Coffee review

Who is suitable for Indonesia's top gold Mantenin? Starbucks Sumatra Coffee Story

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Mantenin coffee flavor description of manning coffee country of origin: Indonesia Sumatra Indonesia: Republic of Indonesia referred to as Indonesia, made up of 17508 islands to become the world's largest archipelago country, the Indonesian archipelago equator runs through the whole territory

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The flavor of manning coffee describes how to drink manning coffee

Country of origin: Sumatra, Indonesia

Indonesia: the Republic of Indonesia is referred to as Indonesia, which is made up of 17508 islands to become the largest archipelago country in the world. The equator of the Indonesian archipelago runs through the whole territory between the Asian continent and Australia, and is the key point between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Indonesia is located in the junction zone of the Pacific plate, Eurasian plate and Indo-Australian plate, so Indonesia has many volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. There are at least 150 active volcanoes in the country, but the rich soil of volcanic ash contributes to agriculture and supports the high-density population of Java and Bali. Indonesia is located around the equator and has a tropical climate. Due to the monsoon, it is divided into dry and wet seasons. The annual rainfall of the flat land is 1780 Mel 3175 mm, while the mountain area can reach up to 6100 mm. The mountain area is the highest in Sumatra, West Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and western Papua. The humidity is generally quite high, averaging about 80%. The annual temperature difference is small, and the average daily temperature in Jakarta is between 26 and 30 ℃.

Sumatra: the island of Sumatra runs northwest-southeast and intersects the equator in the middle. It consists of two areas: the Barisan Mountains Mountains in the west and the marshes in the east. Sumatra faces southeast of Java across the Sunda Strait, opposite the Malay Peninsula across the Strait of Malacca to the north, bordering Borneo across the Strait of Karimata in the east and bordering the Indian Ocean on the west.

The "mantenin" coffee produced on the Indonesian island of "Sumatra" is also very popular with Taiwan consumers. According to the investigation, "mantenin" is actually the name of a local ethnic group in Sumatra, the "Mandaining mandheling people of Indonesia." Coffee has been grown in Sumatra, Indonesia since the 18th century, but it has not been noticed by the outside world. In the 1950s, Japanese soldiers stationed there accidentally drank coffee from local Sumatra and asked coffee vendors about the name of the coffee. The vendors mistakenly thought that Japanese soldiers asked "what nationality are you?" so they replied: Mandaining, Japanese soldiers were misheard as "Mantenin." After the war, the Japanese soldiers recalled the "manning" they had drunk in Indonesia. As a result, 15 tons of Indonesian coffee was transported to Japan, which was very popular. That's how Manning's name came out, and the coffee merchant is now the famous PWN Coffee Company.

Known as Mantenin mandheling, it is produced all over Lake Toba in northern Sumatra. The Japanese trading company was the first big customer to operate Mantening coffee. Japanese businessmen not only buy the coffee produced in Sumatra, but also refine the coffee in Sumatra. Sumatran manning, cultivated by Japan's delicate production management program, has a new name-"Golden Manning" made by the Japanese in Lake Toba. In order to ensure the quality of the products, "Golden Manning" is harvested by hand. Then with Japanese-style meticulous processing procedures to improve the quality of "Sumatra manning", so that "Sumatra manning" in addition to the general mantenin coffee should have a rich wild aroma, but also a Japanese elegant flavor. Top gold Mantenin coffee through the continuous debugging and efforts of the expert team, the achievement of a more round, mellow, thicker export feel of the finest "Sumatran Gold Manning". Mantenin belongs to deep-roasted coffee beans, with unique fragrance of herbs and trees, full-bodied, mellow, suitable sweet and bitter taste, almost no sour taste, is the best choice for tasting heavy coffee.

Flavor description: mellow and full-bodied, sweet and bitter, without acidity, but with thick sweet taste. Caramel-like special fragrance, mellow smell.

Sumatra Mantenin Sumatra Mandheling comes from the selected mantenin produced in the mountains around Lake Tawa in Aceh Special District of Indonesia and the Toba Lake District in Subei. its coffee beans are large in particles, hard in quality, and prone to defects in the process of planting. After three times of manual strict selection of defective beans, the flavor is more clean and odourless. The palate is clean, sour and soft, slightly muggy, thick and thick, with charming creamy aromas and a hint of bitterness, with a full finish.

Producing areas: Lake Tawa and Lake Toba (Indonesia Sumatra), Sumatra, Asia

Altitude: 1625m

Treatment: wet planing method

Baking: medium and deep baking

Flavor description: with obvious creamy and chocolate aromas, a little black sugar, caramel flavor, rich and mellow taste, long finish

Xiang ★★★★

Alcohol ★

Acid ★

Bitter ★★★

Gan ★★★★

Flavor characteristics of Indonesian Manning Coffee _ Golden Manning Coffee