Coffee review

What's the difference between fancy coffee and individual coffee? How to make fancy coffee with Italian concentrate?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) brew coffee tips how to brew coffee powder into coffee? Can coffee powder make fancy coffee? we can often see individual coffee, fancy coffee, or even mixed coffee, many people may be confused, so, what does this mean? Today is small.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Tips for making coffee how can coffee powder be made into coffee? Can coffee powder be made into fancy coffee?

We can often see individual coffee, fancy coffee, or even mixed coffee, and many people may be confused, so what exactly does this mean?

Today, the editor will explain the differences between these coffees in detail. If you see the name of an European country on the coffee list, such as Italy, Vienna, Ireland, etc., it is not individual coffee. Because coffee is not produced in continental Europe. These are the category of fancy coffee.


Italian espresso, which Americans call "Espresso", is a kind of coffee that is extracted quickly through coffee powder by high-pressure water vapor. How to taste espresso? Look at the color, uniformity, thickness and extension of crema; smell aroma, caramel, nut, chocolate, etc.; taste the sweetness, acidity, mellowness and finish of coffee, especially pay attention to the concentrated "bitter sweet" taste of Italian style

[fancy coffee]

The so-called "fancy coffee" refers to coffee in which various seasonings are added according to different proportions on the basis of espresso, such as milk, cream, chocolate, ice cream, all kinds of wine, fruit juices and so on. It can be compared to a coffee symphony. Such as cappuccino, latte, mocha, Viennese coffee, Irish coffee, etc.; generally, the relative taste can be accepted by most people in the country, especially those who are just beginning to drink coffee. For example, cappuccino coffee is made according to the proportion of 1/3 coffee, 1/3 milk and 1/3 milk foam. Fancy coffee in addition to the Italian espresso capacity is very small, only about 30ml-60ml, the other coffee capacity between 120ml-300ml.

Espresso is often used as the basis for coffee drinks mixed with other ingredients (such as milk or cocoa) (that is, fancy coffee), such as lattes, cappuccinos, macchiato and mocha coffee.

Why is espresso more suitable for mixing with other substances called fancy coffee?

That's because espresso has a thicker texture than water-drop coffee and contains more dissolved matter per unit volume than water-drop coffee; usually the supply is calculated in terms of "shot". Espresso is chemically complex and changeable, many of which decompose due to oxidation or a drop in temperature. A feature of properly brewed espresso is the presence of coffee fat (crema), a reddish-brown foam that floats on the surface of espresso. It consists of vegetable oils, proteins and sugars. Coffee fat has a combination of emulsion and foam colloid, so it is not surprising that it is easier to combine with ingredients such as milk, which are commonly used in fancy coffee.

Latte (latte)

It means "milk" in Italian, so ordering a latte in Italy will only give you a cup of milk, not coffee. Some cafes in China also have flavored lattes, such as matcha lattes and purple potato lattes. Remember, they don't contain coffee.

Campbell Blue (Espreesso Con Panna)

Espresso is Italian condensed, Con means "and" in Italian, and Panna means whipped cream. As the name implies, Campbell Blue is "Italian concentrated and whipped cream", which is a good choice for ladies who like cream and want to experience the taste of strong coffee.

Maggiadoto (Espresso Macchiato)

Macchiato in Italian means "imprint, imprint". Add 2 tablespoons of milk foam to Italian concentrate, which combines dense and delicate foam with concentrated, strong coffee flavor and strong foam flavor, colliding with your taste buds Most people can't stand the taste, so Starbucks improved it, increasing the amount of coffee from 30ML to hundreds of ML and adding caramel to caramel macchiato, or "sweet brand".

Avjiado (Affogato)

The Italian word for "inundation" means to pour concentrate on an ice cream ball and drown it. It is not only visually attractive, but also a delicious coffee that is popular with ladies in summer.

Coffee é au lait (Ole Coffee)

French latte, French (Caf é au lait) means coffee with a lot of milk.

The difference between Oulei coffee and latte (Italian) is that it requires milk and espresso to be poured into the cup, or more accurately, into a large round bowl above 300ml. Coffee and milk meet immediately, reflecting the feeling of comfort and freedom. In France, this kind of coffee, which is filled with a lot of milk, is a good companion for breakfast, and it is perfect to match it with Kochong bread.

Flat White

It has not been decided whether it was invented in Australia or New Zealand. It has just been translated as "Xiaobai", "Pingbai" and "Australian White" in China. After it was introduced into China by Starbucks, it was translated as "fragrant White". Compared with the ordinary latte, its foam is thinner, the foam is more delicate and smooth, and the coffee tastes heavier.

Piccolo Latte (Piccolo)

The cup used to extract espresso from 20ml or so is about 100ml. The cup used in Flat White extraction of espresso about 30ml is about 175ml. Latte extract 30ml espresso, the cup is about 225ml (usually not more than).

Vienna Coffee (Einspanner)

The difference with Herbalife blue is that it contains more liquid coffee, which is concentrated with hot water and a small amount of sugar; it is called Viennese coffee in China, but when you go to a cafe in Vienna, you can't find Viennese coffee. Looking up a lot of data, you find that the closest thing is "driver coffee", which is a story about a coachman, and Einspanner means "one-headed carriage" in German.

American coffee (American Coffee / Americano): espresso with lots of hot water. Softer than regular espresso.

Irish coffee (Irish Coffee): add whiskey to the coffee and put cream on top.

Vietnamese coffee (Vietnamese Coffee): put the minced coffee in a special metal bubble filter, pour it into boiling water and let the coffee drop into the cup; when the coffee is finished, add sugar or condensed milk to everyone's taste and stir it up. In Vietnam, there are two kinds of drinks: cold drink and hot drink. Hot coffee, which people drink mainly in winter, is made by putting the cup in another small bowl with hot water to keep warm. Cold drink coffee is mostly drunk in hot summer, is coffee brewed and then added with ice.

Yuanyang (Yuanyang): coffee and milk tea, original in Hong Kong.

[individual coffee]

"single coffee" generally refers to a single style of coffee beans produced in a single country or producing area. It can be likened to a coffee solo. Such as the manor series of cafetown brand: Colombia, Medellin, Ethiopia, Yega Sheffield, Costa Rica, Fica, etc. This is a kind of pure coffee made from individual coffee beans, because each country or region has its own climate, soil and natural environment, so the coffee grown has its own characteristics. By tasting "individual coffee", you can understand the characteristics and flavor of coffee in a country or region.

Although single product and Italian concentration have different fancy methods, the taste of the single product itself is relatively thin, and the taste will be diluted after adding other substances, so it is less used to do fancy, and the strong flavor of Espresso is more suitable for mixing with other substances.

The term SOE, which stands for SIngle Origin espresso, translates to mean espresso in a single producing area.

[mix coffee]

Blended coffee refers to coffee beans that are relatively balanced by several types of coffee according to their own characteristics and taste, such as a coffee concerto. For example: Mamba matching, Blue Mountain matching, diamond matching and so on. Blended coffee is essential because all fancy coffee is made from blended coffee beans, while European coffee brands with a history of more than a century actually sell blended recipes.

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