Coffee review

Dehong Which brand of coffee is good to drink_Dehong coffee quality how_Dehong coffee price list

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Dehong is a beautiful place, known as the hometown of peacocks, the mythical hometown of song and dance at home and abroad, and won the laudatory title of Chinese coffee hometown in 2013. Its coffee industry has become the leading factor in promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the construction of Dehong Ruili National Key Development and Open Experimental Zone

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Dehong is a beautiful place, known as "hometown of peacocks", "hometown of myths" and "hometown of song and dance" at home and abroad, and won the laudatory name of "hometown of Coffee in China" in 2013.

Its coffee industry has become the leading industry to promote the overall development of urban and rural areas in the construction of Dehong Ruili National key Development and opening Experimental Zone, and it is an important pillar industry for Dehong Prefecture to speed up the construction of plateau characteristic agriculture to increase farmers' income and rural economic development.

The planting area of coffee in the prefecture has reached 275800 mu, the production area has reached 140000 mu, and the output of dried coffee beans has reached 28000 tons, realizing agricultural output value of 616 million yuan and industrial output value of 800 million yuan.

Hougu Coffee, the only national leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization in the coffee industry.

Successfully registered the geographical indication of "Dehong Coffee" and was awarded the honorary title of "hometown of Coffee in China"

Dehong has a typical South Asian tropical rain forest climate, no severe cold in winter, no heat in summer, short frost period and small temperature difference, which is recognized by domestic experts as the most suitable area for growing small-grain coffee in China. The coffee produced has a unique flavor and good quality, and has a high reputation in domestic and foreign markets. Among them, Hougu Coffee has become one of the first-class coffee enterprises in China.

Moreover, Dehong Prefecture is also one of the earliest areas in China to introduce coffee. Small-grain coffee was introduced from Myanmar for sporadic cultivation as early as 1914. After a successful trial of 6 mu coffee in 1953, it began to be planted commercially. After 50 years of tortuous development, in 1998, the Dehong Prefecture Committee and the state government formally supported coffee as a major industry, through 17 years of continuous efforts. Coffee industry has become the most important advantage and characteristic industry in Dehong Prefecture.

In order to speed up the development of Dehong coffee industry, Dehong Prefecture Agricultural Bureau has achieved the development goal of formulating a set of supporting policies for coffee industry, popularizing a set of practical science and technology, building a batch of raw material bases, cultivating a leading enterprise, building a well-known brand, and forming a pillar industry in accordance with the principle of centralization and promotion. At the same time, in order to promote the healthy development of the coffee industry, Dehong gave full play to the advantages of the autonomous prefecture and formulated and promulgated the regulations on the Development of Dehong Coffee Industry, which ensured the product quality and brand characteristics of Dehong Coffee.

Hougu Coffee is the leading enterprise in the development of coffee industry in Dehong Prefecture and the only national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization in China. Its "Hougu" trademark is "China's well-known trademark". The company has an initial processing capacity of 80, 000 tons, and two instant coffee powder production plants with an annual production capacity of 13000 tons have been built in China, accounting for nearly 85% of the production capacity of deep processing in the country. It also has the only freeze-dried powder production line in China. The company's products are exported to domestic major cities and 43 countries and regions. In 2014, the company's sales revenue exceeded 1 billion yuan, and foreign exchange earnings from exports exceeded 90 million US dollars.

It is worth mentioning that with the leading enterprises as the platform, Dehong Agricultural Bureau has established a set of mature technical research and development and service system from breeding to planting to processing, and built three coffee standardized production demonstration parks confirmed by the National Ministry of Agriculture. At the same time, strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation system, cooperate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, set up an academician workstation in Dehong Coffee Company and set up the China Coffee Engineering Research Center.

Today, in the more than 270000 mu coffee base in Dehong Prefecture, Hougu Coffee has reached 140000 mu through land transfer, and the remaining more than 13,000 mu have been purchased by order, involving 60, 000 farmers. At the same time, under the promotion of enterprise management measures of "one control, two exemptions, three guarantees, and four unification" and under the protection of the lowest purchase price determined by the government, the interests of coffee growers are protected, and it has become one of the industries with the highest enthusiasm for farmers in Dehong Prefecture to participate in enriching the people.