Coffee review

How do office workers drink coffee? You should be careful of the five bad habits of office workers in drinking coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in the morning is awakened by the smell of coffee, have a refreshing cup in the afternoon, maybe another cup after dinner is really comfortable! Office workers' advice on how to drink coffee: 1 for fear of trouble, I can recommend hanging earbags to basically make boutique coffee, which will be sold for 10 to 15 yuan according to beans.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Awakened by the aroma of coffee in the morning, a refreshing cup in the afternoon, maybe another cup after dinner is really comfortable!

Advice for office workers on how to drink coffee:

For fear of trouble, I can recommend hanging earbags to basically make boutique coffee, which will be sold for 10 to 15 yuan according to beans.

2 convenient as buying a hand mill + positive pressure A12 plus a little better pressure no more than 300 to 400 beans are about 70 80 half pounds can be drunk about 20 times

3 if it is to drink milk coffee, then only the capsule machine can meet the coffee capsule 5 yuan plus milk is too big for the cost

Nowadays, coffee is more and more accepted by people.

Coffee also has many legends: drinking coffee can help you lose weight, help your eyesight, prevent stroke and fight cancer.

However, we would like to remind that the mechanism of the effect of caffeine in coffee on the body is very complex, including the regulation of hormones and the expression of specific genes.

Therefore, some people, or some time, are not suitable for drinking coffee.

In addition, no matter how good the coffee is, you can't overdo it. in the study, people who drink five cups of coffee a day are defined as heavy coffee drinkers. If they drink too much, they may have the same effect as taking medicine.

The five bad habits of office workers drinking coffee may be the key to your life.

1. Drinking coffee after a good meal may cause esophageal stricture

Case: there was a R & D executive who often stayed up late and worked overtime. Over the years, he got into the habit of having a cup of coffee after dinner to refresh his mind.

Not long ago, he was inexplicably thin (from more than 150 jin to more than 130 jin).

And it's getting harder and harder to eat, or you'll spit it all out. Multiple gastroscopy and imaging examinations are highly suspected of esophageal cancer. Finally, he went to a big hospital to undergo surgery after he was diagnosed.

But the plot reversed, and the gastroenterologist found that he did not have cancer and was a benign stricture of the esophagus through endoscopy.

The normal person's esophagus is generally 2.5 centimeters in diameter, but his esophagus at that time was only about 0.3 centimeters.

The doctor said that the benign stricture of his esophagus was caused by gastroesophageal reflux, and the habit of drinking coffee after satiety every day was the cause of the disease.

two。 Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can hurt your stomach

Case: "enjoy a cup of good coffee in the morning light, as if all the cells of the body are awakened." Who works for an advertising agency.

The 23-year-old punk drinks coffee as a ritual. But recently, she found that she felt refreshed after a cup of coffee, but her stomach would.

It hurts vaguely for a long time.

Is it good to drink coffee on an empty stomach?

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach will stimulate and excite the sympathetic nerve, which will reduce appetite.

In addition, caffeine is a strong stimulant of gastric acid secretion. When fasting, strong acid stimulates the gastric mucosa, causing discomfort. Those with gastric ulcers or duodenum can aggravate the disease.

Experts from the American University of Health Sciences say that people become sensitive when they drink coffee immediately after getting up. It is recommended to eat some staple foods such as bread before drinking coffee. People with stomach problems are advised not to drink.

3. People with hypertension should drink coffee carefully when they are stressed.

Case: there is a department manager who drinks a cup of coffee after getting up every morning. After working for a few hours, he feels mentally ill or

When you are stressed at work, you will drink coffee to refresh and relieve the stress; when you are in a bad mood, you should also have a cup of coffee to change your mood.

What happens to coffee when you are in a bad mood or under stress?

The study found that even the dose of caffeine in a cup of coffee (140mg) can affect blood pressure, especially under stress.

If emotional tension is added at this time, it will have a dangerous multiplication effect.

People who consume too much caffeine, especially those with heart disease, are easy to induce irregular heart rate and cardiovascular disease.

A team of researchers from the Department of Psychology at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia found that people who were stressed and addicted to coffee were three times more likely to have auditory hallucinations and hallucinations than others.

The effect is similar to taking too much caffeine.

Most people don't know about these last two points.

4. The refreshing effect of coffee varies from person to person

Case: a mother said that her daughter was nervous in her third year of high school, slept less at night, dozed off in class and didn't listen to the class.

Refreshed with coffee, but also said that the students are drinking.

Refreshing, everyone will think of coffee, but scientists are controversial about the role of caffeine.

An experiment by the Sleep Medicine Research Center of St. Luke's Hospital in the United States found that caffeine is refreshing, but its effect varies from person to person.

An article in the Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology: drinking coffee doesn't make you more awake, focused or responsive, it just keeps you awake.

"I drank coffee and drove across the continent. I knew it would keep me awake. But if I have to write a scientific paper late at night, coffee won't keep me focused or sharp. "

So why stay awake?

Because caffeine inhibits the action of a brain chemical called adenosine monophosphate.

Usually, adenosine slows down the body's response, and people are excited all the time because caffeine prevents the chemical from getting close to the cells. But the effect of caffeine will pass soon!

5. Drinking a lot of coffee consumes vitamin B in the body

After the effect of caffeine is over, people will feel tired due to the continuous impact of a large amount of adenylate on the body.

When many friends work overtime, they will keep drinking espresso in order to keep themselves awake. What will be the result?

Drinking a large amount of coffee will speed up the metabolism and consume the vitamin B group related to nerve and muscle coordination in the body, in which vitamin B1 can maintain the balance and stability of the nervous system.

People who lack vitamin B groups tend to get tired, so they drink more coffee and need more and more coffee, but the effect is getting worse and worse, forming a vicious circle and forming the habit of drinking coffee.

Therefore, when you have to stay up late, it is recommended to supplement some vitamin B group, but it is more effective.