Coffee review

Coffee beans were supposed to be eaten like this? How do coffee beans taste so much after they are ground into powder?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) how to eat other people's coffee beans: some tasted hand-brewed coffee beans, refer to other people's records and their own experience. The update will continue after that. The scraper says it's there, but I can't smell it. -- Niu Ruo Wan Brazil (Monte Alegre-Bourbon

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How to eat other people's coffee beans: some tasted hand-made coffee beans, reference to other people's records and their own experience. The update will continue after that. The scraper says it's there, but I can't smell it.


Niu Ruo pill

Brazil (Monte Alegre-Bourbon) 100%, deep baking

Dry aroma is strong creamy drupe with chocolate, wet aroma is light berry aroma and heavy aroma, sipping is deep bitterness with slightly berry flavor, finish with chocolate flavor.

On the whole, it is warm and smooth and almost sour, the aroma is sweet and greasy, tender but slightly deep, it is said that Yuan Yijing is handsome, young but excellent martial arts, this section does have some meaning.

Preamble celebration

Brazil (Fukuda Mundo Novo-Bourbon) 50%

Mundo Novo: Brazil's native bourbon whiskey species (sweet) mature tree coffee born through natural mating in Indonesia's Sumatra species (Mantenin, bitter, heavy).

Blue Mountain (Jamaica) (No. 1) 25%: aroma, with drupe and creamy flavor

El Salvador (Santa Rita Farm) 25%: sour, refreshing, bright and floral

This is a mixture of beans, sweet, bitter, sour and heavy. On the whole, it is strong and steady with roughness, and it is also in line with the characteristics of a tall and fierce warrior.


Brazil (Santos No.2) 50%: sweet and greasy

Dry aroma: honey, berries, flowers, delicate tropical fruits, toffee, flowers, citrus

Wet fragrance: floral, caramel, peach, dark berries, persistent aroma

Sipping: clean and delicate, delicate greasy, peaches, high-grade black tea, changeable flavor, sweet and sour, honey,

Taffy, jelly, floral aroma, dark berries, red apples, raspberries, Burgundy red wine, Chateau

Garden-grade dark chocolate, citrus chocolate, the taste is very complex, rich, elegant, the finish is varied, meticulous and long-lasting.

Guatemala (El Injerto I-traditional) 25%

Bright fragrance of flowers. Sipping citrus sweet with apricot flavor, clean and transparent, with a long finish

Columbia (Apia-Supuremo) 25%: sweet with mellow and slightly sour aromas

Medium baking

Also mixed beans, sweet and slightly sour, almost no bitterness, very special aroma, bright and slightly deep astringency. You can imagine that Mr. Maeda's father is not a strict father.


Guatemala (El Injerto I-traditional) 25%

Colombia (Apia-Supuremo) 25%

Costa Rica (La Montania/Minita? Dallas/Saint Louis) 25%: balanced acidity with citrus aromas and a full finish

El Salvador (Santa Rita Farm) 25%

The palate is bright and long in finish, slightly sour, neither bitter nor sweet, with floral and citrus aromas. Mr. Maeda's mother is a warm person.

Guatemala, El Injerto Pandora 2012 bid beans

It smells refreshing and bright, with hints of chocolate and hazelnut. Sipping is citrus sweet with apricot and drupe flavours, clean and transparent, with a long finish, even for hours. I've never drunk a cup of coffee for so long. Generally speaking, the strong flower-scented coffee is sour, but this one is not sour at all, which is really amazing and worthy of being the champion bean in the bidding.

Dry aroma: sweet caramel, floral, peach, citrus, lemon, berry, hazelnut, milk chocolate, light tea

Wet fragrance: flower, berry, lemon, caramel, pineapple, light tea

Sipping: quite clean and clear, vanilla sweet, body greasy and sticky, delicate on the palate, floral, citrus, caramel, cherry, hazelnut, berry, milk chocolate, sweet peach, pear, black tea, spice sweetness in the middle and back, with a long finish

Papua new guinea Jiwaka "Astrapia" 12-13 Bourbon/Tipica.

What makes this bean special is that it combines the bright floral and fruity aromas of Bourbon (from Kenya) and the creamy drupe aromas of Tipica (from Jamaican Blue Mountain, Blue Mountain). Because it is deep baking, sipping is heavy and deep, and the sweet rhyme is not long.

Panama, Boquete La Esmeralda Geisha (Geisha) Bidding beans in 2013

The aroma is more introverted, with a hint of honey and a hint of aroma. The taste is raspberry, slightly sour and sweet, with a balanced taste. Isn't Esmeralda the heroine of the weirdo in the clock tower? )

Wet aroma: strong citrus and lemon aromas with a hint of sucrose sweetness

Sipping: lemon aroma and raspberry acid, a bit like fruit tea, not many layers

Brazil Syrador PB Bean (Brazil Fazenda Peaberry) baked in the yellow bourbon sun

Dry aroma: mainly creamy, almond and oily, with a hint of tropical fruit, a little like pineapple and a little malt

Wet fragrance: creamy sweetness slightly reduced, tropical fruit aroma (raspberry sour) thickened, slightly caramel

Sipping: just in the mouth, the taste is sweet and slightly heavy with a slightly heavy oil texture, and then the sour taste is mainly almond fruit, especially the tail rhyme really has some tea aroma (the introduction says Xuanmi tea, but I can only feel it is tea, but I feel a bit like wheat tea); after cool, it is mainly tropical fruit, slightly milky, and the tail rhyme changes constantly between the cheeks.

Ethiopia Sidamo Sidamo Yirgacheffe Yegashev

Dried fragrance: ginger flowers, citrus, honey, sweet spices

Wet fragrance: sweet sucrose, citrus, flower, ginger flower, vanilla chocolate

Sipping: ginger flowers, clean and clear, smooth, sweet, tea, white grapefruit, sweet spices, sweet lime, caramel, fruit chocolate, citrus finish, delicate and persistent floral aromas.

Sumatra Gold Manning Indonesia Golden Mandheling

Dry fragrance: sweet spices, licorice cream, herbs, grease

Wet fragrance: black sugar, caramel sweetness, licorice sweetness

Sipping: creamy greasy, spice sweetness, licorice sweetness, chocolate, licorice aftertaste and grease sweetness.

Kenya AA

Dry fragrance: sucrose, cherry, red berry, light spice

Wet fragrance: berries, vanilla plants, strong and persistent nucleic acid

Sipping: citric acid is bright and changeable, some micro-flower fragrance, vanilla plants, almonds, sugar sweet, micro-chocolate, balanced, raspberry acid brings out a little honey sweetness, forming a delicate and non-irritating sweet and sour feeling, good balance, bright and sweet finish

Jamaican Blue Mountain, Blue Mountain RSW Manor

Dry aroma: mint, flower, apricot, citrus, sweet spices

Wet fragrance: sweet spices, caramel, flowers, berries, citrus

Sipping: clean and clear, first obvious apricot sweet, then floral, citrus and berry sweet and sour, and finally spice, obvious viscosity, delicate touch, changeable and balanced taste, no bitterness, layered, long-lasting finish. It's cold and has some creamy nutty aromas.

Rwanda champion wash MIG Alpine bourbon Rwanda MIG Bourbon

Dry fragrance: Apple, flower, honey, cherry, chocolate

Wet fragrance: flowers, vanilla, sweet spices, chocolate, green apples

Sip: clean, bright and crisp apple flavor, delicate touch, floral aroma, cherry, chocolate, mint cool, delicate vanilla sweet, lingering finish.

(reference: Osher Coffee

Washing La Pira Estate Washed at Piera Manor, Costa Rica

Wet aromas of apple, flowers, berries and vanilla. The initial sweetness of the sip is obviously close to that of Brazil, followed by a hint of berries, followed by aromas of roasted nuts, caramel and cocoa.

El Salvador El Salvador Montana La Montana

Dry aroma: strong aromas of corn and sugar, with slight aromas of light berries

Wet fragrance: change to slightly caramel, with a hint of berry and chocolate

Sipping: the first taste is a mixture of sugar and honey, with a hint of hazelnut and a hint of spice, then a hint of raspberry acid, and finally a hint of tea and cream, with chocolate aromas in the end. After cooling, berries are mainly sour.

Columbia Colombia Cauca Popayan

Dry aroma: cherry, berry with floral aroma, (grape)

Wet fragrance: reduced floral aroma, cherry, berry, slightly chocolate and light caramel

Sipping: clear, single citric acid, with a hint of creamy chocolate and hazelnut, with a grape-like finish after chewing.

Arabica washing in Longyan Village, Meishan (Alishan), Chiayi, Taiwan

Dry aroma: intense berry aromas, with aromas of seaweed and wine, with hints of wood and spice

Wet aroma: sour berries with creamy sweetness, tropical fruit, pineapple and slightly floral aromas

Sipping: first slightly bitter with raspberry acid, followed by medicinal and creamy aromas, quite like Mantenin, with a faint wood aroma and a slightly bitter and long finish

Arabica washing in Guanshan Dianguang, Taitung, Taiwan

Dry aroma: intense aromas of sour berries and beans, with hints of plum and green apple

Wet aroma: sour berries with creamy aromas, maple sugar sweetness and subtle aromas

Sipping: first berries, a hint of cream mixed with tea and a hint of wine, then strong chocolate and slightly bitter

Taiwan Nantou country surname Arabica washing

Dry aroma: strong aroma of honey, sour berries and cream, with slight aromas of drupe (peanut), peach and light spice

Wet aroma: sour berries with honey-like sweet aromas with hints of cream, drupe and caramel

Sip: bright sour berries with slightly bitter, slightly drupe, creamy and light tea aromas, with chocolate and drupe aromas in the finish, longer.

Arabica washing of Swan Lake Manor in the Mountain Gate of Pingtung, Taiwan

Dry aroma: berry aroma, with malt and drupe aromas, with a hint of grape

Wet aroma: sour berries, obvious sweet malt, with light cream, drupe and slightly chocolate aromas

Sip: raspberry acid and strong aroma of tea, caramel, grape, green apple, feel bright and thorough, with a long finish

Indian style-stained Malaba Malabar

Wet fragrance: chocolate, nuts, wheat, faint sweetness

Sip: sweet aromas of nuts, wood, grass and chocolate, with light berry acidity and a bitter finish

Maui Hawaii Maui, Hawaii

Wet aroma: sour berries and sweet cream, strong aromas of incense and wine, slightly citrus aromas

Sipping: raspberry acid with bitter taste, nutty and strong wine aromas, light tea aromas, aftertaste chocolate aromas, rich layers

Bolivia Manor in Bolivia does not know

Dry aroma: peach, grape, cream, (hazelnut)

Wet aroma: berries, apples, hazelnuts, chocolate, light cream aromas

Sip: sour berries, hazelnuts, apples, peaches, fresh and smooth taste, sweet taste, almost no bitterness, vanilla sweet finish, I think there is coriander aroma

Queen Hawaii Kona Manor, Kona, Hawaii

Dry aroma: sweet vanilla, unique and indescribable tropical fruit, honey, light malt

Wet fragrance: pineapple, sweet spices, dried drupe, light caramel

Sipping: first lemon, citrus and berry aromas, then tea and wine aromas, followed by apricot and sweet spices, with a sweet and lasting finish

Nepal Himalayan Snow Mountain Coffee Nepal Himal Snow Mountains

Dry aroma: berry, peach, tropical fruit, cereal, light cream

Wet fragrance: sour berries, tropical fruits, light cream, sweet honey

Sip: first citrus and berry acidity (stevia, banana, pineapple), then maple syrup, cream and wine, sweet finish, nutty chewing, bright but slightly thick taste, chocolate after cool

Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro African Plantation AA, African Manor of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Dry aroma: grape, wine, toast

Wet fragrance: berries, grapes

Sip: first berries, oranges, lime acid (kiwi, plums), then light milk (banana milk), finally stone fruit slightly bitter, body thin

Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Monbea city, Egrapea, small farmers, Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro Mbeya Iyula Peaberry

Dry aroma: malt, peach, red wine, nutty

Wet aroma: strong wine aroma with slightly berry aromas

Sip: strong malt and red wine aromas, slightly almond, drupe and chocolate, sweet and bitter finish, and a slightly numb aroma that is difficult to describe. Body is slightly thicker, but the flavor is better after a slight cooling. Iced coffee is also suitable for making iced coffee.

FINCA LA AUROMAR "GEISHA" of Manor Oroman in Panama

Dry fragrance: strong citrus, spice, honey sweet, I smell similar to Wei Li noodles soybean paste's smell, perhaps like some kind of spice smell?

Wet fragrance: citrus, red wine, spices, tropical fruits (passion fruit, pineapple), rose is also mentioned in the introduction

Sip: citrus, lemon, raspberry acid, durian taste, but also with a very special sweet taste, body is thick, very juicy, slightly like African sun beans, but even better, is the most special bean I have ever had (sun Geisha).

KOTOWA Wash Geisha (GEISHA), Manor of the Panama Mountains

Dry aroma: citrus, berries, honey, tropical fruits (pineapple, durian), jasmine is mentioned in the introduction

Wet fragrance: sweet and elegant floral aromas of citrus, berries and vanilla

Sip: citrus, lemon, vanilla sweet, floral, slightly spicy and slightly bitter, slightly juicy,body

Alishan water washing and shallow baking

Dry aroma: strong aromas of berries and beans, sweet tropical fruits and a hint of wood

Wet fragrance: sour berries, slightly floral and citrus

Sip: sour berries, citrus, slightly bitter wood, strong bean flavor

Medium and deep baking of Alishan honey

Dry aroma: intense berry aroma with a hint of lime, with hints of sea moss, wine and honey, with hints of wood and spice, with a dry longan finish.

Wet aroma: sweet and creamy in sour berries, tropical fruits (pineapple, passion fruit), slightly floral and maltose sweet

Sip: first slightly bitter with raspberry acid, followed by medicinal flavor and light creamy aroma, weaker honey sweet than sun beans, faint aroma of Chinese fir, slightly bitter finish with honey sweet aroma, still very juicy

I still remember that the first time I tasted it, I was impressed by its special wood (Chinese fir) aroma, and this is the first time I have seen Alishan beans make honey treatment. You know, Taiwan has a humid climate, and honey treatment is a very arduous project. This bean also because of honey treatment, and added a special sweet honey, the level is more rich. What is even more special is that the boss is still Japanese, because he loves Alishan coffee very much, so he first set up a shop in Taipei (it was a pity that he didn't have a chance to visit when he was still living in Tianmu), and finally the whole family moved to Taiwan, which was amazing.

Shallow roasting of Brumas Red Honey in the Central Valley of Costa Rica

Dry aroma: sour raspberry, peach and light jasmine

Wet fragrance: sour berries, sweet honey, shallow flower fragrance

Sip: first the aromas of citrus, orange peel, white wine and elegant jasmine, followed by honey and malt, and dark chocolate after a little cold.

Mexico Chiapas Plateau Proago Cooperation Alliance Middle and Deep Bake

Dry aroma: incense, wood, cream, drupe, light lime and grape aromas

Wet fragrance: berries, cream, milk chocolate

Sip: sour berries, tangerine, cream, caramel, nuts (hazelnuts, almonds), bitter, followed by tea, followed by milk chocolate

Ethiopia Bangui Maggie Ethiopia Benc maji G1

Dry aroma: floral, honey, ginger, slightly sour berries and wine

Wet fragrance: tropical fruit aromas (Borromi? ), wine, light dark chocolate

Sip: sour raspberry, red wine, ripe fruit, spices (ginger), dark chocolate in the end, rich layers