Coffee review

Which brand of blue mountain coffee is good to buy blue mountain coffee? how to distinguish between blue mountain coffee and ordinary coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) to identify the true and false blue mountain coffee beans 1 shape: blue mountain coffee beans are cyan, the appearance is very neat, the size is medium to small, the ends are a little cocked up. After baking, the volume increases a lot, very full. 2 ground beans: real blue mountain coffee beans grow at high altitude

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Blue Mountain Coffee Bean

1 Appearance: Blue Mountain coffee beans are green, appearance is very neat, the size is medium small, some of the ends tilt. After baking, the volume increases a lot and it is very full.

2 grinding beans: real blue mountain coffee beans grow at high altitude, its cytoplasmic structure is relatively loose, when grinding by hand feel very crisp very cool very continuous, there will be no feeling of resistance.

3 aroma: aroma is very rich, dense; the so-called blend of blue mountain coffee, is not this aroma.

4 taste: real blue mountain coffee taste balanced, rich, there will be no one taste outstanding or lack of feeling, this is also any other coffee beans can not match, the most critical identification points. Blue Mountain Garden Bean's aroma is more subtle, and the taste is relatively stronger.

Feeling: Blue Mountain Coffee as the world's best coffee, classic balance characteristics, taste when there will inevitably be some subconscious, indescribable satisfaction.

The coffee in the cup tastes very clean, and it is one of the sweetest coffees in the world. This flavor has been described by Jim Reynolds in Peet Coffee and Tea: "The best example of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is its aromatic, smooth, dense, and gem-like quality. It's precious like a jewel. It's complex, but it's very mild, it's sweet, it's very alcoholic. You must taste it in order to know what I am talking about." The unique growing conditions and care taken in all production processes make Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee famous.

Uncover authentic Blue Mountain rarely seen, official certificate to distinguish

Why is there so much fake Blue Mountain coffee? A big coffee maker engaged in coffee industry for 12 years believes that profit margin is the main reason for the appearance of counterfeit Blue Mountain.

Big coffee said that there are three kinds of Blue Mountain coffee on the market at present: one is to take advantage of the blindness of consumers and pretend to be Blue Mountain coffee with irrelevant coffee, which is drunk in some small coffee shops or leisure bars; The second is to use coffee beans with similar taste to prepare "Blue Mountain flavor" coffee, that is, most coffee shops "Blue Mountain coffee"; Third, Blue Mountain coffee beans purchased from Japan and other places, roasted by China, may be tasted in a very small number of star hotels or high-end clubs. "Authentic Blue Mountain coffee sellers will hold a certificate from the Jamaica Coffee Board. "As far as I know, authentic Blue Mountain coffee on the Dalian market sells for nearly 2000 yuan a pound. According to the 10 grams of coffee powder required for each cup of coffee, a pound of coffee beans can also produce about 45 cups of coffee, so the cost of a cup of Blue Mountain coffee needs 40 to 50 yuan, far from the cost of a few dollars for counterfeit Blue Mountain. Coupled with the high labor costs of coffee shops, the price is at least 100 yuan. "Big coffee says.

Blue Mountain Coffee is brewed from coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. This kind of coffee not only tastes rich and mellow, but also because the sweet, sour and bitter flavors of coffee are perfectly matched, so it does not have bitterness at all, only moderate and perfect sourness. Because of the limitations of Blue Mountain coffee production and the difficulty of picking in many aspects, the yield is small and the price is high. Blue Mountain Coffee produces only about 40,000 bags a year, most of which are sold to Japan, with the rest going to Europe and America.

Blue Mountain coffee, due to its limited origin, difficult picking, unique varieties, in the international market presents a small amount, high price, high quality characteristics, highly respected by industry experts. However, after investigation, it was found that many coffees with a cost of only a few yuan were sold by merchants as "Blue Mountain Coffee", and the price rose sharply. The price of a cup was nearly 100 yuan. Industry insiders say authentic Blue Mountain coffee is extremely difficult to buy on the market.