Coffee review

Ninety Plus90+ Perci prospects Rose Summer Coffee Bean Story 90 + Rose Summer Manor Flavor Taste

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat cafe_style) Ninety Plus 90 + Perci N2 Prospect (Sun exposure) Rose Summer Coffee Bean (Geisha) Percy Perci derives from Insight Perspective, which describes the ability to observe all sensory stimuli during coffee evaluation. Perci has a very complex

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ninety Plus ®90 + Perci N2 Prospect (Solar)-Rosa Coffee beans (Geisha)

Percy Perci derives from "insight Perspective", which describes the ability to observe all sensory stimuli during coffee reviews. Perci has a very complex flavor spectrum, including mango, pineapple, longhorn beans, plums, red grapes, peaches, red ginger … When we blindly tested this coffee, we thought it was not rose summer coffee, but the Ethiopian sun, because the complex performance has exceeded the average geisha whose flavor is obvious in our perception of citrus and jasmine.

Origin: 90 + Rose Summer Manor

Producing area: Panamanian Manor

Growth altitude: 1400 m-1800 m

Treatment: insolation

Flavor: Cherry, juicy, beans, herbal aroma, plum, peach

Baking degree: moderately shallow (if you like shallow baking, please let us know)

History: The name Perci is derived from the word perspective. When we first evaluated these coffees blind, we were sure they were Ethiopia naturals (which in a sense they are, given gesha's Ethiopian origins). Our first thoughts were not gesha at all, since gesha exhibits a basic nuance set of orange/tangerine and jasmine. With Perci, that set is just one component of a complex profile that can include mango, pineapple, carob, banana, plum, red graphs, honey, peach, red zinger and more.


Juicy, peaches, plums, cherries, herbal aromas, carob beans

Baking degree

Moderately shallow

Place of Origin

90 + Rose Summer Manor

A manor / area

Manor of Panama

Growth altitude

1400 m-1800 m

Raw bean treatment



French pressure filter, filter and hang coffee (pour into 92 degrees Celsius, 190 ml of hot water), drip / hand

Ninety plus is an internationally renowned coffee bean production and sales company, and is famous for providing rare and unique raw coffee beans.

Joseph Brodsky officially founded Ninety plus in 2007, and since the next year, we can see Ninety plus winning awards in large and small coffee competitions around the world. Among the six finalists in last year's 2013WBC World Barista Competition, Ninety plus raw beans were used by contestants from Italy, Korea and Canada.

Exquisite cultivation and processing of raw beans, excellent coffee varieties and unique grading system make Ninety plus a top and unique representative of raw beans in the market.

Ninety plus exquisite raw bean cultivation and processing Profile Processing system formulate Profile Processing system, tailor-made for each bean, planting, harvesting, processing and other processes, and through repeated cup testing and correction, exactly let each bean seed, give play to its unique fruit flavor.

Ninety plus unique flavor classification and password classification

Ninety Plus coffee is classified according to "fruit flavor intensity", which is different from the traditional classification of Washed, Honey and Natural. It also has three items W2, H2 and N2, but different treatments create different levels of fruit flavor, so you may drink sun-treated or water-washed coffee beans in the classification of honey flavor "H2".

W2 = washing flavor

H2 = honey-treated flavor

N2 = naturally treated flavor