Coffee review

Introduction of hand-made coffee making tools in coffee maker

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the past few years of opening the shop, whether through the communication of guests in the store or some friends on the Internet, I have found that not only more and more people like coffee, but also more and more people are not limited to drinking coffee in cafes. I prefer to make coffee at home. Of course, once or twice


In the past few years of opening the shop, whether through the communication of guests in the store or some friends on the Internet, I have found that not only more and more people like coffee, but also more and more people are not limited to drinking coffee in cafes. I prefer to make coffee at home. Of course, once or twice after the experience of drinking freshly baked coffee in a professional coffee shop, drinking coffee at home-instant is far out, in addition to taste, in terms of health alone, this junk food with a lot of chemicals such as essence should have been removed from the table to the dustbin.

Back to the point, although more and more friends choose to make coffee at home, after all, because coffee is a relatively new drink in our tea-drinking country, and making coffee at home will also be restricted by some objective conditions. during this period, guests or netizens often talk about problems encountered in making coffee at home, so just sum up these problems. And summarize a comprehensive and detailed introduction of coffee DIY in view of these problems, hoping to be helpful to friends who like coffee, are trying to make coffee at home or want to try but are unable to get started.

It may be more common and popular to bake cakes at home than to make coffee at home. When we talk about baking DIY, we must start with the selection of raw materials and utensils, what kind of oven to be equipped with, what utensils we need, and different ingredients for different kinds of cake and bread. In fact, the same is true of coffee DIY, but the utensils and materials needed to make coffee are much simpler than roasting.



Old-fashioned European home coffee making utensils, including hand pots, mocha pots, siphon pots, Belgian pots, etc.)

First of all, let's talk about the selection and purchase of appliances. If you want to do something good, you must first sharpen its tools. A complete set of machines with superior functions is a must for coffee DIY. In fact, if you generally buy raw beans and make coffee at home, the whole production is generally divided into two parts: one is to grind the raw beans into coffee powder, and the other is to use water to make coffee powder. So the equipment needed here is a bean grinder and a coffee extraction apparatus.

Bean grinder is generally divided into manual and electric, you can choose a manual at the beginning of home production, invest one or two hundred yuan to buy a very good one, of course, if it is convenient and fast, and willing to invest, you can prepare an electric one. The detailed introduction and purchase attention of the bean grinder will continue to be explained in the following blog posts. Of course, some friends asked: wouldn't it be more convenient for the store to grind or buy coffee powder directly when buying beans? He he! We know that once coffee beans are roasted and come into contact with the air, they begin to be oxidized, and after grinding into coffee powder, the contact area between coffee and air increases hundreds of times, and the oxidation rate speeds up sharply, so the coffee flavor can be better guaranteed by grinding now. So the bean grinder is essential.

As for the utensils for extracting coffee, the selectivity is much wider. Hand flushing pot, siphon pot, mocha pot, French press, coffee drip filter, household espresso machine. Among them, there are manual, electric, semi-automatic and fully automatic, and there are manual, electric, semi-automatic and fully automatic ones that need to be extracted slowly, such as hand flushing pot and ice drop kettle, as well as one-button automatic coffee machine with one click. Of course, these different utensils have their own characteristics, and different ones can be chosen according to personal preferences and conditions, but according to the performance and price of the equipment and the difficulty of operation. Or suggest friends to choose pertinently. It is suggested that beginners can choose a pressure pot, which is simple and convenient to operate. if they are interested in "playing with coffee", they can choose a siphon pot or a hand-made pot. Siphon may be more favored by men, because the machine itself is invented and designed according to the siphon principle of physics, and it is of course interesting to combine coffee with experiments. If you want to "play" hand flushing, you should be more careful, because this is a tool of "easy before difficult". The method of operation is very simple, and you will learn it as soon as you learn it. Although the same kind of coffee and the same method is the same, the taste is different every time, and even if you buy the same beans and cook them at home, the taste is different from that in the store. This is a problem often encountered by many friends. So for many friends who are short of time and like to "drink" coffee rather than "make" coffee without demanding taste, a small household machine may be a better choice, convenient and fast, using fresh and high-quality coffee beans, you can still get a good cup of coffee. Of course, the selection and purchase of coffee utensils will be described in detail in the following blog posts.


A skilful wife cannot make bricks without rice-complete utensils are important, but fresh, high-quality coffee beans are also essential if you want to make good coffee. Therefore, the purchase of coffee beans is also a very important part of coffee DIY. What about the selection of coffee beans? First of all, everything that has been baked, from bread, biscuits and cakes to sesame peanuts and soybeans, is as fresh as possible. Even baked sweet potatoes are eaten while they are hot. Coffee beans are a substance with more than 800 flavors. Freshness is the key to determine their flavor. Generally, roasted coffee beans have a more complete flavor on the third day. If you keep it well (sealed and protected from light), you can generally maintain a good flavor within two weeks, of course, the fresher the flavor, the better, so you should first look at the baking date when choosing and buying. Friends who buy coffee beans in the supermarket should pay more attention. If you take a closer look at the production date, it will really surprise people-at least three months ago, and many friends ask, "isn't it one year on the shelf life?" As a food, the shelf life of coffee can be as long as a year, but as a "special flavor" coffee, the reference is not the shelf life but should be the "best flavor period", green tea is the same, but coffee is more "delicate".

Freshness is important, so is as long as fresh coffee is good coffee?-- NO! Just like tea, red wine has origin and grade, so is coffee. The quality of coffee beans varies greatly from different places and grades. Unlike tea and red wine, the quality of coffee beans is also affected by baking technology and baking degree. Even the same kind of raw beans, different roasters, different roasting degrees will cause differences in coffee taste, so choose coffee beans. It's not just about buying a bag of "Colombia" or "Brazil". We'll break it down in detail later.

Of course, in addition to good machines and coffee beans, the production method is also very important. in addition to the technical level, this production method is also a very important part of the basic understanding of the taste of coffee and coffee beans. Only by accurately evaluating the taste of coffee can we constantly improve the method and make better coffee.

The last point I would like to mention is that coffee is a kind of drink, but it is not a simple drink. If you carefully understand the historical origin of coffee, the culture of coffee shops, and the process of coffee production and circulation, you will find that coffee is a wonderful and rich drink full of historical and cultural details as well as entertainment and gossip. So is the taste of coffee, not only bitter and sweet. Therefore, spare time to read more books or the Internet to learn some knowledge of coffee, to understand coffee, make a good cup of coffee, better enjoy a good cup of coffee is of great benefit.

Having said so much, it complicates such a simple thing as DIY coffee at home. In the final analysis, making coffee at home is nothing more than choosing beans, choosing a machine, mastering the right method and understanding the story of coffee. In the following blog post, we will sum up the details and points for attention step by step, so that even friends who have never done it before can see it at a glance. Find your own way of making coffee, easily learn coffee DIY, easily enjoy homemade coffee, and build yourself into a professional "family barista".