Coffee review

Panamanian Spland Rosa Rosa Garden Story Information introduction _ Panamanian Rosa Manor Rookie

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Panama Hacienda Splendorosa Geisha Garden Spland Rosa Rose Summer Garden Washed washing Natural sunbathing Spland. Introduction to Rosa Manor: Finca Lerida Coffee Estate Flag of Manor Lerida, Panama

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Panama Hacienda Splendorosa Geisha Garden

Panama Spland Rosa Rose Summer Garden Washed washing Natural sun

Spland. Introduction to Rosa Manor:

The Panamanian Spland Rosa Rosa Garden Panama Hacienda Splendorosa Geisha Garden, owned by Finca Lerida Coffee Estate, the estate of Lerida, Panama, is located near the town of Poquet in the province of Chiriki in Panama. The history of its boutique coffee can be traced back to the coffee export trade that began in 1929. Here, coffee cultivation attaches great importance to the harmonious development of the local ecological environment, and the manor is surrounded by Volcan Buru National Park and La Amistad International Park, home to more than 550species of birds. There is a retro hotel in the center of the manor, which is designed to complement the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

Cup description: rich floral aromas, lemon grass, chocolate, tropical fruits, berries, melons, some micro-coconuts are sweet, the overall acidity is not high, light baking is recommended. Origin: Rosa Rosa Garden, Spland, Panama

Variety: Rosa altitude: 1600-1700 location: Jaramillo arriba,Boquete

This Panamanian rosy summer coffee comes from the Spland Rosa Rosa Garden of Finca Lerida Coffee Estate, located near the town of Poquette in Panama's Chiriki province, and its boutique coffee history dates back to the coffee export trade in 1929.

Here, coffee cultivation attaches great importance to the harmonious development of the local ecological environment, and the manor is surrounded by Volcan Buru National Park and LaAmistad International Park, home to more than 550species of birds. There is a retro hotel in the center of the manor, which is designed to complement the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

Sonia Amoruso and her Rosa Rosa estate in Spland, Panama, HaciendaSplendorosa Geisha Garden, are one of SCB's favorite producers.

The estate is located high on the Poquet side of the Baru volcano, where it has been creating the best Panamanian coffee for centuries. The manor was founded in early 1900, and the former Dutch owner created his own patent for coffee processing equipment. Since then, the management of the manor has changed hands several times, and finally came to the hands of Sonia Amoruso.

Born and raised in the town of Poquet, Sonia has been working on coffee, and Lerida Manor is her first farm. Since Sonia took over, the manor's coffee has entered the Best Panama auction every year, and there is reason to believe that she will soon be the winner.