Coffee review

The origin story of BIALETTI mocha coffee pot can also make fancy mocha coffee!

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) take a sip and then stir! The right way to drink mocha BIALETTI was founded in 1933. Its founder, BIALETTI ALFONSO, went through countless experiments and finally used aluminum to make the world's first one through steam pressure.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Take a sip and stir! The right way to drink mocha Coffee

BIALETTI was founded in 1933. Its founder, BIALETTI ALFONSO, has been tested countless times.

Finally, aluminum was used to make the first domestic coffee pot in the world that extracted coffee by steam pressure.

Its full name is "Italian steam pressure coffee pot" referred to as MOKA pot (mocha pot).

The classic shape of star anise was awarded as the design prize by the international design competition in 1957.

Because it uses the name of the coffee maker in MOCCA, the largest exporter of coffee in South America, in the years to come

Regardless of the material used, coffee pots of all shapes in which steam pressure is used to extract coffee are collectively referred to as mocha pots.

According to the statistics of Nielsen in 1998, the brand recognition rate of BIALETTI was 95%.

Nine out of every ten Italian families use Biloti's products.

In the original Italian text, Espresso means to be quick and fast, meaning "specially made for you".

Italian espresso Espresso is one of the most popular flavors today. Source: the vast online world

The first time I came into contact with the mocha pot was thanks to the return of points from my family. In fact, vi bought a small volunteer coffee machine many years ago.

The flavor of the coffee brewed by the coffee machine is incomparable to that of instant coffee.

But with a home-style coffee machine, it's okay to make coffee, but this dozen of foam makes people shake their heads.

Because of the lack of steam impulse, after hitting a steel cup of milk foam, the coffee became cold, and it was mercilessly treated by vi several times.

Although the smell of coffee brewed from this mocha pot is not as mellow as that from a professional coffee machine.

But the price is close to the people, the convenience is high, and the operation is quite simple.

First of all, put the Espresso coffee powder on the filter and pat the filter with your hand to reduce the gap between the coffee powder. (do not apply force to fill)

Put the filter containing the coffee powder back into the next pot, lock the upper and lower pot tightly, and you can start making coffee! (the upper and lower pots must be locked.)

During the waiting time, you can warm the coffee mug. In addition, prepare a cup of milk and put it in the microwave oven.

This is the first time to foam in this way, which is easier and faster than expected. (pour the hot milk into the bubble cup and pull it up and down.)

However, due to the lack of know-how at that time, the milk foam was not dense enough, but this feeling was very French.

Now, of course, I know how to use it, but I still can't pull any tricks-- > "