Coffee review

Coffee beans what are the male and female beans of all kinds of coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Recently, the theory of public beans and mother beans is quite popular. A partner who has just returned from Bali, Indonesia, and the bar manager of a five-star hotel both talked about it with me. The former said that when she went to Bali, the locals recommended public beans to her and did a cup test on the spot. The taste of male beans is better than mother beans, while the latter extolled to me that all the beans supplied by their suppliers are public beans, not a single mother bean. Good end

Recently, the theory of public beans and mother beans is quite popular. A partner who has just returned from Bali, Indonesia, and the bar manager of a five-star hotel both talked about it with me. The former said that when she went to Bali, the locals recommended public beans to her and did a cup test on the spot. The taste of male beans is better than mother beans, while the latter extolled to me that all the beans supplied by their suppliers are public beans, not a single mother bean. Where does the idea of good coffee beans come from?

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The theory of male and female coffee beans is distributed in Indonesia, scattered in Taiwan, and its influence is mainly concentrated in the above three places, so the local people in Bali will use public beans as a selling point to sell coffee.

The so-called male bean refers to the special appearance of only one coffee bean in a coffee, because its shape is generally shuttle, in order to distinguish it from the popular flat coffee bean, it is called round bean (Peaberry), that is, the so-called male bean, and other normal beans are called mother beans. From a botanical point of view, there is no distinction between male and female coffee of the same plant, so the theory of male and female is only a term framed by businessmen.

The proportion of male beans in coffee beans is generally 5%-8%. According to statistics, most male beans develop on the outside of the crown where they are more easily disturbed by external identity. so there is also a saying that male beans are actually the product of some kind of external force.

In terms of taste, public beans do have richer fat, more mellow taste and more mellow aftertaste, which is the reason why people will go after them. However, scientists have no evidence to prove that male beans have more soluble fragrance than female beans, only that they contain more oil and fat, which is also due to the fact that one male bean accounts for the nutrients of two female beans.