Coffee review

What are the characteristics of the flavor and taste of coffee beans in Lake Attilan, Guatemala?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, What are the characteristics of the flavor and taste of coffee beans in Lake Attilan, Guatemala? Guatemala Guatemala Lake Attilan Lake Atitlan,1950 meter wine red Katura! The fully ripe wine red Catura Caturra is more than 1900 meters cold, so that the crimson will not be ripe. Generally speaking, this is the harvest of inadvertently inserting willows. Early last year in Guatemala City.

What are the characteristics of the flavor and taste of coffee beans in Lake Attilan, Guatemala?

Guatemala Guatemala Lake Attilan Lake Atitlan,1950 meter wine red Katura! The fully ripe wine red Catura Caturra is more than 1900 meters cold, so that the crimson will not be ripe.

Generally speaking, this is the harvest of inadvertently inserting willows. Early last year, in Guatemala City, after a cup test at the Anna Coffee Association, I met several old acquaintances. When we talked about producers, one thing caught my attention. The protagonist was a boss with a number of businesses, including coffee. In addition to large farms specializing in commercial beans, there was also a small farm, the road was steep and difficult to reach, and it was a walk to get to the manor. He was worried that the buyer would not want to go, and the output was small, so he simply outsourced it. Surprised to hear this, I interrupted and asked, "have you tested the sample of that small farm?" "" there's one over here! The quality is good. Louis also told me, "I tested it last year and felt very good, but unfortunately she sold the fruit directly to the local processing plant!" Immediately after I had tested the sample, I met with the producer the next day, and three days later, I went to this 1950lot farm.

1950 is her average altitude. As soon as I walked into the coffee garden, the altimeter of my watch was 1900 meters, and there were only a small number of Caturra species. The consultant who assisted in the processing at that time was very expert and asked the pickers to wait for "wine red" before they could pick it. Therefore, the coffee here has the nickname "1950 Wine Red Katura", and the total harvest is less than 20 bags. No wonder the owner is not willing to bother to manage it in 2013. Leaf rust is prevalent throughout Central America, and there is no sign of it here. Local farmers told me that because it is cold and slightly dry, the disease is rarely found, but the average production is much less than that by the lake.

To the south of Lake Attilan are three famous volcanoes, all more than 3000 meters, the westernmost are San Pedro Volcano, Toliman Volcano's twin craters and the main volcano Atitlan Volcano is 3537 meters high, after which the mountain descends all the way to the plain facing the Pacific Ocean.

Lake Attideran is one of the main volcanic coffee areas in Guatemala. The soil near the lake is fertile and suitable for growing coffee. Because most coffee is planted all the way up the steep hillsides along the lake, this terrain is not conducive to soil and water conservation. Therefore, farmers are often nerve-racking about how to keep enough water content in the land, while early deforestation and local land burning farming methods Are easy to cause great persecution to the environment. The steep terrain is not easy to retain water. Although the lake is very large, it cannot be used by pumping water from the lake. Fortunately, there are 19 very important private protected areas (Private Nature Reserves) around the lake, covering 6000 hectares of primeval forest and coffee estates, almost all of which are shaded for coffee planting and planting, which greatly protects the natural environment of Lake Attilan. They have adopted the method of protecting pristine forests to enrich water resources and adopt artificial structures to build soil and water conservation and hydropower. All these efforts have yielded great results. Today, many rare animals and more than 90 species of birds can be easily observed when people walk into the primeval forest by the lake.

Lake Attilan is one of the four volcanic coffee producing areas in Guatemala. The soil around the lake is very fertile. 1950 lot should be one of the highest farms in the area, mostly extending from the slope to the edge of Lake Attilan. The lake is still 1500 meters above sea level. It is also the largest and most famous high-altitude volcanic lake in Guatemala.

Country: Guatemala

Producing area: Lake Attilan

Manor: private farm, named 1950 lot

Variety: Katura Caturra

Treatment: washing, back scaffolding in the sun.

Batch: harvest began in March 2013, Osher is directly related to coffee

Test the flavor by cup

Dried fragrance: sweet, berries, vanilla plants, cherries, hazelnuts, spices

Wet aroma: citrus, spices, sucrose, tea, chocolate, sweet herbal aromas

Sipping: clean, bright red currant, tea, chocolate, sweet spices, champagne grapes, multi-layered,

Sweet citrus with a lingering finish.