Coffee review

"Flat white" origin, the difference between Freibai and mellow Yibai? How to order a good fragrant white?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is the difference between Starbucks Fragrance White and Costa Alcohol White? Isn't it all Flat White? Starbucks launched a new product coffee fragrance white red all over the street, but COSTA officials say they have always had the same kind of coffee: mellow white. This one is a little different from the latte.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What's the difference between Starbucks Fragrance White and Costa Alcohol White? Isn't it all Flat White?

Starbucks launched a new product coffee fragrance white red all over the street, but COSTA officials say they have always had the same kind of coffee: mellow white. The same coffee variety, Flat white, which is slightly different from the latte, has even sparked a "small white coffee dispute" between Australia and New Zealand, while the latter has long been quietly on the shelves in China. In terms of price, there are still three kinds of cup choices, while mellow white is relatively simple. So which taste do you like better, Fu Rui Bai or mellow Art Bai with the same name?

Starbuck Frappy White

Starbucks launched its new product in September 2015. The espresso made by hand-made Arabica beans is mixed with milk. It is characterized by the finer taste of milk foam and the origin of flower drawing. The price is 33 yuan for medium cup, 36 yuan for large cup and 39 yuan for super cup.

COSTA mellow white

COSTA launched its coffee product in March 2014. Made with espresso and milk, it is characterized by a more silky taste and a heart-shaped pattern. The price is 31 yuan.

Unless you work in specialty coffee, or come from New Zealand or Australia, or have worked in New Zealand or Australia-I bet you never heard of flat white a few years ago.

But, of course, Starbucks began to offer services. As Derek Derek Thompson tweeted, "in a small coffee shop in the East Village, everyone is clicking on a plain Starbucks effect.

He's right. Although our friend Down Down has been drinking white wine for years, it asks us to pay attention to the actions of the global coffee giant. Look at the recent peak of "plain" search.

But in fact, consumers are so confused by the mundane facts of the world that Starbucks has to change their messages to teach them to drink. Over the past few years, I have enjoyed some mediocre whites in Australia and overseas, but even in the coffee world, there is some confusion about what exactly they are. Sprudge, a professional coffee website, even launched a poll to understand the scientific bottom line of the problem.

I think the best way to find a white, why all the opposition likes them very much, is to talk to the people who know them best: coffee lovers from Australia and coffee lovers from New Zealand.

Starbucks is plain white.

(photo source: FieryDragonLord under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Where did the flat white come from?

There is still a lot of controversy about whether Pingbai originated in Australia or New Zealand, but Al Keating from the New Zealand Coffee executive is convinced that I am a New Zealander. "the flat white creator is well known in New Zealand, with the exception of Derek Townsend, who is said to be able to produce more than 150 white wines in an hour with three pots of milk in one hand," Keating said. There is no doubt that his first cafe was called "Cafe Xtreme".

If I like people from New Zealand and Australia, besides their good coffee, another reason is their sense of humor.

What's the difference between a flat white and a latte?

A flat white with steamed milk and espresso-isn't that a latte? Yes? No? A little bit? According to Eileen P. Kenny, the difference between a flat white and a latte has a lot to do with foam. She is a barista, coffee writer and creator of Special Birds of Life (Birds of Unusual Vitality), a publication on specialty coffee. She broke the amazing difference between us:

"normally, in the world of specialty coffee, flat white coffee has fewer microbubbles than lattes and is usually smaller, but it is still creamy in the same amount of coffee," Kenny said.

Another difference is that a latte is usually used for a cup-although this is different from coffee shops and cafes-while flat-bottomed spirits are made of ceramics, which are usually smaller than cappuccino coffee, but this place is also different.

How popular are white civilians in Australia and New Zealand?

I asked Kenny and Keating to rank white at the coffee ordering level. Keating said that for him, the first position is always flat, while the latte is second. Kenny says that in her experience in Australia, flat whites and lattes are roughly the same-both at the top of the list.

However, she points out that she believes that "people usually replace a latte with a flat white because they think it's a less picky drink. In fact, it's almost the same thing."

(photo source: Evan Goldberg)

Why are all these Antipodeans so excited about milk coffee drinks?

If you go to a coffee shop owned by Australians or New Zealanders abroad, you will definitely find a flat white on the menu. I can't calculate the number of Australians I met on the trip. "this place serves a great flat white!" As a benchmark for ranking a good cafe. So what is the pumpkin-flavored latte in the southern hemisphere?

"I think part of the enthusiasm for single whites comes from some strange patriotism: Australians already see beverage ownership as unique, like Lamington or Pavlova, regardless of whether the origin is really Australian or not," Kenny said.

Keating pointed out an interesting thing about coffee in New Zealand: "people who order coffee & # 39; just coffee & # 39; almost always get a flat white."

Maybe it's as simple as a drink to remind them to go home.

Who drinks flat white?

Now, we can easily get into the medium-featured coffee discussion.

"Coffee purists, enthusiasts and people with well-groomed beards and soft hands may argue that milk can pollute or dirty coffee and disrespect the tireless efforts of producers and roasters, but this may be another story," Keating said.

Please rest assured that flat whites are welcome because they are likable. Keating summed it up and told me who was drinking white wine:

Everyone you know: the woman next to you on the bus, in the Blaine Hall with accounts payable, your mother (though it's milk), even the barista in your second favorite cafe, the barista in your favorite cafe, trim your beard.
