Coffee review

What is the brand of ninety plus and what is 90 plus coffee? Which brand of coffee is better?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) do you know the difference between ordinary coffee beans and 90 + coffee beans? So what on earth are 90 + coffee beans? Just as Dev can only be called chocolate-flavored candy, instant coffee can only be called coffee-flavored soft drinks. 90 + coffee beans are in the coffee industry.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Do you know the difference between ordinary coffee beans and 90 + coffee beans?

So what on earth are 90 + coffee beans?

Just as Dev can only be called chocolate-flavored candy, instant coffee can only be called coffee-flavored soft drinks. 90 + coffee beans are the symbol of the best honor in the coffee industry.

"90 +" refers to a top range of coffee with 13 flavors. Sometimes they haunt different manors, and they have different taste characteristics. When processing, baristas will separate these coffees according to variety, climate and fresh time, and taste them one by one. They are like works of art that tend to be perfect. Baristas take great pains to give them the best taste and present them in the most perfect posture.

The pursuit of "90 +" for the ultimate flavor is very admirable, and their sustainable development model and environmental protection operation are also the learning goals of many coffee producers. Since the company was founded in 2006, the young company has made them known to coffee industry people all over the world in just a few years. The coffee series that made its debut in 2007 was immediately regarded as a precious show by coffee experts.

The nomenclature of 90 + beans is completely different from that of general boutique beans. First of all, unlike the usual names of producing areas and manors, each bean is named according to its flavor, for example, the famous Nekisse is originally intended to be taken from Shakisso's nectar. The name of 90 + usually starts with the concept of flavor, then the name, and then the choice of producing areas and cooperative farms. In this respect, it is very different from the general boutique beans and is a brand with boutique management style.

First, coffee cup test scores are all above 90 points to produce: this is also the origin of 90 + company name, each bean is thousands of choices, after the SCAA cup test score of more than 90 points super high score beans (now the important things are popular to say three times), then what is the value of SCAA cup test score of 90 points?

Let's take a look at the definition of SCAA: coffee beans below 80 points below specialty do not belong to the boutique coffee grade. 80-85 points of coffee beans description: very good good grade: specialty boutique general boutique coffee grade, has been quite good. 85-90 points of coffee beans description: ecxellent excellent grade: specialty origin excellent grade quite powerful boutique coffee beans, many COE competition (Cup of Excellence or excellent cup) most of the top five coffee beans fall in this grade. 90-100 points of coffee beans description: outstanding Outstanding level: specialty rare super-life 90 + company's products fall in this grade. Each bean scored more than 90 points, and even scored a brilliant record of 97 points.

The scores of many COE champion estates are still high, and high scores can not be achieved casually, no matter the variety of raw beans, origin, climate, planting methods, raw bean handling methods, etc., all have the unique persistence of 90 + company, so it extends the independent production system of 90 +-Profile Processing.

Second, exclusive production system-Profile Processing

If you have read the previous article on the definition of fine coffee SCAA, you will know that the link of fine coffee is long and complex, and you must rely on the persistence of many people to make a cup of fine coffee. But in fact, the interaction between the various links is not smooth, and it may even be disjointed in the past. For example, raw bean merchants only buy coffee beans after they have selected the raw beans, and they do not care about how the coffee farmers grow them or the treatment technology of the processing plant. Anyway, buy as soon as the final cup is tested, no matter how much. This is actually quite reasonable. Imagine: if you were a big watermelon trader, would you care how melon farmers grow watermelons? You are too lenient.

But this logic may be true for commodities, delivered directly to the market economy, and always find good goods. However, as coffee gradually moved towards the high-price boutique market, 90 + took the lead in establishing its own raw bean production system-Profile Processing.

Profile Processing simply means to extend the scope of management upstream, from the varieties, producing areas, climate, planting methods, harvesting and treatment methods of coffee farmers. If you control all of them, you can produce super-high-quality coffee beans according to your own preferences.

The concept is simple, but it is extremely difficult to implement. After all, the cultivation of agricultural products is a black box. In fact, there are thousands of variables that are difficult to sum up.

At the beginning, the 90 + company only bought the best coffee cherries from Ethiopian coffee farmers, and started with the best ready-made beans, so there were 90 + representative beans: Aricha and Beloya, which became famous in the first world war, but the experimental results were amazing, and the whole boutique coffee circle was shocked by the rich fruit flavor and high texture. Then it is to select potential coffee farmers, according to the current coffee beans to set the ideal flavor back to bean farmers and processing plants, carry out process reengineering, and gradually revise the samples to the original flavor of 90 + by scientific management. but of course, it is necessary to carefully select the most suitable ones before the products can be produced. It is not known how many crazy experiments and failed samples are involved, but a very small number of them can stand up to the high score of 90 +, which can be said to be the best of the boutiques.

Therefore, the reason why the Profile Processing system is so powerful is that it has the technology to control the flavor performance in hand, so it can plan and set the highest standards and surpass the general raw bean merchants' chance to select and buy raw beans. The quality exceeding the standard is not luck, but the average level, which is also the core value that 90 + companies have always adhered to.

It is conceivable that the longer the time is, after 90 + coffee beans accumulate more experimental data, there may be no limit to the flavor of beans.

Third, create your own coffee farm: Ninety Plus Gesha Estate

Although it is not the first time that raw bean merchants have subsidized a manor, it is probably unprecedented for 90 + to start planting coffee trees on a whole piece of farmland in Panama. And Ninety Plus Gesha Estate (hereinafter referred to as NPGE Manor) is full of valuable Gesha varieties (Geisha is OK, there is no real difference)

This decision is about to return to the founder and CEO of 90 +: Joseph Brodsky.

Since 2004, when Geisha coffee beans from Jade Manor of Panama won the Panama Cup Test Competition, it has swept all the major competitions, making coffee people all over the world fall madly in love with Geisha, and Joseph Brodsky is one of the people who have been poisoned. And this poisoned Joseph also went to Ethiopia to look for a better ancient coffee variety (or holy grail) than Geisha. Although he was not lucky enough to find it, he found Aricha and Beloya in disguise and gave a shock bomb to the boutique coffee circle. But if you can't find a better variety of coffee, let's make the best variety as good as it can be. So in 2009, 90 + founded NPGE Manor in Panama, all growing the most powerful Geisha coffee. In addition, Ninety plus Sensory Room (NP sensory Laboratory) and Solar Kiln Lab (SK treatment) are set up in NPGE Manor, as well as red treatment (Red), ruby treatment (Ruby) and other new studies which are different from the general raw bean treatment.

You can imagine that NPGE is the largest experimental farm of 90 +. It is fun to experiment with the best varieties and implement the Profile Processing system to the end. After several years of planting results, NPGE launched five Geisha, including Lycello Lisilo, Perci Percy, Juliette Juliet, Silvia Sylvia and Lotus Lotus. Among them, Perci has upgraded versions of Perci Red (red treatment) and Perci Ruby (ruby), which change the sweetness of Perci differently, while Silvia Sylvia and Lotus lotus are the latest new products of SK treatment.

It can be seen that 90 + created its own NPGE manor, mastered the ferocious Geisha varieties of coffee in its hands, and had a lot of fun and wild experiments in its own manor, continuously strengthening its unique competitiveness, we can see how terrible the ambition and courage of 90 + are.

Fourth, flavor symbols instead of treatment.

90 + has so many innovations that are different from ordinary raw bean merchants, of course, in the description of the flavor of coffee beans, it is also different from others.

This also makes many people who have just come into contact with 90 + feel a headache, just like seeing a bunch of symbols like a book of heaven.

However, the reason why there is a unique flavor symbol is also to make consumers better understand the flavor possibility and strict selection value of 90 + god beans, which can also be regarded as a responsible production resume, although it is a bit more unique, but after reading it, you will be able to understand the value of hard work behind it in the world of invincible boutiques.

The first is the flavor symbol marked on the back of each bean:

W2 = washing flavor

N2 = the flavor of sun treatment

H2 = honey-treated flavor

In particular, the general coffee bean W stands for washed refers to the washing method, N stands for natural refers to the sun treatment, H stands for honey refers to the honey treatment, but 90 + use W, N, H does not refer to the treatment method, but the flavor description.

W2 is a bean that is close to the flavor of washing, but it does not necessarily mean that it is washed. As for that 2, perhaps to make it easy for consumers to distinguish between the added ones, it doesn't make any sense. And the handling of beans, in fact, 90 + is not clearly marked, which may have something to do with his trade secrets. In addition, mixed treatment is also popular now, and there are also several kinds of half-sun and half-water washing, water-washing mixed shelves, and honey treatment. I'm afraid that simply washing and sun treatment can no longer accurately reflect the real production experience of beans, so they are not marked at all. Among them, only SK treatment (Solar Kiln) will be specially marked, and it is also because SK is a new original processing method of 90 +, and its pertinence is relatively clear, so it is specially marked. Add a flavor description, which can be regarded as a simple way to tell consumers the basic outline of beans. As for the variety of wonderful flavors that appear after baking, it is up to the bakers and cafes to communicate with consumers after baking.

5. Own LEVEL hierarchical representation

General coffee beans are graded in different ways according to the regulations of different countries, such as Kenya AA, AB, SHB, 18 mesh, G2 … Wait, it is a variety of different ways of grading.

Of course, the purpose of grading is to distinguish between high-quality products and inferior products, but the basis of many grades is not necessarily positively related to flavor, so even if the grade is high, it is not necessarily delicious, but at least it is a kind of data for reference. for beginners, they should think more about grading, but they should not be superstitious about it.

In addition to its own flavor symbol, each bean also has its own grading method, which is quite different from that of other countries, which is divided into the following seven grades.

L4 、 L7 、 L12 、 L21 、 L39 、 L95 、 L195

L means Level, and the classification is based on the quantity of production, the refinement of processing, the degree of difficulty and the rigor of screening.

The higher the number, the less the output, the more refined the processing, the more complex and difficult, and the stricter the screening, but 90 + does not publish the detailed classification, so it is actually similar to the flavor symbol and is just a reference data. but we still have to roughly understand the connotation, which can be simply divided into four grades.

L4 section: this grading can no longer be seen at 90 +. In the past, it refers to mixed harvested batches. When the flavor of a single producing area is not rich enough or the yield is too little, it is produced by mixing several excellent producing areas, which is a bit like the previous Aricha and Beloya. However, after 90 + years, the experimental control technology for coffee production has become more and more mature, this grading method has been no longer used.

L7, L12: most Ethiopian beans are in this grade, and the flavor is already very good, no matter the aroma or texture is impeccable. This grade of 90 + can be said to be an entry-level commodity with a fairly good CP value.

For example, Tchembe and Kemgin are L7, Nekisse and Hachira are L12.

L21, L39: this is almost the world of Geisha coffee in NPGE Manor, it can be expected that for 90 +, the Geisha variety itself is a high-grade representation, so the lowest grade is also in L21. Of course, it can also be extended to think that the care of Geisha may be harder and more stringent than that of Isabia beans.

In addition, specially treated Isabia beans can also be upgraded to this section to become comparable to Geisha.

For example, Lycello is L21, Juliette is L39, and Perci is L39, all three of which are Geisha;Nekisse Red in NPGE Manor (Essobria Nekisse with red treatment) upgraded to L39.

L95, L195: these two levels have to go through 90 + special processing methods, such as Red (red processing), Ruby (ruby processing), SK (Solkiln processing), which can be said to endorse the exclusive processing method of 90 +. But to get to the most advanced L195, you still have to Geisha.

For example: Lotus (Sk treatment), Sillvia (Sk treatment), Semeon Abay (master series), Nekisse Ruby (ruby treated Ethiopian beans) are all L95, and Perci Ruby is currently the only L195 (Ruby treatment + Geisha variety).

VI. New concept of raw beans

In fact, the concept of raw bean production is based on the historical products extended by different environments in different regions. Here, it is not particularly targeted at the treatment method, even bean seed, planting method, preservation method. All can be discussed, in short, it is the main core concept that affects the formation of bean flavor.

For example, take the treatment method as an example: in the early days of Africa, the sun was mainly used, because there was sufficient sunshine and less water, so the sun treatment method was naturally formed.

Take quality, for example: gold mantinin is characterized by three hand-picked flaws and a large and uniform number of meshes.

For example, the variety: Geisha itself presents strong floral fragrance and ultra-fine texture and recognition.

The concept of these raw beans is not a single factor, but it will be specially proposed or even named because of the most important reasons. After all, any good bean should have particularity, and fine care is the basic condition, but consumers still need more reasons for the special flavor.

90+ In the process of processing green beans, many novel concepts have also been added, so that the performance of coffee beans can accept more powerful variables and form their own particularity, which is difficult for ordinary green beans to intervene.

Front Street Coffee from 90+ company [candle light], we chose medium and light roasting to retain the fragrance of flowers and fruits of this bean, brewed with 89℃ water, rich and complex floral fragrance unforgettable, nectarine, tropical fruit flavor obvious, the entrance is very amazing, the taste is clean and bright.

Front Street Brewing Suggestion Parameters:

V60/90℃/1:15/time 2 minutes

Flavor: Floral, nectarine, tropical fruit