Coffee review

Brazil's unique coffee grading system-cup evaluation test introduces how Brazilian coffee is graded.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) on the other side of Africa is the Americas, although the birthplace of coffee is in Africa, but the American side always ranks first, and the most representative is Brazil; for Brazil, what fans will not forget are 3R Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho and samba.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

On the other side of Africa is the Americas, although the birthplace of coffee is in Africa, but the Americas always take the lead, and the most representative is "Brazil"; for Brazil, what fans will not forget is 3R "Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho" and "Samba Legion" is even more familiar.

For coffee people, it may be cruel and realistic. Brazilian coffee is not the best but mediocre.

There are 21 states in Brazil, of which 17 are growing coffee, which shows the importance of coffee in Brazil, but the growing environment and quality vary greatly from state to state.

Most of the growing areas in central and southern Brazil are planted on plateaus above 500m, while in the north and west of the Amazon basin, they are planted on plains below 200m.

If you have seen Chen Hao's "Taste Coffee", you may know that coffee cultivation in Brazil is ill-fated. First, the outbreak of the economic crisis, then the erosion of leaf rust, and then the influence of the weather, has led to the continuous decline in the quality of coffee cultivation in Brazil, and the rising cost has led to the inability to produce high-quality coffee beans for a long time.

For Brazil, the feeling is more smooth and mellow, but here to mention a word "Rioy", the generation of this word is also very wonderful. Brazil has a bean exported by Rio de Janeiro, and after the evaluation of many coffee buyers produced the word "Rioy" to describe the pungent smell of medicine and strong iodine in the coffee.

However, Brazil has been affected by drought in recent years, and its output and quality are getting lower and lower. I hope we can all drink "good Brazilian coffee".

Brazil is the largest coffee producing country in the world. Because of its large output and many producing areas, the classification work is quite troublesome, and it is not suitable to adopt a single classification standard, so Brazil also uses a variety of classification methods at the same time. Defective bean proportion, sieve and cup evaluation tests are all used in the grading process of Brazilian coffee beans. Needless to say about the first two, the cup evaluation test is one of the characteristics of Brazilian coffee grading.

The so-called cup evaluation test is to evaluate the aroma and taste of raw coffee beans by soaking them in hot water (about 90 degrees) after baking. It is mainly divided into six grades: Strictly Soft extremely mild, Soft mild, Softish slightly mild, Hard difficult, Rio light iodine taste, Rioy strong iodine flavor. The first three grades can be called mild, with a balanced sweet and sour coffee and a mild taste. The latter three taste slightly worse, especially the latter two are the worst. The reason for the iodine smell is that the soil near Rio de Janeiro has a strong iodine smell, and the coffee is dropped on the ground during harvest and is contaminated with the peculiar smell of the adsorbed soil.