Coffee review

New Sagovia Orange Fruit Manor Elephant beans | what is the taste of sun-treated elephant beans? Orange fruit manor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) New Sagovia Orange Fruit Manor Elephant beans | what is the taste of sun-treated elephant beans? The planting advantages of Elephant beans in Orange Fruit Manor? Both Finca El Naranjo Dipilto and Finca Buenos Aires used to be located in the

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

New Sagovia Orange Fruit Manor Elephant beans | what is the taste of sun-treated elephant beans? The planting advantages of Elephant beans in Orange Fruit Manor?

Orange Fruit Manor (Finca El Naranjo Dipilto) and Buenos Aires Manor (Finca Buenos Aires) both won the Nicaragua COE Cup in 2015 and 2016. Today, they have the opportunity to taste the elephant bean sun treatment of the 2016 Nicaragua COE Cup winner Finca El Naranjo Dipilto, which has been unanimously affirmed by expert cup tests for its superior strength. Nicaragua is one of the major coffee-producing countries, producing high-quality coffee. Nicaragua is mainly divided into four major coffee producing areas-Novo Sagovia (Nueva Segovias), Madagascar / Sinodeka (Matagalpa / Jinotega), Borgo (Boaco) and Pacific Coast (Pacific). The planting height of Nueva Segovia is the highest, about 1450 to 1600 meters, and the coffee produced is the highest grade S.H.B. (Strictly Hard Beans). Covered with volcanic ash soil and shaded planting, it produces high-quality Nicaraguan coffee with a soft flavor.

The Luis Emilio Valladarez family, which has five members and many manors of different sizes, won the championship in the COE Cup (El Suyatal) of Nicaragua for the first time in 2006 and won the Finca El Naranjo Dipilto competition in 2016. The orange manor is located in the city of Dipilto in the new Nueva Segovia region, near the Pan American Highway, which has a microclimate and is surrounded by pine trees. And adjacent to the La Campana ecological reserve. 24 years ago,

Luis Emilio Valladarez bought this small pine forest land and started growing coffee, which covers an area of only 22 hectares and has a small water treatment plant. The landowner now has seven estates Finca El Naranjo Dipilto,Finca Buenos Aires,Finca El Carmen,Finca Ojo de Agua,Finca La Laguna,Finca El Suyatal,Finca San Salvador. In the Nicaraguan coffee industry, the annual COE Cup Competition will win a prize, is a coffee grower, the strength of a very strong coffee farm.

The volume of Nepalese coffee is the largest of all coffee beans, among which the Maragogype giant elephant bean is the most distinctive. Maragogype granules are larger than ordinary coffee beans, commonly known as elephant beans, with distinctive special aroma and round taste.

Variety: Maragogype

Production area: Nueva Segovia (New Sagovia) region: Dipilto

Grade: Strictly Hard Beans (S.H.B. EP) strict selection of high altitude extremely hard beans

Altitude: 1600 m

Treatment procedure: non-contact water solarization method

Coffee planting area: 22 ha

Cup test report

Dry fragrance: sweet aroma of spices, horse notice, berries, honey and orange soda

Wet fragrance: caramel, sweet fruit, honey, wine, Magao (mountain pepper), cinnamon, sucrose, tangerine peel

Sipping: orange soda sweet taste, yogurt, Tianjin asparagus juice, sweet and sour citrus, special sweet fruit aroma, millet wine, sweet juice, horse notice, kumquat, tropical fruit style; the special feature of giant elephant beans in water-free sun exposure lies in their fresh flavor, which is very different from the general strong sun-dried beans, smooth, refreshing and sweet in taste; extremely rich in layers, it is definitely a good bean to look forward to.

Sun exposure (Sun-Dry Process / Procesado Natural)

Arabs have treated coffee in the sun since more than a thousand years ago. The sun drying method is also called "natural drying method" because it uses sunlight to dry coffee fruit.

The ultimate three-stage selection of beans: the manor farmer has years of experience in picking ripe red fruit by hand; the harvested fruit, after three times of strict selection, then selects solid, ripe and full red fruit, that is, it is given natural sunlight, and the whole process is "completely unwatered" and the fruit is not lost at all.

Sun drying

After the coffee fruit is harvested and dried by natural drying, the original bright red coffee fruit will become black Dry cherry. The selected fruits will be exposed to the sun for 25 days (depending on the climate of the place of origin), and the water content of the beans will be controlled at about 12%. In order to make the fruits uniform in dryness and avoid excessive fermentation, it needs to be stirred from time to time in the process of sun exposure (too long or uneven, there will be over-fermented wine sour taste and rotten taste).

No matter how to deal with it, cover it with a tarp to block the night dew during the sun exposure.

Shelling: when exported, the sun-dried fruit is shelled off the hard peel, pulp and sheep skin.

Hand selection and grading: hand-select defective beans, through our at least "five" hand-picking requirements, strict selection of S.H.B. Very hard grade coffee beans.

The advantages of the sun-drying method: properly handled sun-dried beans, beans are wrapped in the pulp of natural drying, absorb the essence of the fruit, so fruity, sweet, mellow thickness. Unique and distinctive, with no loss of sweetness and almost no defect in appearance, just like the quality that aroma boutique coffee has always promised.

Disadvantages of the solarization method: subject to weather conditions, this method is most afraid of the return of rain, the climate has a great impact on the quality of beans, and takes a long time; improper handling, easy to mix too many defective beans or impurities.

Qianjie recommended cooking:

Use key home filter cup, 16 grams powder 32 grams of water steaming for 30 seconds, 89-90 degrees water temperature extraction, 1:15, fine grinding small Fuji 3.5 second water injection to 110ml cut off, wait for water drop and then slowly water injection, uniform speed, the water level should not be too high, again water injection to 233ml stop, extraction time 2:15 seconds-rich sweet sun, we can fine-tune according to their own taste.