Coffee review

Guatemala Vivette South Fruit Coffee Los Angeles Manor Information introduction Starbucks Guatemalan Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) product name: Guatemala Vivetnam fruit Los Ma Manor washed Lot#14 (Guatemala HHT Finca La Rosma Washed Lot#14) flavor description: molasses apricot, raisin, grapefruit peel, full juice, roasted almond caramel, rich and sweet

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Product name: Guatemala Vivetta Nangorosma Manor washing Lot#14

(Guatemala HHT Finca La Rosma Washed Lot#14)

Flavor description: molasses apricot, raisins, grapefruit peel, full juice,

Roasted almond caramel, rich and sweet, spices.

Award winning record:

Guatemala (COE) ranked eighth in the Excellence Cup in 2014

Guatemala (COE) ranked 12th in the Excellence Cup in 2013

Guatemala (COE) 13th in the Excellence Cup 2012

Guatemala (COE) won second place in 2010 Excellence Cup.

Country of origin: Guatemala (Guatemala)

Producing area: Huehuetenango, San Pedro Necta

Manor: Finca La Rosma (Los Horse)

Varieties: bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai

Altitude: 1600 to 1800 m

Grade: SHB

Treatment: washing

Harvest time: NumberA

Certification: NCMA


Finca La Rosma was founded by Dr. Fredy Morales Merida

He followed his father Mr. Alejandro Morales Herrera to settle down in this place

Twenty years ago he began to grow and manage this coffee farm, and he was the first to come here

The achievement is to build an industrial road leading to his estate, in addition to his own use, but also other

Neighbors share the convenience of the road. Mr. Alejandro Morales Herrera in 1963

To buy this manor, you can only walk or ride a horse. the surface of the manor is very simple and has to be bypassed.

1900 Michael Peak, then downhill to the coffee growing area between 1600 and 1800 meters.

This manor is very small and belongs to a small and beautiful manor.

Finca La Rosma is located in the well-known Vivette South Fruit region.

Near the San Pedro Necta area, the manor is named from the current second-generation owner.

Fredy Morales Merida's grandmother, Rosemarie,Fredy Morales Merida.

He inherited the land from his father, and he began to plant coffee trees twenty years ago.

Manage land, located in the Sierra Los Cuchumantes area

The terrain is very steep and rugged, and Rosma Manor is located at an altitude of 1600 to a thousand.

Between 800 meters, quite a lot of nature conservation areas are reserved in the park. One of them

The best achievement is to build a suitable road and provide good transportation to the manor.

Use, but also benefit nearby.

Another achievement is the acquisition of a natural mineral spring, five kilometers from the manor

Promote and improve irrigation techniques, both of which are the success of today's Rosma Manor.

The necessary factors. Maintain the growth between the native forest and the coffee tree, Rosma Manor

Has been identified as a sustainable manor. It was first planted in 1982, and now

There are varieties of coffee grown: Catuai, Caturra,Villa Sarchi, Typica

And Bourbon . Some of the equipment used by farmers in Vivette's south fruit producing area is quite old.

But Rosma Manor does not hesitate to invest a considerable amount of money in the washing plant of the estate.

The focus on quality is also reflected in the ranking of Los Angeles Manor in the C.O.E Coffee Competition.