Coffee review

The growing situation of Gedeo zone Coffee in Yejia Coffee producing area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information on coffee beans please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Yega Xuefei coffee beans, the earliest definition is produced in Ethiopia, a coffee bean called the town of Yegashafi. Most coffee fans may be no stranger to Ethiopia, which is the birthplace of Arabica and the most important native / wild in the world.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Yejashafi coffee beans, the earliest definition is produced in Ethiopia, a coffee bean called the town of Yegashafi.

Most coffee fans are probably no stranger to Ethiopia, the birthplace of Arabica and one of the most important native / wild coffee gene pools in the world. Most of the production patterns are presented in the form of small farmers' cooperatives. The season is from October to December each year.

Yirgacheff is the most famous producing area in Ethiopia, located in a small producing area in the Gedeo region of southern Ethiopia, where coffee beans are harvested from local small coffee farmers, which can be said to be a collection of the painstaking efforts of many small coffee farmers. At first, Yejashafi coffee beans are not impressive, because the small beans do not conform to the popular idea that size is beauty, but coffee lovers who have drunk Yega Xuefei are astonished. Coffee can have such an obvious floral aroma and lemon and citrus flavor, impressive. As a result, Ethiopia's Yega Xuefei has become more and more famous, riding the third wave of boutique coffee beans.

Yega Xuefei is not only the most popular boutique coffee, Lot 1 sun drying, Ethiopia's traditional exquisite sun-drying method, the treatment plant screening available coffee cherries, the whole pulp and skin of coffee cherries intact preserved in the elevated shed for sun treatment, it is this kind of high-intensity human labor greenhouse drying method, cut off contact with the ground, prevent the smell of soil in the process of sun exposure Create an unusually clean fruit flavor. After more than two weeks of sun exposure, the dark brown coffee fruit is stored professionally, waiting for the whole flavor to ripen. Before shipping, the processing plant will take the coffee beans out of the coffee cherries, and the sweetness can be imagined.

03 | Analysis of raw beans

On the grading of Yega Xuefei

The score of raw bean:-Q1 is the highest, followed by Q2.

-common in China, only G1G4 classification →, regardless of washing or sun-drying beans, the choice of G1 should be able to get less defect rate and delicious coffee beans.

ECX has a further way to classify beans according to their own grades. Not the familiar "Yega Sheffield G1" or "Yega Sheffield G2". Fresh coffee beans harvested in that year must first make a primary score and get a G1-G3 rating before they will be further divided into Q1 and Q2 grades by testing the quality of coffee beans with SCAA cups.

Introduction to ◎:

The Red Cherry Project is a small-scale local quality improvement program that encourages local coffee farmers to produce high-quality coffee beans.

On the eve of harvest time, OLP (local producer organization) will invite local coffee farmers to participate in the production of 100% full maturity.

And small batches of coffee beans that have been hand-selected many times.

OLP also maintains the quality of coffee beans through a safe and stable delivery process and timely and appropriate handling procedures.

Sun treatment is a typical local coffee refining process.

In the Konga area, there are many farmers' associations and private treatment plants, coupled with the flow of the Konga River.

Everyone calls it Konga Station.

In order to distinguish and better understand this particular area, the name & # 39 position Wotte Konga Washing Station' is used.

The Gedeo (often referred to as the Darasa) are classified as a culturally and linguistically unique ethnic group. It is bordered by Sidama to the east, Alaba to the north and Burji,Guji to the west. All the ethnic groups here belong to the Kucht language family of East Africa (Cushitic). Since ancient times, the cliffs in the upper reaches of the great rift graben in the north of Sidamo have been the main active area. To date, Gedeo is still one of the most densely populated areas in Ethiopia.

The Gedeo region has the world-famous Yirgacheffe and Sidamo coffee beans. The Yega Sheffield Coffee Farmers' Cooperative Union (YCFCU), which began in 2002, has 24 junior cooperatives and more than 50000 farmers. The 1250-member Adado Cooperative is one of them. The farm is located in lush mountain areas, with coffee plantations ranging from 2000 to 2400 meters above sea level. Gedeo traditional farming uses coffee and enset (mountain banana) to plant each other to keep the soil fertile.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://