Coffee review

Coffee shop menu illustration of coffee types no longer have to worry about not understanding the menu!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) every time I meet someone in a coffee shop, do you not understand the menu and do not know which one to order coffee? The following picture explains the difference between 12 kinds of coffee, which is shared with you: many people like to drink coffee, but their concept of coffee is not necessarily correct.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Every time you meet someone in a coffee shop, do you not understand the menu when you order coffee?

I don't know which one to want?

The following picture explains the difference between 12 kinds of coffee and shares it with you:

Many people like coffee, but their concept of coffee is not necessarily correct.

[new concept of coffee]

"have a cup of coffee" has become the most popular and common way of communication. Too many Westerners regard it as a part of daily life. In Taiwan, especially in recent years, coffee shops of all styles have sprung up on the streets of Taipei. It can be seen that coffee culture has been deeply rooted in the hearts of Taipei people.

The charm of coffee, so that many people miss it, in addition to tasting a good cup of coffee, but also add a lot of fun to life.

But you know what? Enjoy a cup of delicious coffee at the same time, but also have unexpected benefits to your health! The next time you taste it, you might as well have the following health awareness of coffee.

Anti-melancholy "

A small amount of coffee can lift one's spirits, feel happy, and relieve melancholy.

Control your weight. "

Caffeine can increase the rate at which the body consumes calories. A study shows that 100mg of caffeine (about 1 cup of coffee) can accelerate fat decomposition, increase the body's metabolic rate, increase the body's metabolic rate by 3% to 4, increase heat consumption, drink the right amount, and lose weight.

Promote digestion. "

Caffeine stimulates the sympathetic nerve and increases gastric juice secretion. If you drink it in the right amount after a meal, it will help digestion.

Diuresis. "

Coffee has a diuretic effect, which can increase the amount of urination, thus increasing the number of times to go to the toilet.

Improve constipation. "

Coffee can stimulate gastrointestinal hormone or peristaltic hormone, produce laxative effect, can be used as a rapid laxative.

Reduce the risk of bowel or rectal cancer. "

Coffee contains natural antioxidants.

To relieve the pain. "

When caffeine is used as a drug, it can enhance the effect of some painkillers. (can relieve migraine YaHui)

Enhance physical agility. "

Caffeine also helps to reduce the threshold of exercise, increase the agility of the body, and enable athletes to create better results.

Reduce the chance of getting gallstones. "

A new study from the Harvard school of public health found that people who drank three cups of coffee a day were 40% less likely to get gallstones than those who never drank them.

In addition, the tannic acid contained in coffee has the function of astringency, hemostasis and odor prevention.

The harm of Coffee to Health

Who should drink less coffee?

When the following conditions or diseases occur, you should drink less coffee

Developing children

During pregnancy

A woman who is breastfeeding

The elderly

Before fasting (or before meals)

Diarrhea sufferer

People with too much acid in their stomach

Patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer

People with intestinal allergy syndrome

A smoker

After drinking

People who are prone to insomnia

People with mental illness

People who are taking tranquilizers

Kidney patients whose potassium intake should be limited

The health knowledge of coffee. "

Medical research points out that the best time to drink coffee every day is:

From three to 05:00 in spring and winter, and from four to 06:00 in summer and autumn, because this is the most tired time for the human body.

In addition, in order to enjoy the delicious coffee healthily, we should also pay attention to the following:

1. Drink more than three cups of coffee a day (about 150cc per cup), that is, it is easy to cause addiction and palpitation, which is harmful to health.

two。 Drinking coffee in the morning does help to clear your head and refresh yourself, but you must eat breakfast before you drink it, otherwise it is easy to harm the gastrointestinal function. People with stomach and 12-fat gastrointestinal ulcers should especially avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

3. Do not drink coffee after drinking, otherwise it will stimulate blood vessel dilation, accelerate blood circulation and increase cardiovascular burden.

4. Drink coffee for about 10 to 15 minutes, that is, it has a refreshing effect, so do not drink coffee before going to bed to avoid insomnia.

5. Don't drink too strong coffee, or it will make people impatient and less understanding. (the heartbeat will also accelerate YaHui)

6. After drinking coffee, do not smoke immediately, otherwise it is easy to cause harm to the heart.

7. Take antibiotics and gastric ulcer medication, do not drink coffee at the same time, so as not to stimulate the stomach, causing pain and discomfort.

8. When drinking coffee, it is best to add some cream to ease the stimulation to the stomach, but cream and sugar have calories, so you must control your intake so as not to get fat.

A moderate amount of coffee intake should be harmless to the human body, and all food is a gift.

So the next time you enjoy a cup of coffee at your leisure, in addition to allowing you to enjoy a leisurely and relaxed atmosphere to relieve stress, relax your body and mind, and eliminate fatigue, this small cup of coffee is building a strong defense line for your health. Carefully protect you, just remember not to drink too much!


The type of coffee Types of Coffee:

Take a look at the different types of coffees that you can order in a Coffee House. Have you ever wondered what they actually were? Below is a list of the different types of coffees you can order at most Coffee Houses.

Look at the different kinds of coffee in the cafe. Have you ever wondered what they are like? The following is a list of the types of coffee that most cafes offer.


The word "espresso" is ① derived from the Italian word for express since espresso is made for and served immediately to the customer. The espresso should drip out of the filter like warm honey, have a deep reddish-brown color, and a cream that ② makes up 10-30% of the beverage. Espresso brewing is defined by four: the Macinazione is the correct grinding of a coffee blend, Miscela is the coffee blend, Macchina is the espresso machine, and Mano is the skilled hand of the barista. When each factor of the four is precisely controlled, the espresso beverage that is produced is the ultimate coffee experience.


The word "Espresso" comes from the Italian word "fast" because Italian espresso is made and delivered to consumers very quickly. Espresso drips slowly from the filter like warm honey, dark reddish brown with a cream content of 10% to 30%. The brewing of espresso can be defined by four M's: Macinazione represents a correct grinding method for mixing coffee; Miscela is a coffee mixture; Macchina is the machine for making espresso; and Mano represents the skilled technique of the coffee maker. Only when each of the four M elements is accurately mastered, the brewed espresso is the best.

Of the many ways to prepare coffee, the espresso method is perhaps the epitome of true coffee creation. This system, which is a small wonder of chemistry and physics, allows the coffee to reach its maximum intensity of taste and consistency. With espresso, the ground coffee releases not only the soluble substances that provide flavor, but also the insoluble ones that increase its body and aroma.

When we taste espresso coffee, we are at once struck by its concentrated flavor and aromas, which distinguish it from coffee made by other methods. Aroma and body are the two dimensions which add to the flavor of espresso coffee.

Among the many ways to make coffee, perhaps only Italian espresso can express the highest requirements of real coffee lovers. This production system is a small miracle in chemistry and physics, which allows coffee to retain its original taste and concentration to the maximum extent. Brewing coffee in this way can not only release soluble substances in coffee aroma, but also decompose other insoluble substances, which can enhance the quality and aroma of coffee.

When drinking espresso, we are quickly impressed by its strong taste and aroma with only a sip, which is the difference between espresso and other coffees. Aroma and concentration are two measures of whether Italian espresso tastes good or not.


Espresso with steamed milk and in some shops, a small cap of foam. It has less foam than a cappuccino.

Definitions blur easily here. In Australia, & # 39 th Lattekeeper 39; gets you a glass with a shot of espresso and lots of milk and some foam. Latte seems to have originated as the breakfast drink of Sydney commuters.

Cafe Latte

This is an espresso with steamed milk. In some coffee shops, there is a small amount of foam on the top. It has less foam than cappuccino.

The definition of latte is not very clear. In Australia, if you want to drink a latte, you will get an espresso with a lot of milk and some foam. Lattes used to be a breakfast drink for people who used to travel by train.


Cappuccino is a shot of espresso with the remainder being 50% steamed milk and 50% milk foam/froth. An alternative description is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 foamed milk. But again, this depends very much on the maker. Many places use more steamed milk and less froth. A man states "The foam should follow the milk to the cup naturally."

But just the opposite is true in other places. As one man said "I just started working as a barista, here in Berkeley, about a month ago. When I was shown how to make Cappuccino's, I was told that a Cappuccino has no steamed milk-only foam. One day, an Italian gentleman ordered a cappuccino from me, and I hadn't let the foam sit long enough and a tiny bit of milk seeped into the shot of espresso. He asked for another cappuccino, saying I hadn't made it right, so I asked him how it was done. He made another one, and it was a jet black shot of espresso with more than just a dollop of foam on top. "

Cappuccino coffee

Cappuccino is another kind of espresso, which contains 50% steamed milk and 50% foamed milk. It can also be said to contain 1pm 3 espresso, 1amp 3 steamed milk and 1amp 3 foamed milk. But it also depends on the person who makes the coffee. More steamed milk and less foam are used in many places. Some people say that "foam should naturally dissolve into the cup with milk."

In other places, the opposite explanation is correct. Someone wrote, "I just started working at Berkeley Cafe a month ago. When someone showed me how to make cappuccino coffee, I was told that cappuccino coffee has no steamed milk, only foam. One day, when a gentleman from Italy asked for a cappuccino, I didn't add a lot of foam and only added a little milk into a small cup of espresso. He asked me to give him a new cappuccino and said I didn't do it right, so I asked him what was the right thing to do. He made a cup for me. It was a very black espresso with a big ball of foam on top. "


Mocha was a port in Yemen-a major coffee-growing country located in southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula-and it ③ has NOTHING to do with chocolate!

One source states "However, my dictionary lists Mocha as & # 39 witch a flavoring obtained from a combined infusion of coffee and chocolate' usage as ④ dating from the early 19th century"

The American Heritage Dictionary gives the following 4 definitions:

1. A rich, pungent Arabian coffee.

2. Coffee of high quality.

3. A flavoring made of coffee often mixed with chocolate.

4. A dark olive brown colour.

Mocha Coffee

Mocha is a port in Yemen. Yemen is located in southwest Asia, in the southern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, is a major coffee producer. The word mocha has nothing to do with chocolate!

Someone wrote, "the explanation for mocha in my dictionary is that a condiment extracted from a mixture of coffee and chocolate has been in use since the early 19th century."

The traditional American dictionary gives the following four explanations:

1. Rich and irritating.

two。 A kind of high quality coffee

3. A coffee drink mixed with chocolate

4. A dark olive brown.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Well-known coffees are characterized by the regions where they are grown. Climate and soil qualities can make subtle changes to the flavour of the resulting coffee. The tropical island of Jamaica has ideal conditions for

Blue Mountain Coffee

Famous coffee is characterized by its origin. Climate and soil quality will eventually bring subtle changes to the taste of coffee. The tropical islands of Jamaica have the perfect conditions for growing coffee. Most of the island

Growing coffee. Much of the island is covered with mountainous regions, including the Blue Mountains which is the tallest range on the island. The Blue Mountains are a perfect blend of rich, hot climate, plenty of rainfall and high altitude. At nearly 7500 feet above sea level, this is one of the highest coffee regions in the world.

Coffee is not native to Jamaica. Beans were brought to the island in 1728 by the governor at that time. Blue Mountain coffee has a very clean taste, with a noticable sweetness. The flavour is bold, smooth and rich. Because of the rather restricted geographical range where it is grown, Blue Mountain is available in limited quantities and can sometimes be difficult to find.

It is covered with mountains, including the Blue Mountains, the highest part of the island. The Blue Mountains is a fertile land, where the hot climate, abundant precipitation and high altitude are perfectly combined. Coffee production is the highest in the world at nearly 7500 feet above sea level.

Coffee is not native to Jamaica. Coffee beans were brought to the island by the Governor in 1728. Blue Mountain Coffee has a very pure taste and has a sweet taste. Its taste is mellow, smooth and strong. Because it grows in a very narrow geographical area, the output of Blue Mountain coffee is very limited, and sometimes it is even difficult to buy.

Types of coffee drinks

Many varieties of coffee served by lattes have a variety of flavors, such as chocolate, wine, mint, cloves, lemon juice, cream, cream, etc., and people of different nationalities have different tastes of coffee. Here are some common types of coffee:

Black coffee (black coffee): also known as "black coffee", commonly known as "fast coffee" in Hong Kong-coffee made directly from coffee beans, without adding milk, sugar, etc., will affect the way the coffee is consumed. Instant coffee does not belong to black coffee.

White coffee (white coffee): Malaysian specialty, originated in the town of Ipoh, refers to coffee beans baked in butter, brewed and added to sweet condensed milk. It's essentially a latte. In the United States, white coffee also refers to lightly roasted coffee beans, which are brewed in Italian style and have a strong sour taste.

Flavored-coffee: according to different tastes, add chocolate, syrup, juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange blossom and other different seasonings to the coffee.

Espresso (Espresso): coffee is brewed with hot water and ground into a fine coffee powder under high pressure.

Cappuccino: steam-pressurized espresso with frothy (or steamed) milk, sometimes with cinnamon or spices or chocolate powder as needed. Usually coffee, milk and milk foam account for 1 / 3 of each. You can also add two espresso as needed, which is called "Double".

Caff è latte: "Caff è latte" is an Italian transliteration; latte is also known as "Cafe au lait", French transliteration of ─ coffee with lots of hot milk and sugar. Also known as "coffee milk"-Chinese interpretation, by one espresso plus more than two servings of hot milk. You can also add two espresso as needed, which is called "Double".

Macchiato: put the right amount of steam on the espresso to beat the foam. The Italian meaning of Macchiato is "coffee soiled with milk".

Caff è Mocha: add chocolate, milk and whipped cream to the coffee, sometimes with ice.

American coffee (American Coffee / Americano): espresso with lots of hot water. Softer than regular espresso.

Irish coffee (Irish Coffee): add whiskey to the coffee and put cream on top.

Viennese coffee (Viennese): invented by Austrian coachman Ein Shubner, the coffee is made with chocolate syrup, whipped cream and sprinkled with sugar.

Vietnamese coffee (Vietnamese Coffee): put the coffee powder in a special metal processing filter, pour it into boiling water and let the coffee drop into the cup; when the coffee is finished, add sugar or condensed milk to everyone's taste and stir it up. In Vietnam, there are two kinds of drinks: cold drink and hot drink. Hot coffee is mainly drunk in winter, and when brewing, the cup is placed in another small bowl with hot water to keep warm, while cold coffee is mostly drunk in hot summer, which is made by adding ice to the brewed coffee.

Mandeling coffee Coffee: Sumatra, also known as Sumatra Coffee, is produced in Indonesia, Asia. The flavor is very rich, fragrant, bitter, mellow, with a little sweetness.

This article is quoted from posntung-Coffee species