Coffee review

Starbucks 5 kinds of common fancy coffee making tutorials want to drink fancy coffee 5 minutes to get it yourself!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Want to drink fancy coffee? 5 minutes to do it yourself! Starbucks offers coffee with a high powder content and no creamer or sugar, giving coffee drinkers more choices. In fact, drinking coffee can also be very creative. Let's take a look. A packet of coffee powder can change into something like

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Would you like fancy coffee? Do it yourself in 5 minutes!

Starbucks' coffee powder is high in content and free of cream and sugar, giving people who want to drink coffee more choices. In fact, drinking coffee can also be very creative, let's take a look at how a small packet of coffee powder can change into a variety of drinks.

Coffee soda


A packet of coffee powder

Sugar 4 tsp (16g)

1 cup of lemon soda (240 ml)

The right amount of ice


Pour the coffee powder and sugar into the cup, add some soda and stir until the coffee powder dissolves, then add ice, and finally pour in all the remaining soda, not too much to make sure the bubbles do not spill.

In addition, you can also choose different flavors of soda, such as ginger ale or SARS, to create different flavors.

Coffee smoothie


Low-fat vanilla frost yogurt 1 cup (210ml)

Ice-low-fat fresh milk 1 cup and 2 cups (120ml)

1 pack of coffee powder

1 banana

1 cup of ice cubes


Pour all ingredients into a blender and stir until milkshake is poured out. You can also add strawberries and other favorite fruit flavors.

Iced coffee


1 cup of cold water (240 ml)

1 pack of coffee powder

The right amount of saccharin

The right amount of ice


Pour boiling water into a cup, add coffee powder and saccharin and stir until melted. Add ice and saccharin.

In addition, fresh coffee and milk can also be made:

Pour 3 180ml cups of cold water and 1 60ml milk into a glass. Add coffee powder and saccharin. Stir until melted. Add ice.

Mocha malt milkshake


Iced milk 1pm 2 cups (120ml)

1 cup of chocolate ice cream (240ml)

Malt milk powder 2tsp (15ml)

1 pack of coffee powder


Add all the ingredients to the blender and pour out in the shape of a milk bubble.

Hot chocolate


Cocoa powder 2tsp (10g)

Sugar 2tsp (25g)

1 pack of coffee powder

1 cup of hot milk (240ml)


Pour cocoa, sugar and coffee powder into a mug, add hot milk and stir until melted.