days to mail them to you after roasting.

Coffee roasting is a bit similar to cooking, understanding of raw materials, familiarity with tools, control of heat; coffee is the same, to understand the characteristics of beans, to understand the characteristics of the roaster, to understand when the beans dehydration end, when heating into a burst, into the second explosion is to add fire or reduce fire…also have to pay attention to the weather temperature…anyway, all kinds of factors need to be familiar with understanding, these aspects affect the quality of coffee roasting. On the road of roasting, we will always strive to ensure the stability of coffee roasting!