Coffee review

The detailed practice of snow top coffee is better than KFC snow top coffee recipe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Introduction Simple and easy to make, delicious The scorching summer is coming, leisure time to drink a cup of such refreshing snow top coffee, relax and enjoy life! Ingredients Nestle alcohol coffee 1 pack, mineral water 1 cup, milk ice cream appropriate step 1, with mineral water

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Brief introduction

It is easy to make and delicious. The hot summer is coming, drink such a refreshing cup of snow-top coffee in your spare time, relax and enjoy life!

Raw material

1 packet of Nestle alcohol coffee, 1 cup of mineral water, right amount of milk ice cream


1, with mineral water or pure water, directly brew a bag of Nestle alcohol coffee; 2, scoop ice cream on the coffee.


Because Nestle alcohol coffee is very easy to brew, it can dissolve well even without hot water, so it is perfect for making this snow-top coffee. The ice cream melts slowly and blends with the coffee below, which is even more delicious.

In summer, KFC's Snow Top Coffee is my favorite. This is my first recipe in the kitchen. Of course, I have to write what I am good at. This raw material is very simple. I hope you will have porridge.

Use materials

2 bags of instant coffee

Iced milk 250ml

The right amount of ice

The right amount of ice cream

Beat KFC's Snow Top Coffee

Rinse instant coffee with boiling water to cool

Stir the iced milk into the brewed coffee.

Put in ice cubes

Put the ice cream on top.

If there was chocolate sauce to squeeze into the ice cream, I didn't omit this step.

Step 6 to open the Snow Top Coffee that beats KFC


Ice cubes and ice cream can be added according to your hobbies. If there is no ice cubes, put them in the freezer and wait for some ice stubble to make you feel better.

The taste is stronger than KFC's snow top coffee. If you like something light, you can add some cold white boiled coffee, and if you like dessert, you can add white sugar.

Any kind of coffee is fine. The two G7 bags I use taste just right.