Coffee review

How to use Vietnam drip filter to make authentic Vietnamese iced coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Vietnamese iced coffee (Vietnamese: C ph, literally meaning iced coffee) is a kind of dripping coffee. With milk, it is called Vietnamese iced milk coffee (Vietnamese: c ph nu) in North Vietnam, which literally means iced coffee with milk. Coffee use in Vietnam

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Vietnamese iced coffee (c à ph ê coffee á, literally means iced coffee) is a kind of dripping coffee.

With milk, it is called Vietnamese iced milk coffee in North Vietnam (Vietnamese: C à ph ê n â u coffee á), which literally means iced coffee with milk.

The drip container used in Vietnamese coffee has multiple openings at the bottom, so there is no need to replace the filter paper. When actually drinking, condensed milk is usually placed in the coffee cup, then covered with a metal container containing coffee fragments, and then hot water is poured into the container. The water will flow through the coffee and drip through the opening of the coffee container. Vietnam has a hot climate, so it is common to use ice instead of hot water and ice-melted cold water to make ice drops of coffee.

Vietnamese iced coffee

Today, the focus is on a popular and traditional coffee from Vietnam, which is called Vietnamese iced coffee (C à Ph ê S iced D á). Vietnam used to be a French colony with a unique diet. Like the French, coffee is their daily drink.

In this shivering winter, it is obviously inappropriate to introduce Vietnamese iced coffee, but for those who do not follow the rules, you can give it a try. I believe there must be something unexpected and enjoyable.

Before you make coffee, you have to have a Vietnamese drip filter. There are usually two specifications on the market: 120ml, 300ml. There will be some changes in the structure, but the core part is the same: the main brewing chamber, with a filter at the bottom, a press, and a lid.

Vietnam drip filter (pot)

Suggestions / precautions before production

Condensed milk: condensed milk is the main role of Vietnamese iced coffee, condensed milk is very sweet, my suggestion is about 1-2 teaspoons is enough, otherwise it is too sweet, it will affect the taste of coffee, if you like sweet, you can add more, but it's like drinking sugar water.

Water and ice: water should be freshly boiled, and overnight water had better not be used. Strictly speaking, overnight water has gone bad, which is the wrong choice for coffee taste. Do not use water without a filter. There are too many impurities. It is recommended to use pure water and boil it now. Ice is used with ice cubes, do not break it.

Temperature of water: the temperature of water is 90-96 degrees Celsius.

The ratio of coffee powder to water: the ratio of coffee powder to water is given here: 7/8g:100ml water is generally used; Vietnamese tradition is: 12g:100ml water; 14g:150ml water, which can be adjusted according to your taste.

Coffee beans and grinding degree: coffee beans the Vietnamese all use their own coffee beans-ROBUSTA (Robusta) to grow coffee beans, and use deeper roasting (for eight roasting degrees, roasted coffee beans above the city level). As for the grinding degree, it is not recommended that the Italian machine grind, which is coarser than the Italian machine.

Brewing time: about 4 minutes, the traditional Vietnamese iced coffee extraction time will not exceed this time is about 2-3 minutes. If the extraction time is longer, you need to consider that the amount of coffee extracted is less, the grinding reading of coffee powder is thicker, on the contrary, if the extraction time is less than 4 minutes, the amount of coffee extraction is relatively more, and the grinding degree of coffee powder is relatively fine. Use it flexibly.

Vietnamese iced coffee

Now start production.

Tools / materials

Vietnam drip filter, hand brewer, coffee powder, condensed milk, glass, spoon, ice, special filter paper.

How to use Vietnam drip filter to make delicious authentic Vietnamese iced coffee!

Prepare materials and appliances

1 first add condensed milk to the glass.

Add condensed milk to the cup

2 put coffee powder in Vietnam drip filter. Unscrew the tablet, put in the special filter paper, then put in the coffee powder, gently pat, and screw on the tablet. Put it on the glass when you're done.

(3) inject hot water. First pour in about 20ml of hot water, cover and steam for about 30-45 seconds.

Inject hot water

Close the lid and steam.

Open the lid and inject hot water again until you get the right amount.

5 Coffee liquid extraction is completed, stir, so that coffee and condensed milk are fully mixed.

6 add ice and stir.

7 finished production, enjoy coffee.

Later words

In Thailand, Thai iced coffee is based on Vietnamese iced coffee. Thais use a lot of spices and a small amount of sugar to counteract some bad flavors, such as bitterness.

Thais add extracts of cardamom, cinnamon and almonds to extract coffee in order to increase the bitterness and aroma of coffee. But in fact, it backfired, covering up the original coffee flavor. Of course, "radish and green vegetables, each has his own love", as long as you like it.

Thank you for reading.