Coffee review

Kenyan French missionary bourbon coffee beans introduce Kenyan coffee bean flavor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) like to drink strongly sour, you can choose African sun-dried beans, such as the French missionary bourbon seed in Kenya. The taste of Kenyan coffee is unique, with natural sour taste, mellow BlackBerry flavor, strong wine aroma, bold taste and tropical flavor.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

[Bourbon, a French missionary in Haniyeh Manor, Kenya]

Country: Kenya

Area: card (Thika)

Processing plant: Haniyeh Manor (ChaniaEstates)

Altitude: 1525 m

Variety: French missionary bourbon species

Treatment: sun treatment

| | Origin description |

Coffee is very different from county to county (county) in Kenya. Kenya is divided into 47 "counties" (county).

Coffee in different counties has distinct characteristics. Coffee trees in Kenya are mostly planted at 1400-2000 meters above sea level and harvested twice a year. The growth areas include Ruiri, Thika, Kirinyaga and Mt. Kenya West, Nyeri, Kiambu and Muranga. Mainly in the foothills of Mt.Kenya and Aberdare. For example, Embu coffee characteristics, balance, citrus fruits, chocolate, apples, acidity. Nyeri coffee features, white grape, juicy, grapefruit and small tomato flavor, fruity, as sweet as caramel.

Coffee in different counties has distinct characteristics. Coffee trees in Kenya are mostly planted at 1400-2000 meters above sea level and harvested twice a year. The growth areas include Ruiri, Thika, Kirinyaga and Mt. Kenya West, Nyeri, Kiambu and Muranga. Mainly in the foothills of Mt.Kenya and Aberdare. For example, Thika Kenya Sika Plateau coffee characteristics, balanced, citrus fruits, chocolates, apples, plum acid. Nyeri coffee features, white grape, juicy, grapefruit and small tomato flavor, fruity, as sweet as caramel.

Thika Kenya Sika

Kenya is located in the Kiambu coffee-growing region in the highlands east-central of the Great Rift Valley, with Sika as a secondary area. Located at the foot of the Aberdare Ridge, the soil is red volcanic soil, rich in organic matter. Due to the mild climate and moderate rainfall in the Kiambu region, coffee farmers can harvest twice a year-from May to July and from September to December.


KIAMBU: This region in central Kenya has the highest elevation coffee growing area in the region.

Kiambu has a number of large coffee plantations where small farmers work closely with their partner organizations, most of them with their own processing plants, providing growers with a better alternative to buying and selling coffee collectively. Farmers process green coffee beans in their own factories and get reasonable prices at auctions.

However, some coffee trees at high altitudes will get Dieback and stop growing. This area is named after Nakuru Town. Coffee cultivation here is a mixture of manor and smallholder farming, but yields are relatively small.

Altitude: 1850~2200 m

Harvest period: October ~ December (main production season), June ~ August (secondary production season)

Varieties: SL-28, SL-34, Ruiru11, Batian

| | Manor introduction |

The Chania and Oreti estates are the only large and medium-sized private coffee plantations in Kenya, and the Harries family has managed the production of the coffee farms since 1904. The Haniyeh Manor (Chania Estate) and the Oreti Manor (Oreti Estate) are bordered by the Haniyeh River, with dams and reservoirs and nearly 200 acres of land, where forests are planted on the riverbank to protect birds and wildlife.

The landowner BoyceMarquis Allen Harries took over Estates and A.I.R in 2013. Family business (Harries&Son Ltd.). Today, 40 employees work for Boyce, many of whom have served the Harries family for three generations, and employees have their own optional committees that meet monthly to discuss community safety, social and health issues. In addition to taking care of their own workers, the Harries family donated land to the Thika City Council and co-founded the Wabeni Institute of Technology, which teaches practical skills such as clothing, machinery and carpentry to help local residents make a living.

The Story of Harris: this manor has a history of more than 100 years

Haniyeh and Oreti Manor are the only large and medium-sized private coffee plantations in Kenya.

In 1904, Alan Charles Harris arrived in South Africa and came to Kenya. After a comprehensive survey of the country, Allen Charles Plain set up Karamaini Manor in the area that later became Sika. It took him two days to cover the 30-mile journey from Nairobi with donkey carts and porters.

His third son, Aldred Ivan Rule Harris, remained in South Africa and helped support his father financially, eventually joining his coffee business in 1912.

In 1926 Ivan moved to the village of Haniya. This is a mixed farm on the Gania River, holding a small area of coffee.

Here Ivan sets out to discover what can be successfully farmed, trying to use hand cattle, sisal, and pineapple while slowly increasing the total area of coffee. He also bought an adjacent small farm to create real estate because it was today and in the early 1950s, based on his initials, he appointed his business, AIR Harris & Sons Ltd., in 1946, Ivan's son Peter Allen Harris completed his research in New Zealand.

He and his wife Ina (a new Zealand native) joined his father in buying a plot of land five miles above Chania from the top down ridge of Mount Aberdare. They named it Oretti and established a mixed farm of pineapple, coffee and macadamia nuts.

Peter inherited the running of both farms in the late 1950s when his father died. The farm has pineapples, livestock and macadamia nuts, but coffee has become the focus of agricultural operations. When Peter died suddenly in 1983, his eldest son and only surviving son, David Hugh Allen Harris (b. 1947), was appointed to carry on the family tradition.

David's nephew Alan Harris, Marquis of Boyce (born 1976), joined him in 2004 and lived in Peter's hometown in Oretti. Following David's retirement in 2013 Boyce took over the running of both estates, and AIR Harris & Sons Ltd is the family business of AIR Harris & Sons Ltd.

| | Analysis of raw beans |

French missionaries brought bourbon trees to Kenya around 1892-1893. This native bourbon tree species, known as renchMission Varietal (French missionary species), avoids scientific improvements in the planting process and retains the original flavor of bourbon. Chania Estate's unique red volcanic soil, coupled with suitable coffee growth temperature and rainfall, coupled with excellent natural environment, create the unique flavor of French missionaries in Sikahania.


Tell me briefly what bourbon coffee is. Bourbon coffee was originally grown on the island of Reunion, which was also known as le Bourbon until 1789. Bourbon, a mutant of Typica, is one of the oldest surviving coffee varieties, with green fruits that appear bright red when ripe.

The route of transmission of Bourbon species

Due to the low yield and susceptibility to disease of the tipica species introduced to Brazil in 1727, the bourbon species was introduced to Brazil around 1860 via Campinas in the south and rapidly spread north to other parts of South and Central America. In Latin America today, Bourbon is still cultivated in El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, etc., although most of the Bourbon species have been largely replaced by varieties (especially Caturra, Catuai, and Mundo Novo).

In Africa, French missionaries known as Spiritan (from the Holy Spirit) played an important role in the spread of the bourbon species. The first church was founded in Reunion in 1841 and a branch was established in Zanzibar in 1859, while from Zanzibar a branch was established in Bagamoyo (Bagamoyo, coast of Tanzania, then known as Tanganyika) and St. Augustine (Kikuyu, Kenya) in 1862, and a branch was established in Bura (Taita Hills, Kenya) in 1893. The establishment of each chapter was accompanied by the planting of coffee seeds from Reunion.

Seedlings cultivated by Bura in 1899 were brought to another French church in Santa Cruz (near Nairobi), introduced to the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania in 1900, and distributed seeds to local residents who were willing to grow coffee. This is the origin of the so-called "missionary bourbon". Then the Kent species was introduced in 1920. Therefore, up to now, the coffee in Tanzania is mainly bourbon and Kent.

Cup test result

This coffee has a good flavor, but the defect rate is high. Please choose it carefully before and after baking. Dry aroma with sun fermentation, dried fruit and vanilla, sipping can drink caramel, vanilla, comprehensive fruit, solid juice, finish with berries, strong jackfruit, coffee flowers. The overall performance has the wild regional flavor of Africa, which is suitable for sipping and tasting slowly, and the complex aroma is difficult to give up.

| Brewing data

Recommended cooking method: hand brewing

Abrasion: 3.5 (Fuji R440)

Water temperature: 90~91°C

V60 filter cup, 15g powder, grinding 3.5.The ratio of water to powder is close to 1:15

Steaming in 30 grams of water for 30 seconds

When the water level falls, the water flow will concentrate the water along the spiral ribs, and this action, just like the state when twisting towels, will squeeze the coffee particles in the water at once, and in order to maximize the squeezing function, in the control of the water supply, the water level can not exceed the height of the powder layer.

The second water injection also starts from the middle, with a small water column injected into the bottom of the powder layer. In order to concentrate the penetrating force of the water column, the range of movement around the water column should be small, about the size of an one-dollar coin, and then wound out. At the beginning of the second water supply, we should pay attention to the amount of water, and try not to exceed the height of the powder layer, that is, when the water column is wound close to the filter paper, the water supply can be stopped.

Section: water injection to 120ml cut off water, slow water injection to 225ml, that is, 30-120-75, the total extraction time is about 2 minutes.

Other suggestions for trickling extraction:

Normal pressure, recommended grinding degree of 3.5-4 / water temperature 90 °C

Philharmonic pressure, recommended 2.5 grinding degree, water temperature 90 °C

Hand punch: 3.5 degree of grinding, water temperature 91 °C

1. Weigh 20 grams of beans, the size of ground sugar, the ratio of powder to water is 1:15.

2. Preheat the kettle with water, then pour out; pour the coffee powder into the kettle.

3. Pour the hot water at 89 degrees to start the clock. Stir gently after pouring water to make sure all the coffee powder can be soaked.

4. After four minutes, slowly press down the pressure bar and pour it out.

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