Coffee review

Yemeni mocha-Saber, is it good? What is the difference between flavor trend and characteristics?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Yemeni mocha-Saber, is it good? What is the difference between flavor trend and characteristics? Producing area is Saber Yemen Sabri Saber is not in 9 small producing areas of coffee, coffee is grown on terraces, there is no data to verify the wild varieties, what is so special about this bean? Because the arable rare terraces are covered with Qat grass, which is said to have a mild and refreshing effect, Yemen Sabr

Yemeni mocha-Saber, is it good? What is the difference between flavor trend and characteristics?

The place of origin is Saber.

Yemen Sabri Saber is not in nine small coffee producing areas. Coffee is grown on terraces and there is no data to verify the wild varieties. What is so special about this bean? Because the arable rare terraces are covered with Qat katch, which is said to have a mild and refreshing effect, the production of Sabri Saber coffee in Yemen has fallen sharply or may even be stopped, which should be encouraged and cherished. This is the freshest leaf mocha harvested from October to December.

The characteristics of the farm.

Name of Farm Farm: 160,160 farming families

Name name: Mocha Sabri Mocha Saber

Grade: naturally dried Arabica beans, no regulatory body, no grading system

Producing area: Jabal Sabri Saber

Country: Yemen Yemen

Altitude: 1200-1372 m

Certification: without certification, all coffee is grown organically in accordance with the ancient method, and pesticides containing chemicals are not used.

Coffee characteristics

Varieties: 10 special native mocha species are mainly Udaini.

Treatment: Method Traditional Sun Dried traditional sun drying of ripe cherry fruits in African (sun) elevated bed drying

Harvest time: the harvest period of major crops is from October to December, and the second harvest is in some producing areas in April.

Coffee beans are blue-green in color, which is a fresh leaf mocha.

Comments: the baking degree measured by the cup for 60 seconds at the beginning of the first explosion

Aroma / flavor flavor: banana, pineapple, strawberry, Hawthorn tea, chrysanthemum sweet, fruit wine, maple syrup, cherry, chocolate

Acidity: elegance, tartaric acid, mint, tropical fruit acid, cranberry acid

Complexity and other other: strong strawberry biscuit flavor, good balance, creamy texture, Yemenmoka unique woody leather flavor, bitter to sweet, long and sweet melons

Cup test score and overall review of direct coffee

Overall comment: Yemenmoka Saber Sabri is a hard-won coffee bean, surrounded by deep-rooted Qat producing areas, traditional coffee farmers still produce ancient crop coffee, Yemens Saber Sabri is a coffee similar to Isopia sun-dried beans, the aroma of strawberry cookies is attractive, the acidity of fermented tart is smooth and smooth, and Haimi? The supreme Sirazi are all fresh coffee beans.