Coffee review

How to make Creative Ice Coffee in Summer? what are the recipes for ice fancy coffee? how to teach yourself fancy coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) fancy coffee recipe tutorial [Chinese name]: French vanilla iced coffee [English name]: Iced French Vanilla Coffee [formula]: 1.5 ounces of espresso, 20 grams of vanilla powder, 4 ounces of sugar water, 4 ounces of chilled milk, 80% ice cubes.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Fancy Coffee Recipe Tutorial

[Chinese name]: French vanilla iced coffee

Iced French Vanilla Coffee

Recipe: espresso 1.5 oz., vanilla powder 20 g., sugar water 1/4 oz., chilled fresh milk 4 oz., ice cubes 80% full, whipped cream some, condensed milk a little

[Preparation steps]: 1. Extract 1.5 ounces of espresso coffee from 14 grams of espresso powder, then cool it for later use.

2. Put ice milk, sugar water and vanilla powder into a foaming steel cup, heat with a coffee machine steam pipe until dissolved (about 40℃), and then cool with ice cubes.

3. Put ice cubes into a coffee glass until it is 80% full, then pour the fresh milk mixture and espresso into the steel cup in turn, stir well.

4. Top coffee with soft whipped cream and garnish with a touch of condensed milk.

[Vehicle Selection]: Glass Coffee Cup

[Recipe Source]: Barista Collection

[Decoration]: Fresh cream

[Modulation method]: Duihe method

Alcohol Content: None

[Recommended price]: 28 yuan

French vanilla iced coffee is suitable for you who are particularly romantic.

Capacity: 360 ml

[Chinese Name]: Japanese Matcha Iced Coffee

Iced Japan Matcha Coffee

[Recipe]: 250 grams of ice cubes, 120 ml of chilled milk, 1 ounce of espresso coffee, appropriate amount of matcha powder, 1/2 ounce of sugar water, appropriate amount of whipped cream

[Preparation steps]: 1. Extract 1 ounce of espresso coffee from 7 grams of espresso powder, then cool it for later use.

2. Put ice fresh milk, sugar water and 12g matcha powder into a foaming steel cup, heat to about 40℃, stir well and cool down for later use.

3. Fill a glass with ice cubes and pour into a frothy steel glass of fresh milk mixture.

4. Espresso is slowly poured into the glass along the back of the spoon to create a layered effect.

5. Squeeze some whipped cream on the coffee and sprinkle a little matcha powder to garnish.

[Vehicle Selection]: Glass

[Recipe Source]: Barista Collection

[Usage Decoration]: Matcha Powder

[Modulation method]: Duihe method

Alcohol Content: None

[Recommended price]: 28 yuan

Japanese Matcha Iced Coffee is made of Japanese tea powder. The faint green tea fragrance makes people feel refreshed and can enhance the memory of those who drink it.

Capacity: 360 ml

[Chinese Name]: Black Knight Mocha Iced Coffee

Iced Dark Chocolate Coffee

Recipe: espresso 1.5 oz., dark chocolate powder 20 g., sugar water 1/4 oz., chilled milk 5 oz., ice cubes 80% full, whipped cream appropriate, chocolate 1 block.

[Preparation steps]: 1. Extract 1.5 ounces of espresso coffee from 14 grams of espresso powder, and then cool it with ice cubes.

2. Put ice cream, sugar water and dark chocolate powder into a foaming steel cup, heat with a coffee machine steam pipe until dissolved (about 40 degrees), and then cool with ice cubes.

3. Pour ice cubes into glass until 80% full. Pour fresh milk mixture and espresso into glass and stir well.

4. Squeeze whipped cream over coffee and garnish with 1 chocolate bar.

[Vehicle Selection]: Glass Coffee Cup

[Recipe Source]: Barista Collection

[Decoration]: Chocolate

[Modulation method]: Duihe method

Alcohol Content: None

[Recommended price]: 28 yuan

Wine mall black knight mocha iced coffee show chivalrous style.

Capacity: 360 ml