Coffee review

Sun hole plus cooperative Yega snow coffee hand punch comparison _ Japanese ice hand punch plus coffee parameters sharing

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Mr. Abiao's Yega Sheffield Coffee-Konga country: Ethiopian Town: Yirgacheffe area in Konga District: Gedeo wide name: Yega Xuefei Kong Family Manor owner: Mr. Abiao er altitude: 1900-2250 m varieties: mixed original variety treatment

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Mr. Abiao's Yega Sheffield Coffee-Konga

Country: Ethiopia

Town: Yirgacheffe in Konga district

Zone: Gedeo

Wide name: Yega Xuefei Kong family

Landowner: Mr. Abier

Altitude: 1900-2250 m

Variety: mixed original variety

Treatment: sun-dried and washed with water

Dry: African lift bed, 3 weeks

Grade: Super 90 minutes, G1Q1, G1Q2.

Cup test features: strong floral and fruit aromas, significant blueberry fruit flavor, rich and clean strawberry flavor, intertwined with some exotic cumin and cardamom spice flavor. Elegant lemon acidity.

In the new production season, the first batch of sunny Yega Chuefei coffee is of good quality and the cup test performance is amazing. Fruit flavor, especially blueberry flavor is obvious, clean and smooth. The red fruit of coffee is harvested and sent to the treatment station by local small farmers. In order to ensure the quality of coffee, the company provides local farmers with a premium of up to 23% to select the top red fruits of coffee.

Most of the cooperatives in the Yejasuefi area belong to the Yega Xuefei Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU). This coffee is earned by 2400 small farmers of Kong Jia Cooperative, a member of the alliance, who have not missed a single detail of the process: carefully selecting native Ethiopian tree species from wild coffee trees in the primeval forest and transplanting them into their own courtyards is a process of unimaginable complexity. After the red coffee fruit is harvested, the farmers carefully separate the ripe red fruit from the underripe coffee cherries through layers of hand selection, then use a 5-plate special peeling machine to remove the shell and wet fermentation for 24 to 36 hours. Then wash the fermented coffee fruit with clean water according to its density and dry it on an African sun bed for 1 to 2 weeks. During the drying process, farmers cover the coffee fruit with plastic sheeting at noon and at night. After drying to a proper moisture content, sift and retain coffee beans larger than 14 mesh.

In order to repay the mission of the cooperative community, the Kong Jia cooperative renovated a local primary school and equipped it with brand-new facilities.

Ethiopia washing and Solar Yega Chuefei Grade Q1, a world-famous Kongjia treatment plant, owned by Mr. Abiaoer Abeyot

Ethiopian washing and Solar Yega Chuefei-G1Q1

This Yega Xuefei, Ethiopia is produced in the Kongjia region. Yega Chuefei is the main city in the south-central part of Ethiopia, which belongs to the Gedeo region of the southern province of Gaideo. It is a well-known coffee producing area in the country and even in the world. Thanks to the financing channels of local farmers' organizations, exporters can buy local coffee through channels other than the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange ECX, selecting the highest quality batches.

Sun treatment is the oldest way to treat coffee, which is famous for its pleasant fruit tonality and rich cup description. In short, the sun treatment is to dry the coffee fruit with the peel. It is very rare to meet sun-treated coffee in Yejashafi area, and we were very excited when we heard about this sun-treated coffee. In fact, we have been tracking the handling of this coffee so that we can get the classic blueberry fruit flavor, which is often found in Ethiopian Harald coffee, which is very rare for Yegashefi.

How to make Yega Xuefei coffee [Konga] well?

Qianjie coffee hand flushing reference: weigh 15g [hole plus] coffee powder, pour into the grinder to grind moderately, the ground particles are slightly thicker than salt, we use BG bean grinder to scale 5R (standard sieve pass rate 60%), water temperature 90 degrees, V60 filter cup extraction.

The hot water in the hand flushing pot draws a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup. Start the time when brewing, brew the coffee to 30g in 15 seconds, then stop the water injection, and when the time is up to 1 minute, the second water injection. The second water injection is the same as before, draw a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup, and the water flow should not rush to the place where the coffee powder is connected with the filter paper, so as not to produce channel effect.

Coffee powder to the outermost circle to set aside a circle, and then another circle to the middle, 2 minutes 20 seconds, to the coffee to 220g, brewing coffee is finished.

| | Japanese ice hand punch [Kongjia] |

Qianjie coffee ice hand flushing [Conga] reference:

Yega Chuefei Coffee [Conga], light medium baking, BG bean grinder scale 5m (standard sieve pass rate 67%)

20 grams of powder, 150 grams of ice, 150 grams of hot water. The water temperature is 91 ℃ higher than the recommended normal hand flush, then 1 ℃ higher, normal grinding small Fuji 3.5 scale, ice hand flushing is slightly thinner half grid-small Fuji 3 scale.

The amount of steaming water is 40 grams and the steaming time is 30 seconds.

Water injection by stages, 60 grams of water in the first section and 40 grams of water in the second section. Use a thin but high water injection column and stir hard to make the coffee powder fully tumble, but be careful that the water level is not too high and do not rush to the edge of the filter paper.

The whole extraction time is about two and a half minutes (close to the normal extraction time of 20 grams of powder).