Coffee review

What is mocha coffee? What is latte? So, what's Motie, you know?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Take a sip and stir again! Mocha coffee is the correct way to drink mocha the correct way to illustrate hello everyone!! Xiaobian today to explain to you about the popular science knowledge in culture Today's knowledge theme is: What does Mo Tie mean? What is mocha coffee? which teaches

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Take a sip and stir! The right way to drink mocha Coffee

Hello, everyone! Today, the editor is here to explain to you the knowledge of popular science in culture.

Today's theme of knowledge is: what does the railway mean? What is mocha coffee?

The focus of this teaching is on these points [iron grinding, mocha, latte]

I hope you can understand the essence of picture revision from these points.

The beginning of this article

Is it probably the name of a kind of coffee? Some people think of coffee when they look at the railway, but in fact, there is no such coffee. We do have mocha and latte. So, what does the rail mean? Although there is no mocha coffee, what is mocha coffee? What's a latte? Why does the editor of the net answer Motie for you? what does it mean? What is mocha coffee?

What do you mean by rail?

What do you mean by rail? What is mocha coffee?

The railway comes from the pronunciation of motel in English and is a combination of motor and hotel, that is, motel. Motel first sprang up in the United States, the original text from the English motel, is the abbreviation of motorhotel (mobile hotel). The biggest difference between it and the general hotel is that the parking space is connected to the room, the first floor is used as a garage, the second floor is a room, and a single family is a typical room design of a motel. In the United States, with self-driving travel across states and provinces, motels have developed into a "post-station" supporting industry with tens of thousands of hotels. However, because its location is lower than that of the hotel, and the accommodation price is only half that of the hotel, about $30 or $40 a night, so the guests include three education and nine classes.

However, after landing in Taiwan, motels have become an anomaly, which is very different from American motels and has become synonymous with the high quality of life of Taiwanese. Occasionally escaping from the familiar bed at home and spending a fresh and romantic night in a motel has become a new way of life for Taiwanese. Not only did the motel evolve greatly after it entered Taiwan, humorous Taiwanese also gave it a localized name with the transliteration of motel: Motie. "Italian coffee with milk latte (latte), delicious, car plus hotel motel, fun." This is a phrase often spoken by young people in Taiwan nowadays.

The MRT was first introduced to Taiwan by an overseas Chinese surnamed Wang who returned to the United States in 1970. he built a motel called Zhibaiyuan in the five-phase rezoning area of Tainan City.

What is mocha coffee?

What do you mean by rail? What is mocha coffee?

Mocha coffee (also known as mocha or mocha, also translated as Arabian premium coffee, English cafe Mocha, meaning chocolate coffee) is a variant of Italian latte (Cafe Latt é). Like the classic Italian latte, it is usually made of 1/3 Caff è Espresso and 2/3 foam, but it is also mixed with a small amount of chocolate. Chocolate is usually added in the form of chocolate syrup, but some coffee selling systems are replaced by instant chocolate powder.

Sometimes, whipped cream, cocoa powder, and cotton candy are added to add to the aroma of coffee and as a decoration. Unlike the Italian Cappuccino, there is no milk foam on the mocha. Instead, mocha coffee is usually topped with cream and cinnamon or cocoa powder. It is also possible to add sunflower honey powder to the surface as a decoration and add flavor.

What's a latte?

What do you mean by rail? What is mocha coffee?

Latte is a classic blend of Italian espresso (Espresso) and milk. Italians also like lattes as breakfast drinks. In the Italian kitchen in the morning, coffee and milk are usually brewed on the sunlit stove. Italians who drink lattes like milk rather than espresso, and only Espresso can bring unforgettable taste to ordinary milk.

Latte is the transliteration of Italian "Latte". Latte (CoffeeLatte) is a kind of fancy coffee and the ultimate blend of coffee and milk. The Italian latte is plain milk and coffee, while the American latte replaces part of the milk with milk foam. Most of the local lattes are like this. The famous phrase "I'm not in the cafe, I'm on my way to the cafe" was said by a musician in Vienna. The air of Vienna is always filled with the smell of music and Latte coffee.

The difference between hand mocha and Italian mocha the flavor and characteristics of mocha coffee