Coffee review

A model of Brazilian boutique manor-Fazenda Santa Ines Manor Sentain Manor Historical Story letter

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Brazil Sentain Manor peeled Brazil Carmo de Minas Fazenda Santa Ines Pulp Natural coffee story Fazenda Santa Ines not only set a record for the highest score in the history of CoE competition, but also a member of the SERTO Group, the manor

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)


Peel and sunburn the Santa Tain Manor.

Brazil Carmo de Minas Fazenda Santa Ines Pulp Natural

Coffee story

Fazenda Santa Ines not only has the highest score in CoE competition history, but is also a member of the SERT O Group, which is located in Carmo de Minas, a boutique town in South Minas.

The group has grown coffee for more than 100 years, and is one of the earliest coffee estates in the district. Its famous manor set several records in 2005, including "the highest standard" and "the most final manor". At the same time, the group has three manors ranked as Top 10. This record is not only unprecedented, but also difficult for future generations to catch up with. In particular, Fazenda Santa Ines is considered by boutique operators in various countries to be a model of Brazilian boutique manors, which is quite excellent. All over the world.

The manor also has sweet natural spring water and well-maintained primitive forests. because it is located in the high-altitude mountain area of the Mantinqueira Mountains, the temperature difference is large but there is no frost damage, and the volcanic soil is fertile. The manor maintains the traditional intensive farming attitude under the leadership of Francisco Isidoro Dias Pereira. Compared with most other Brazilian manors that easily increase the output of thousands of bags, Fazenda Santa Ines actually cares more about the environment and staff welfare, and coffee planting land is less than half of the total area of the manor. They would rather concentrate on boutique coffee and establish a direct relationship with bean bakers than wantonly expand production capacity.

2005 COE champion; fifth in 2006 COE; Coe was shortlisted more than seven times

The highest-scoring manor in the history of CoE, Brazil

Flavor description

Sweet maltose and roasted almonds with plums, oranges, grapefruit,

And the sweet taste of honey lemonade, the whole is clean and well balanced.

Coffee file


Producing area


Treatment mode


Win a prize


Carmo de Minas

About 900 Murray 1200 meters

Peel and bask in the sun

Yellow Bourbon

COE award-winning manor

Bitter ●●○○○

Fruit acid ●●●○○

Sweet ●●●○○

Aroma ●●●○○

Yu Yun ●●●○○