Coffee review

Iced coffee brewing skills course is it difficult to make iced coffee? What are the skills in how to make iced coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) ice is also delicious! Strictly select iced coffee brewing skills, iced coffee brewing skills! If you have a cup of cold iced coffee in a hot summer, will it also relieve the heat? Although coffee lovers will recommend drinking hot coffee that has just been brewed, they can taste its flavor.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Ice is good! Strictly select iced coffee brewing skills, iced coffee brewing skills chapter!

Hot summer if a cup of ice cold iced coffee is also very cool it? Although coffee experts will recommend drinking freshly brewed hot coffee to taste its flavor, iced coffee is one of the summer drinks! How do you make a good iced coffee?

Today, Xiaobian wants to teach you ice coffee brewing skills. If you want to learn to brew ice coffee, you must not miss the ice coffee brewing skills to share yo ~

Mainstream single-item iced coffee brewing method

Ice coffee brewing tips: brewing a full cup of hot coffee after cooling at room temperature, and then ice into the refrigerator, this method can bring out the coffee alcohol and chocolate flavor, but also the simplest way to brew ice coffee

Ice coffee brewing tips 2: After brewing a full cup of hot coffee, pour it into a snow cup and then add ice to shake it quickly, so that the coffee can cool down quickly, and pour the coffee into a snow cup and shake it to accelerate the temperature cooling, but it should be noted that melting ice will dilute the coffee concentration yo!

Ice coffee brewing tips three: cold coffee this practice is a bit like cold tea, coffee powder into cold water stir evenly, and then seal ice into the refrigerator refrigeration, this method can also enhance the chocolate flavor of coffee and coffee alcohol yo ~

Generally speaking, the first two kinds of iced coffee brewing methods are suitable for shallow and medium roasted coffee beans, while the cold bubble iced coffee brewing method is more suitable for deep roasted beans. If there is a special selection of beans for roasting taste, you can pay attention to the iced coffee brewing method!

In fact, from the experience of a coffee craftsman, I want to tell you that ice cubes are used to quickly cool the extracted coffee liquid, so that each drop of coffee liquid just extracted is quickly and evenly cooled, so when it completes its task, they can be completely fished out, and the remaining liquid is not cold enough, but the basic taste can meet the requirements of ordinary people for "iced coffee".

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