Coffee review

Is there any sugar in Starbucks Fragrance White Coffee? Is the Flat Withe Australian white coffee good?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Frappy _ Starbucks Frappy _ FlatWhite Chinese name: Furei White English name: FlatWhite Raw material: espresso, Milk, Milk Price: ¥33


Does Starbucks' Flat White fragrant white coffee taste good? I believe everyone who has been to Starbucks is curious about this coffee. Different from the famous espresso such as American coffee, latte and cappuccino, Frieber's popularity in the third wave of coffee, people began to pursue the coffee flavor & the overall performance.

Compared to lattes and cappuccinos, Furey White Coffee pays more attention to the flavor of espresso in milk coffee, so it uses a higher concentration of concentrated coffee, also known as Ristretto essence espresso, with less milk.


In addition to fragrant white, Australian white coffee, Xiaobai coffee, mellow white coffee, Australian Ruibai white coffee and so on are all translated into Chinese for Flat White. As for Furebai's "birthplace", some people think that in Australia, others think that in New Zealand, because the two places have different ways of making Furebai, but the same thing is that both places make this kind of coffee in order to present a cup of hot milk coffee with strong coffee flavor and espresso flavor.

At present, there is no way to find out where the place of origin is. It only depends on whether the drinkers prefer the Australian approach, or the New Zealand approach. The Australian approach is to use a smaller glass and use a single espresso mixed with a small amount of beaten hot milk. The thickness of the milk bubble will be half thinner than the latte. New Zealand, on the other hand, uses a normal-sized glass and then uses a double espresso to mix the hot milk, which is also thinner.


We can see from the two methods that no matter which region, the milk foam used is thinner than the latte milk foam, because the Flat in Flat white means flat. Compared with cappuccino milk foam higher than the edge of the cup and latte to flush the edge of the cup, Froy white coffee is usually lower than the edge of the coffee cup.

Qianjie Coffee has also made two different kinds of fragrant white coffee according to the practice of the two factions. This time it uses 30% sun and 70% sunflower Shirley sunflower with coffee beans to extract espresso. Through the Qianjie cup test, this blend of coffee beans will show the aroma of fermented wine, sweet and sour berries, roasted nuts and sweet caramel.


The espresso beans of two concentrations are ground into very fine particles, packed into the powder bowl on the handle of the pressurized coffee machine, and then extracted under high pressure and rapid extraction under seal. Before making it, let's take a look at the difference between espresso and espresso.


Qianjie coffee will use ordinary espresso when it is produced every day. Coffee in a powder-to-liquid ratio of around 1:2 is usually extracted at a pressure of 9-10bar. In general, a single espresso will use 9-11g coffee powder, extract about 15-25g coffee liquid, double espresso will use 18-20g coffee powder, extract to eat 35-45g coffee liquid, the less coffee liquid extracted, the higher the coffee concentration.

Ristretto is actually espresso with a smaller percentage of extraction. Therefore, Qianjie Coffee will use the same degree of grinding and powder as espresso. The less coffee liquid is extracted, the higher the extraction time will be. Generally, the ratio of powder to liquid extracted is about 1VR 1.6. One thing to pay attention to! The strength of espresso does not mean that the coffee flavor is stronger, but the overall taste of the coffee liquid (sweet, sour and bitter). If it is too strong, it is easy to show a sharp / bitter taste, so in the process of making essence espresso, it is necessary to adjust the use of powder and the time of extraction.

In the Australian style, Qianjie Coffee uses a 100ml cup and adds a single espresso (18g) to blend hot milk with thin bubbles with coffee. Its flavor is full-bodied fermented wine, the acidity of berries produces obvious sweetness after hot milk is added, and the aftertaste is the sweetness of caramel chocolate.


According to the New Zealand pie, the 200ml cup of Qianjie Coffee is filled with double essence espresso (35g) to pour the hot milk with thin bubbles into the middle while the espresso is dispersed, which will have a gradual flavor. The first taste is the strong fermented aroma of espresso, the second is the fusion of espresso and milk to produce the flavor of Strawberry Milkshake, and the third is the baked nut flavor produced by the fusion of a small amount of coffee and milk.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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