Coffee review

How do Mamba coffee beans taste? how do you spell Mamba coffee? how much is a pack of Mamba coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Mamba coffee bean flavor characteristics: a combination of Sumatra Mantenin and Brazil Santos coffee, two kinds of high-end Arabica beans. The Mamba Cafe went to the strong Mantenin and the sour taste of Brazil, and blended the mellow bitterness of Mantenin with the slightly sweet taste of Brazil.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Flavor characteristics of Mamba coffee beans:

Combined with Sumatra Mantenin and Brazilian Santos Coffee, two high-end Arabica beans.

Mamba Cafe went to the strong Mantenin and Brazilian sour taste, and the mellow bitter taste of Mantenin and Brazilian slightly sweet blend into a gentle Mamba, emitting a natural sweet fragrance. It is the best choice for coffee between thick and warm.

Combined with Sumatra Mantenin and Brazilian Santos Coffee, two high-end Arabica beans.

Santos, Brazil, whose output accounts for about 1 / 3 of the world's total coffee output, occupies a pivotal position in the global overall trading market, so the coffee produced is of uniform quality and is generally considered to be an indispensable coffee bean for mixing and blending, and its taste is round. Neutral with moderate sour taste.

Mantenin grows in the alpine areas of central and western Sumatran birds near Port Padang and is usually treated with semi-washing. After drying naturally for a few days, the flesh is washed off with hot water, so that the sweetness of the flesh can seep into the seeds and develop into a unique mellow taste. In Taiwan, people are usually afraid of sour but not bitter when drinking coffee, so Manning has become the most accepted coffee among Chinese people.

● Mamba coffee producing area: Indonesia + Brazil

Mamba coffee is the mixed coffee often ordered by coffee friends in the coffee shop. The reason why it is called mixed coffee is because mamba coffee is made of two kinds of coffee beans. Xiaobian likes this kind of mixed coffee very much. It is a very happy thing to try mamba coffee with different proportions of coffee beans for a change.

Mixed coffee is also called blended coffee, and the term of blended coffee is called MIXING, which means mixing. Because each kind of coffee with single bean has its own sour, bitter, sweet and aromatic characteristics, apart from Blue Mountain, no kind of coffee is very uniform, so different varieties of coffee beans are mixed in different proportions and can produce different flavors. Each coffee shop or coffee friend has its own proportion of mamba coffee, which also leads to different flavors of mamba coffee beans.

Mamba coffee originated in Brazil, said that Brazil has to say that Brazilian coffee beans, Brazilian coffee beans are the most famous when Santos coffee-neutral coffee beans, its flavor is known as coffee in the strong, good single taste when drinking, blending other coffee has a unique flavor of Mamba coffee. Mamba Coffee is a blend of Brazilian coffee beans.

The blending ratio of Mamba coffee: Brazilian coffee beans and Indonesian Mantenin beans are made with a ratio of 50% to 50%.

● Mamba coffee bean brand recommendation

Front Street Coffee roasted Mamba Coffee beans-Mantenin Coffee beans and Brazilian Coffee beans are fully guaranteed in terms of brand and quality. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only 80-90 yuan. According to the calculation of 10 grams of powder per cup of espresso, a packet can make 22 cups of coffee, and each cup of soe coffee costs only about 3 or 4 yuan, which is very cost-effective for cafes to sell dozens of yuan a cup.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://