Coffee review

Sun exposure Coffee beans from Banke processing Plant in Woka Village, Ethiopia _ Waka Cooperative Worka Coop

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Chinese name Ethiopian Coffee Sun Yega Snow Fei Jetipu Town Woka Village Class processing Plant G1 English name ET Yirgacheffe Gedeb Worka Banko Natural G1 production area Jetipu Town Woka Village producer Banke

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ethiopian Coffee Solar Getty Town Woka Village Banke processing Plant G1

English product name ET Yirgacheffe Gedeb Worka Banko Natural G1

Production area Yejia Xuefei production area Jietipu Town Waka Village

Producer shift disposable plant

Annual rainfall 1404mm

Shade tree Cordia Africana, Acacia Ensete ventricosum

Treatment of sun exposure

Variety Kumie Diga Wilsho (native species)

1945-1970 meters above sea level

GPS position N: 5 °54 & # 39 x 38.58 "E: 38 °20 & # 39 x 48.42" (degrees, minutes, seconds)

Flavor description combines wild berries, ripe fruits, wheat-scented black tea, lively and sour orange juice with a floral finish.

Product: Ethiopia Solar Yega Xuefei G1 Jietipu Town Woka Village Banke processing Plant

(Ethiopia Natural Yirgacheffe Gedeb Worka G1)

Flavor description: comprehensive wild berries, ripe fruits, wheat black tea, orange juice lively and sweet,

The finish is floral, with tropical fruit fermentation aromas and a lingering finish.

Country of origin: Ethiopia (Ethiopia)

Production area: SNNPR Region

Gedeo Zone region

Jetipu Town (Gedeb woreda)

Woka Village (Worka)

Variety: local ancient superior original species (Heirloom)

Grower: small coffee farmers near the village of Worka

Producer: Banke processing Plant (Banko Factory)

Sea pull 1900 to 2100 meters

Grade: solarization (the highest grade of G1 as rated by ECX)

Harvest: October-December

Identity card: Ngo A


The village of Worka is located in the town of Gedeb, a small production area about 70 kilometers southeast of Yega Sheffield. The town is best known for the Waka Cooperative (Worka Coop), which is part of the YCFCU Cooperative Alliance (Yirgacheffe CoffeeFarmers Cooperative Union). Founded in 2005, due to its location in a remote area of the Yega Snow Coffee producing area, 75 km from the local coffee distribution center Dilla, the external road is in poor condition, with 20 km of dirt roads from the cooperative to the main tarmac road. The Waka Cooperative (Worka Coop) is made up of 411 family members of small coffee farmers. When it was founded in 2005, it joined the YCFCU Cooperative Union, which was founded in 2002. It has 26 cooperatives and 45, 000 family members of coffee farmers. YCFCU is the largest cooperative alliance in Ethiopia.

In Worka village, there are many raw bean processing plants, belonging to cooperatives or private companies. Banko Factory is located in Worka village, and it is closely related to Waka cooperative (Worka Coop). Small coffee farmers in Waka cooperative (Worka Coop) can choose to be nearby because the cooperative's processing plant is unable to bear fruit harvesting at the same time.

The raw bean processing plant, that is, the Banko Factory, shares the work together. The family members of small coffee farmers in Worka Coop have a total planting area of about 763 hectares and an annual output of 460 tons. These small farmers cultivate an average of about 1 hectare of coffee at an altitude of about 1850 to 2100 meters, and the coffee varieties are mainly ancient superior native species (Heirloom). The average output of each small-scale coffee farmer is 650 per hectare, 700 kg per hectare. The main local production mode is that small-scale coffee farmers will harvest red fruits and send them directly to the cooperative's treatment plant for unified treatment. The Worka Coop Cooperative is a very famous and prestigious cooperative, especially the natural environment and climate of the town of Gedeb, a small producing area. Through the experienced processing technology of the Woka Cooperative, this batch of sun flavor is created with a strong tropical fruit aroma. Don't miss the coffee you are interested in.

After the Waka Cooperative (Worka Coop) processing plant selects coffee fruits with graded red cherry color, the raw beans with shells and peels are placed on the scaffolding for natural exposure at a humidity of 12% or less, and are sent to the Ethiopian Mercantile Exchange (ECX) warehouse in Awassa. Beans that are cup-tested, graded and normally sun-treated are stored in the form of shell beans and will not be shelled until they are exported. This batch of raw coffee beans from the Waka Cooperative, using the best-known sun treatment, and rated as the highest grade of G1 by ECX, from the appearance, consistency and freshness of raw beans to dry aroma and flavor are very excellent, very rich in aroma performance, with the unique characteristics of the producing area of Yega Xuefei.