Coffee review

Brazil Cerrado Coffee production area Information introduction Daterra Datra Manor Information Story

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Brazil Datra Manor Sweet Confluence Daterra Sweet Collection Datra Manor is located in the Cerrado region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, with an average planting height of 1150 meters, a stable climate of 25 degrees Celsius and shade planting under the rainforest, can be produced.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Daterra Sweet Collection & # 39; Datra Manor is located in the Cerrado region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with an average planting height of 1150 meters, a stable climate of 25 degrees Celsius and shade planting in the rainforest to produce high-quality Arabica coffee beans. In addition to having a favorable growing environment, the farm's emphasis on rainforest, water and ecological protection, as well as labor rights and interests, makes the farm's coffee beans certified by four international organizations. The farm divides its cultivated land into 215small farms, which are subdivided into 2816 small plots to grow different varieties and provide a variety of mixed bean products. In addition to farming, Datra Manor also participates in the projects of international organizations to continuously improve the growing environment of coffee and the quality of coffee beans, and spare no effort in the complete coffee education. The farm's official website

This sweet confluence Sweet Collection coffee is one of Datra's many mixed bean products, and this bean was also the 2006 World Fancy Coffee Competition winner Mr. Klaus Thomsen was used with Costa Rican La Minita Coffee. It has complex and high-quality sweet fruit aromas and comfortable citrus acidity. In addition, his aftertaste, mellowness, and fragrance are full of vanilla caramel. The following is a description of tasting on the official website.

In addition, his aftertaste, mellowness, and fragrance are full of vanilla caramel. This coffee was used with Costa Rica's La Minita Coffee at the 2006 World Fancy Coffee Competition by the then champion Mr. Klaus Thomsen.

a. Recommended baking degree

1. Deep baking is suitable for Espresso

two。 Light to medium roasting is ideal for American coffee.

b. The use suggestion can be used as a single discussion of farm coffee. It can also be used as a bean mixture for Espresso.

c. Other information

1. First impression: perfect and unique

two。 Bouquet: beautiful fruit and Earl Grey Tea aroma

3. Aroma: caramel, honey, almond

4. Sweetness: high sweetness and elegant sweetness

5. Sour: a soft but special acid

6. Alcohol: moderate balance

7. Aftertaste: persistent citrus aroma