Coffee review

How to order a good drink? what kind of coffee is Orebai?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the weekend is here again, people in the countryside with mood but not afraid of the cold can bring their girlfriends / boyfriends (suitable for single dogs), sit outside, put on small sunglasses, blow han wind (feng), bask in the sun, order a cup of fragrant white, look at the fallen leaves and feel the arrival of early winter.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The weekend is coming again, and everyone in the countryside with an emotional atmosphere and not afraid of the cold can bring their girlfriends / boyfriends (suitable for single dogs), sit outside, put on small sunglasses, blow han wind (feng), bask in the sun, order a glass of fragrant white, look at the fallen leaves, and feel the coming of early winter.

Fu Ruibai, our theme today.

Is "Fuluibai" white or not?

On Starbucks' website, they wrote:

"choose Starbucks espresso, extract the more mellow coffee with less water, and boil the milk until the foam is smooth. Slowly pour the milk into the coffee, let the sweet meet mellow, and end the final production with white dots. The beauty of excellence is simply art! "

In Starbucks stores, there are also conspicuous places with the noun of Furebai to explain, and some stores are set up to make display boards stamped in front of the store.

This description can't help but make you feel sorry for it even if you don't buy a cup. But the rigorous and objective I was not blinded by such a hype (actually to write this article), so I turned on the "curious baby" mode and decided to find out the truth about Freber.

Now let's have fun and popularize science. The latte, also known as Milk Coffee, is espresso at the bottom, milk at 65-75 ℃ in the middle, and cold milk foam at 1:2:1. Cappuccino, on the other hand, contains less milk than latte at 1:2:1, so it has a stronger espresso flavor. So, in popular terms, Furebai is a drink between latte and cappuccino, and the difference lies in the slight difference in the proportion of the three raw materials.

For Starbucks, Frappie uses Ristretto (Italian espresso) and latte Espresso (Italian espresso). So, studious and careful townsmen are asking about the difference between the two. To put it simply, the amount of coffee powder used to make a Ristretto is the same as that of a normal Espresso, but only half as much as usual. Espresso usually uses 20 grams of coffee powder to make 40 grams of coffee, while Italian espresso has a water-to-powder ratio of 1:1, which means 20 grams of coffee powder is used to make 20 grams of coffee. Do you think it is too high to watch? Hang in there a little bit, it'll look good later. )

In other words, Ristretto is a small cup of Espresso. In terms of taste, some people think that Ristretto has the texture of whisky, while others think it is dry and astringent, while others think that Espresso has a more balanced taste. Of course, I said so much, in fact, the average coffee lover should not be able to taste the difference between the two.

In addition, Furebai, latte and cappuccino also have many differences in production details, such as milk foam, steaming time, flower drawing and so on. The microfoam used by Furebai is to make the taste more delicate and silky. The thickness of the foam is less than 5mm, while the thickness of the latte is more than 1cm. The cappuccino uses a different texture of coarse foam (dry foam), and super thick. Cappuccino needs to boil the milk, while lattes take 3-5 seconds to steam, while Furebai is the least, controlled at 3 seconds. Please feel the slight difference.

All in all, all Furebai's theoretical feelings can be summed up into two words: silky and mellow. But the male god Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) opened a coffee shop in New York in 2013 and revealed to himself: "Frappie is a latte with more coffee and less milk." In my opinion, using an inappropriate metaphor to describe Furei white is: a thicker latte and a thinner cappuccino.

"Fuluibai", when I heard the name for the first time, took it for granted that it was associated with white coffee, or coffee with less coffee content and whiter color. Starbucks new product "Flat White" pronunciation: Fu (Fu) Rui (Rui) Bai (b á I). Fragrant white and latte taste is very similar, fragrant white bitter than milk, slightly bitter than latte, with an aftertaste; latte milk is heavier and slightly bitter. The latte in our memory is milky and slightly bitter, while the fragrant white bitter taste is slightly milky. Fu, Pinyin: fallow. Rui, Pinyin: rusty. Bai, Pinyin: B á I.

The "xx white" coffee, which has recently become popular in the global and Chinese markets, is actually a variant of the cappuccino-flat white, a latte with fine cream originating in Australia, which actually appeared as early as the 1980s.

Speaking of which, it is necessary to explain the question about Australia and White.

The original text of Wikipedia is:

A flat white is a coffee beverage that originated in Australia. There are continuing claims that it was first made in New Zealand

However the date of this claim is at least 3 years after the coffee's invention in Australia.It is prepared by pouring microfoam

(steamed milk consisting of small, fine bubbles with a glossy or velvety consistency) over a single shot (AU) or double ristretto

Shot (NZ) of espresso. It is somewhat similar to the traditional 5 oz cappuccino or the latte although smaller in volume, therefore having a higher proportion of coffee to milk, and milk that is more velvety in consistency-allowing the espresso to dominate the flavour, while being supported by the milk.

The main idea of the original text:

Australian white is a coffee drink that originated in Australia. But later, some people argued that Australia and White actually originated in New Zealand. However, the statement of the latter did not appear until three years after the former.

Australian White is a blend of tiny milk bubbles in one espresso or double Ristretto. To some extent, it is similar to the traditional 5-ounce cup (150mL) cappuccino or latte, so the proportion of coffee is higher, the milk foam is lighter and thinner, and the flavor of Espresso is more mellow with milk flavor at the same time.

From the above, it is not difficult for us to find three problems:

1. The origin of Australia and White is controversial.

two。 There is a high proportion of espresso in Australia and White.

3. What's the difference between Australian white, Cabo and latte?

Let's talk about these three questions first, and then compare them with Starbucks' Frappy White.

A dispute about the origin

A famous foreign food website published an article called "Australia and New Zealand culinary war in new front over flat white inventor" with an interview video.

The video interviews Mclnnes, a barista from New Zealand.

Mclnnes said that Australia White once made a cappuccino for a customer because he made a mistake in the process of making the foam, so that the foam did not get rid of enough. He explained to the customer: "Sorry, this is a cup of flat white." It happened in the winter of 1989.

Coincidentally, another barista from Sydney, Preston, said: "I'm telling you, I'm the first one to name it flat white!" Preston says he opened a cafe called MOORS ESPRESSO BAR in 1985, and when he first opened, he wrote flatwhite's name on the menu, accompanied by a receipt photo of his store with flatwhite on it. He also set up a website for his story, and those who are interested can take a look at

In my opinion, no matter where flat white originated? Who created it? Are no longer so important, the emergence of flat white is actually a necessity of coffee changing with each passing day. Its appearance emphasizes the flavor of Espresso, but without losing the aroma of milk, it is a very popular drink for coffee makers.

Speaking of which, it is necessary to explain the question about Australia and White.

Australian white is a coffee drink that originated in Australia. But later, some people argued that Australia and White actually originated in New Zealand. New Zealanders like to use Double Ristretto, while Australians use Single Espresso.

Australian White is a blend of tiny milk bubbles in one espresso or double Ristretto. To some extent, it is similar to the traditional 5-ounce cup (150mL) cappuccino or latte, so the proportion of coffee is higher, the milk foam is lighter and thinner, and the flavor of Espresso is more mellow with milk flavor at the same time.

Ristretto means limited, so ristretto is actually espresso that limits the flow rate, that is, the flow rate of ristretto will be slower.

For example, if espresso uses 18g espresso to extract 36g espresso in about 25 seconds, then ristretto uses 18g powder and 18g espresso in about 25 seconds, so ristretto will be very strong (there will be a difference between grinding and normal espresso).

When we make Australian white, we usually mix double Ristretto with milk with thinner foam and put it into 180mL coffee cup, which makes the coffee flavor of flat white more intense. Flat white (one cup of 200ml): based on two servings of espresso, some places will extract esp for a longer time, two servings of Ristretto.

The difference between Australian white, Cabo and latte

When you search the Internet for the differences between these three types of coffee, you will find that most of the explanations focus on the thickness of the milk bubbles. In fact, the thickness of the milk bubble only affects the taste of coffee to a certain extent, but it does not determine the taste of coffee. The difference between Australian white, Cabo and latte is mainly determined by the proportion of coffee.

In fact, the difference between the three can be divided in terms of the richness of coffee aroma: Australian white > Cabo > latte, while in terms of the thickness of milk foam, another division can be made: kabu > latte > Australian white. The requirement of Flat White for milk is to remove the loose foam on the surface and keep only the delicate part in the middle.

After a basic understanding of what kind of coffee flat white is, let's take a look at what Starbucks' new product, Frieber, is.

For most consumers, the entry of the word Furebai into our field of vision should have started with a coffee launched by Starbucks in 2015. Since then, various coffee brands have launched flatwhite products, giving the drink from the southern hemisphere a variety of names: Furebai from Starbucks, mellow white from Costa and Australian white from luckincoffee, a new chain coffee brand. So what are the differences between these different brands of flatwhite?

The coffee machines in general coffee shops are semi-automatic double-headed coffee machines. When extracting Espresso, use a standard powder bowl of 18-20 grams to extract 60mL Espresso. Since 180mL's flat white contains 30mL's Ristretto, then Ristretto accounts for 16.7% of the total flat white, and the taste and flavor are very good. So, regardless of the quality of coffee beans, calculated only according to the proportion of Ristretto16.7%, according to Starbucks cup-shaped tall (12 oz) / grande (16 oz) / venti (20 oz), the amount of Ristretto that should be added is 60ml, 80ml, 100ml, respectively.

Normally, the extraction of Ristretto usually stops the extraction 15 seconds after the first drop of coffee liquid flows into the cup, and the amount of extraction is about 30mL. If we follow the above guess, Starbucks will have to extract 2 times, 3 times and 4 times respectively according to the different cup shape in order to achieve the theoretical concentration ratio. Starbucks' production speed is still staggering, thanks to its fully automatic coffee maker Mastrena.

After a basic understanding of what kind of coffee flatwhite is, today, the editor brings you three domestic chain brands of flatwhite products: Flat White, Starbucks is called "Fubai", COSTA is called "mellow white", and lucky is called "Australia Ruibai". The prices of three cups of coffee are 36 yuan, 33 yuan and 27 yuan respectively.

The first is coffee, which, according to the clerk, is very mysterious, unlike Espresso. Starbucks says Miss Ruibai uses espresso (Ristretto Shot). "compared to espresso (Espresso Shot), it makes the coffee more full-bodied, mellow and slightly sweeter because of less extraction time and amount of extraction. If you want to try more full-bodied coffee, it must be a good choice.

"COSTA mellow white"

The mellow white is made of espresso and milk, which is characterized by a silkier taste and a heart-shaped pattern, which is sold at 31 yuan. Costa stores: pure milk from Australia and Asia, with fresh milk added.

Costa puts great emphasis on the effect of flower drawing. From the appearance and presentation effect of milk foam, mellow white is the best of the three brands. After opening the lid, the milk foam still maintains a sense of compactness. However, the taste of the mellow white entrance is very unsatisfactory.

"Ruixingao Ruibai"

In Australia Ruibai chose a more standard Australian flatwhite dispensing: espresso+ milk. The first impression after opening the lid of the cup is that the milk foam is relatively thin. Luckin Coffee also uses pure milk from Australia and Asia. Like costa, Australia-Switzerland white milk has a strong flavor, and coffee and milk taste are more balanced.