Coffee review

The mellow Tour of Coffee (2) the method of making hand-brewed Coffee DIY--

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hand-brewing coffee is actually the best way to reflect the original taste and personality of coffee. For coffee lovers, if they want to make their own coffee at home, hand-brewing coffee can be said to be a simple, easy-to-learn and interesting way. First of all, the tools it needs are simple and easy to operate, which mainly include: hand brewing pot: the kettle for hand brewing coffee is different from the ordinary kettle in that its mouth is relatively thin.

Hand-brewing coffee is actually the best way to reflect the original taste and personality of coffee. For coffee lovers, if they want to make their own coffee at home, hand-brewing coffee can be said to be a simple, easy-to-learn and interesting way.

First of all, the tools it requires are simple and easy to operate, including:

Hand brewing pot: the kettle of hand brewing coffee is different from the ordinary kettle in that its mouth is relatively thin, and the spout is located in the lower part of the kettle body, which has the advantage of being easy to adjust the thickness of the water flow and control the water flow.

Filter pot: generally transparent glass pot, graduated, easy to observe the amount of water.

Filter: filter is divided into single-hole Merita, three-hole Karita, more professional kono and Harrio, general household use three-hole Karita. This is easy to operate.

Filter paper: filter paper is generally matched with the filter, what brand, size of the filter corresponds to the corresponding filter paper.

Thermometer: for beginners, it helps to better adjust the water temperature. Generally speaking, the water temperature for making coffee is about 90 degrees. If the water temperature is too high, it will hold.

It is easy to be bitter and astringent, the water temperature is too low and it is easy to lack extraction.


Specific operation steps:

First, fold the filter paper.

Fold the side of the filter paper and the edge of the ground in the opposite direction of the crease, neatly and smoothly, and the side and bottom fold in the opposite direction. Then flatten the crease with your hand and stretch it into a cone.



Second, grind beans.

1, the amount of coffee beans.

Generally, 10 grams of beans are used for a cup of coffee, 20 grams for two cups of 18 murmurs, and 25 grams for three cups, which can be adjusted slightly according to personal preferences. Use a special spoon of coffee beans, one spoon is 10 grams.

2, degree of grinding.

Generally speaking, hand-brewed coffee belongs to rough grinding. This is determined by its extraction method and extraction time, short-time rapid extraction Ruyi concentration usually uses fine grinding, while hand-brewed coffee if ground too fine, the taste will be too bitter, and coffee powder is easy to clog filter paper.

At the same time, the degree of grinding depends on the depth of baking. The shallower the baked beans, the thicker the grind should be.


Third, coffee powder is packed.

Put the ground coffee powder into the filter paper, put it into the filter, and gently shake the filter with both hands to keep the coffee powder surface level.



Four, warm the cup.

Pour the boiled water into the kettle, then pour the water into the filter kettle, warm the filter pot and then pour it back into the kettle, so as to keep the appliance warm and reduce the high temperature of boiling water to an appropriate temperature of about 90 degrees.


At this point, the preparatory work before extraction is ready. Begin to move on to the most critical step.


Fifth, extraction.

1, steaming.

Use about 10 milliliters of water to control the flow very fine and soft, gently inject the coffee powder like spring rain to moisten the wheat field, wet and moisturize the whole coffee powder. The main purpose of this process is to expand the example of coffee powder and discharge the carbon dioxide gas, laying a good foundation for the next step of water injection.



Steamed coffee powder will be like bread, the surface will expand into a plump arc.

2, brewing for the first time.

After steaming, it begins to brew for the first time for about 20 MULTH 30 seconds. Take the center point of the coffee powder as the center, inject water by drawing a circle with appropriate fine water flow, and remember that the water flow does not touch the filter paper directly, and pay attention to keeping the circle within 1 cm from the edge of the coffee powder. The current height is maintained at about 4cm with the coffee powder plane 3murmur4 cm. The amount of water injected for the first time accounts for 60% of the total amount of coffee.

3, the second brewing.

Pause after a bubble, wait for the water in the coffee powder to flow down completely, start the second water injection, the method is the same bubble. The amount of water injected accounts for 30%.

4, the third brewing.

In the final step, the amount of water generally accounts for about 10%.



After three bubbles, separate the filter from the filter pot.



Coffee powder residue

Pour the coffee into the cup.


Sixth, tidying up and cleaning.

1. Wash the coffee residue from the filter pot with hot water.


Pour out the coffee powder residue together with the filter paper, clean the filter, and put the tool back into place.


Finally, you can enjoy the delicious coffee in the fresh pot!
