Coffee review

Geisha coffee beans citrus acid jasmine bergamot flavor _ how much is a cup of geisha coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) when I heard about geisha coffee beans, I thought Kyoto also began to grow coffee. Haha, this is a big mistake. In fact, the original text of geisha coffee beans, or Gesha, happens to be synonymous with Japanese geisha, so it is called it in Chinese, in fact, with Japanese.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When I heard about "geisha" coffee beans, I thought Kyoto had begun to grow coffee. Haha, this is a big mistake. in fact, the original text Geisha or Gesha happens to be synonymous with Japanese "geisha", so it is called it in Chinese, but it has nothing to do with Japanese geisha at all.

However, "geisha" coffee is so popular among many coffee fans that they love it so much that if you don't believe it, you will know that if you go to Baidu, there will be many professional articles about geisha coffee, and this "geisha" craze is quite scary!

Speaking of the legend of "geisha", it turns out that this coffee bean originated from southwestern Ethiopia in Africa. In 1963, Don Pachi Serracin introduced the "geisha" coffee tree from Costa Rica to Panama. At first, the coffee production was very small, which reduced the willingness of coffee farmers to grow, until Daniel Peterson, the owner of La Esmeralda5 manor, accidentally found a "geisha" coffee tree in his coffee farm. Since 2004, he has been popular in the competition and won the championship for four consecutive years. Panama is the first country in the world to produce "geisha" coffee beans, of which La Esmeralda and Don pachi are the most famous.

The reason why geisha coffee beans are so popular among coffee fans is that they are rich in personality and very hierarchical. Some experts especially describe them as "extraordinary" personalities, so they have won the championship for several years in a row and become the top coffee in the eyes of coffee fans. Wow, this is so esoteric. I need the guidance of Mr. Hyun to understand. The following is my first experience of "geisha" coffee:

The teacher said, "geisha coffee has the aroma of jasmine." →, my nose and taste buds seem to have dropped, but I didn't taste it. I suck...

The teacher said: "drink with the taste of citrus and honey." I can feel the taste of → honey, especially after drinking it.

The teacher said, "the geisha coffee is a little sour but not bitter. It tastes smooth and soft. Is it there?" → has. He has any other advantages of coffee that you can imagine.

The teacher said, "do you feel the taste of chocolate?" → chocolate! Jack, this is amazing! I seriously feel that my coffee tasting business is too shallow.

The teacher said, "Geisha coffee is a very personalized coffee." In particular, the aftertaste is very good. Is it delicious? " → mm-hmm ~ (nods like garlic) tastes good [Note: Yu Yun, indicating the sense of taste produced after entering the throat]

Finally, the teacher mentioned that because this Panamanian "geisha" coffee has won the championship and the output is rare, Luoyang paper is expensive, half a pound costs 1500 yuan, ah! I listened to it several times, this is really "expensive musk", it is really very expensive! Thank you so much for the teacher, otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to drink such top coffee in my life.

Geisha coffee bean brand recommendation

Qianjie Coffee roasted Panamanian Emerald Manor-Blue geisha coffee beans are fully guaranteed in terms of brand and quality. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, each pack of 100 grams, the price is only 120 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of coffee beans per cup, a bag of coffee can make six cups of coffee, which costs only about 20 yuan per cup, which is recommended by conscience compared to the price of hundreds of cups sold in cafes.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://