Coffee review

The difference between Indonesian Manning Coffee and Ethiopian Yega Xuefei introduction to Mantenin Flavor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the famous Mantenin coffee is Asian beans, the Body of Asian beans is high, plus the flavor of Mantenin coffee beans is characterized by herbal flavor. In general, the baker will do it in a medium-depth way.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Which is more sour, Manning coffee beans or Yejashafi coffee beans? Of course the coffee beans are sour! This article follows the front street, from the coffee producing area, coffee roasting, coffee brewing to explain in detail why Yega Xuefei coffee beans are sour than Manning coffee beans. Ethiopia Yega Xuefei Coffee producing area

At first, Yegashafi was a by-product area of Ethiopia's Sidamo province, located northwest of Sidamo at an altitude of 1700-2100m, making it one of the highest coffee-producing areas in Ethiopia. Because the mode of production and flavor here are so outstanding, Ethiopian coffee farmers compete to take pride in the flavor of their coffee, so they are independent from the Sidamo region to become the most famous producing area in Africa. Qianjie believes that the biggest difference between the coffee produced by Yejasuefi and Sidamo is that the sour quality of Yegashifi coffee beans is bright and clean, with the acidity of lemon and citrus as the main tone, while the sour quality of Sidamo coffee beans tends to be juicy, with strawberries, raspberries and other fruit juices as the main tone.

Ethiopian Yega Xuefei Coffee Variety

Mainly grow native varieties of Ethiopia. Qianjie observed that the main feature of Ethiopian native varieties is that coffee grains vary in size. why? Ethiopia, as the birthplace of coffee, has an unimaginable number of coffee varieties, a large number of coffee varieties are mixed, can not be subdivided, but also will be mixed harvested, so you will see that coffee beans in most Ethiopian regions are of different sizes.

Main treatment of Ethiopian Yega Xuefei Coffee beans

Yejiaxuefei was originally mainly treated by the sun, but later it was found that the water washing method can better reflect the bright acidity of Yejiaxuefei coffee beans, and the taste of the coffee will be cleaner and more refreshing. So now Yejia Xuefei's coffee beans mainly use water washing treatment to treat coffee beans, of course, the sun treatment is also widely used.

The washing method is to put the screened coffee fruit into the peeling machine and initially remove its peel and pulp. Put the raw coffee beans with residual pectin into the water and ferment the coffee beans for about 12-36 hours according to the change of local temperature. After fermentation, the raw coffee beans with parchment are washed in a flow tank to remove the remaining pulp and pectin. After cleaning, the coffee beans are dried by the sun or with the help of a dryer, the moisture content of coffee beans is reduced to about 12%, and finally the parchment of raw coffee beans is removed. Qianjie believes that the most important feature of water-washed coffee beans is the retention of white silver lines in the middle of the beans. Sumatra coffee producing area, Indonesia

Sumatra, Indonesia is the main producing area of Indonesian boutique Arabica coffee beans. When we talk about Mantenin coffee, we refer to the area near Tobahu in the north-central part of Sumatra island, which is 900-1600m above sea level in Aceh, the northernmost part of Sumatra. The suitable altitude and tropical rain forest climate make the average temperature on the island between 25-28 ℃, with uniform seasonal distribution and no drought period, creating a very good growing environment for coffee trees.

Speaking of Mantenin Coffee, Qianjie Coffee likes its rich aroma, rich taste and strong taste, and the unique herbal flavor is also the symbol of Mantenin Coffee. In addition to the planting conditions in Indonesia, the wet planing treatment is also one of the sources of the strong flavor of Mantenin coffee. Why? The front street is sold here first. Sumatran manning coffee variety

The name "Ateng" comes from the aboriginal Mantenin people on the island, and the Mantenin coffee variety mainly adopts the "Mantenin" variety, which is called by Indonesia's Katim. It is a hybrid of Alabica and Robusta Etimo and Arabica Kaddura once again, so the flavor of Ateng is naturally cleaner than that of Timo.

Sumatra Mantenin coffee bean treatment

Manning coffee is mostly treated by the unique wet planing method of Sumatra. Due to the lack of water resources, Manning was mainly exposed to the sun at first, but the disadvantage was that the quality was unstable, and then he also tried half-sun in Brazil, but because the local weather was often dominated by Rain Water, with constant typhoons, wet and rainy all the year round, the weather conditions needed for insolation could not be achieved.

Different from the water washing method, the water washing method is to retain the pectin for fermentation, freshen the residual pectin with clean water and then dry it directly in the sun, and the coffee beans will be stored in parchment. The wet planing method uses washing treatment for fermentation, and then semi-drying after removing the parchment through the machine, and then finally drying, coffee beans will "smooth" into the storage link. Appearance characteristics of raw beans treated by wet planing

In front of the street to get the Manning coffee beans noticed that they have a common bean appearance feature "sheep's hoof". This is because the raw bean will be crushed when the semi-hard and semi-soft wet raw bean is used to remove the pectin sheepskin, and the bean will be crushed and split like a sheep's hoof, commonly known as Bauhinia.

Degree of roasting of Ethiopian Yega Xuefei coffee beans

In order to preserve the bright acid characteristics of Yega Chuefei coffee beans, Qianjie roasters will use shallow roasting to bake coffee beans in the producing area. The former Street Coffee Yejashefi Fruit Tintin Cooperative washes coffee beans as an example:

Producing area: Yega Xuefei Gedeo Zone producing area

Altitude: 1900-2300m

Variety: original species (Heirloom)

Treatment: washing treatment

Using the Yang family 800N, the amount of beans: 480g: furnace temperature to 175C ℃ into the pot, throttle open 3, firepower is 120,140℃, when the firepower is unchanged, the throttle opens to 4; at this time the bean table turns yellow, the smell of grass completely disappears, enters the dehydration stage, when the firepower drops to 100176 ℃, the firepower drops to 80, and the throttle remains unchanged. The smell of toast obviously changes to the smell of coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, it is necessary to listen carefully to the sound of the explosion point. When the sound of the explosion starts, adjust the throttle to 5 (the tuning power should be very careful, not so small as to be so small that there is no burst sound). After an explosion, the development of 1 cup 39th 30 ", 193.5 ℃ into the pot. Degree of roasting of Sumatra Mantenin coffee beans

In order to highlight the mellow coffee flavor of Mantenin coffee bean herbal spices, Qianjie roasters use medium roasting to roast coffee beans in the producing area. Qianjie Coffee Aceh PWN Gold Manning Coffee Bean as an example:

Producing area: Aceh Jiayu Mountain, Sumatra, altitude: 1100-1600 m Variety: Ateng Grade: G1, 3 times hand-selected treatment method: wet planing method

Yangjia 800N, bean dosage 480g. Put the furnace temperature to 200 degrees Celsius, adjust the firepower to 160 degrees after opening the throttle for 1 minute, bake to 5 degrees Celsius 39 degrees 40 ", the temperature is 148 degrees, the bean surface turns yellow, the smell of grass disappears completely, dehydration is completed, the firepower is adjusted to 140 degrees, and the throttle is changed to 4 degrees. In the 9th & # 39th "minutes, ugly wrinkles and black markings appear on the bean surface, and the smell of toast obviously changes to the smell of coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, listen clearly to the sound of the explosion point, and start to explode at 9 degrees 39: 54". Turn the firepower down to 60 degrees, open the throttle 5, and put the pot at 204.5 degrees. In front of the street, how to cook Yejia Chefe coffee beans?

In order to better express the rich flower and fruit aroma and hierarchical feeling of this coffee bean, Qianjie decided to use V60 filter cup for cooking. The spiral design of the V60 filter cup not only prolongs the contact time between coffee powder and water, but also allows the water to concentrate along the spiral trough to the center of the filter cup, squeezing the coffee powder through the falling gravity of the water to form a higher sense of hierarchy.

Water temperature: 90 °C

Powder content: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (screening rate of No. 20 screen 77%)

This time, using segmented brewing, first inject 30g of water for steaming for 30s, when the coffee expands into a "hamburger" shape. The center of the second section is filled with 125g water in a small circle. The height of water injection is 4cm, the strength is gentle, and the tumbling strength of the powder layer is reduced as much as possible, and the flow speed falls at 4G per second. When the water level drops to 1 stroke 2 of the silt layer, the third stage of water injection begins, and the water injection in this section is also gently circled from the center to the end of 225g. After the coffee liquid in the filter cup has been fully dripped, the extraction is over, and the time is 2pm 39 + 01 ". Shake gently after the coffee has been extracted, and then taste it after the coffee liquid is fully even. washed Yega Xuefei coffee beans brew flavor: there are citrus and black tea in the mouth, cream, caramel and almond aftertaste are obvious and taste clean and sweet with the change of temperature.

How to cook Mantenin coffee beans on the front street?

When roasting coffee beans in the middle and deep brewing, the KONO Mingmen filter cup is usually used in Qianjie, because the only exhaust part of this filter cup is the 1/4 ribs. When the water level passes over the ribs, the water volume of the filter cup continues to rise, increasing the pressure through the weight of the water. Because the outlet is relatively small, it can extend the contact time between coffee particles and water for a longer time, as the water flow drives it to bring out the soluble matter more effectively. It can generally achieve the effect of high alcohol thickness expected by guests.

Water temperature: 88 degrees

Powder content: 15g

Gouache ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: the screening rate of 0.85mm aperture screen is 65%

Qianjie coffee first uses twice as much steaming water as coffee powder, that is, 30g water for 30 seconds. When the small water flow is injected around the circle to 125g, the water level is about to be exposed when the powder bed is about to be exposed, continue to inject water to 225g to stop water injection, and when the water level is about to be exposed, remove the filter cup, (steaming starts) the extraction time is 2 minutes 39th. PWN Gold Manning coffee beans brew flavor: nuts, spices, herbs, licorice, chocolate, caramel, the flavor is clean and soft.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925