Coffee review

Mount Quintamani, Bali, Indonesia| Kalana Full Moon Batch| SLD Slow Drying Shelves Sunlight

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Indonesia Bali Quinta Mani volcano| Kalana Full Moon Batch| SLD slow drying trellis solarization method flavor? As an experimental batch, this batch was treated with a very rare solarization process in Indonesia, simply SLD-Slow Dr

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Jintamani Volcano in Bali, Indonesia | Karana full Moon batch | what is the flavor of SLD slow drying scaffolding sun treatment?

As an experimental batch, this batch uses a very rare process of sun treatment in Indonesia, which is simply slow drying (SLD-Slow Drying). The whole sun drying period lasts for five or six weeks, which is why this batch is named the full moon batch (Purnama-Indonesian for full moon). In dealing with the details, this batch of Rodney can be said to have made great efforts.

First of all, this batch of sunlight uses elevated scaffolding (African Raised Bed), which is covered with a transparent roof, which keeps the four sides transparent and ventilated during the day, and the four sides can be closed to form a greenhouse at night to protect drying from the risk of rain and dew. In the final stage of drying, it is done by direct exposure. In the ripening of raw beans, Rodney boldly shelled and stored directly (instead of in the form of shell beans). We miraculously found that this way seems to promote the intensity of sun flavor to another level.

At the end of the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company transplanted Indian Arabica trees to Jakarta on the island of Java. Due to the favorable climate and soil, Arabica quickly spread to Sumatra in the northwest of Java and Sulawesi, another large island in the northeast. However, in the 1880s, when serious leaf rust broke out in Java and Arabica withered, the Dutch switched to the case-resistant Robusta species to stabilize Indonesia's coffee industry. To this day, Robusta is still the main coffee in Indonesia, accounting for 90% of Indonesia's coffee production, distributed in the low-altitude areas of Java and Bali. The elegant Arabica is mainly distributed in the higher elevations of northern Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, accounting for only about 10% of Indonesia's coffee production, but the reputation of Mantenin, Golden Mantenin, Lake Lake Tawar, Gayo Mountain, Ache, Sulawesi, Old Manning and Old Brown Java has made Indonesian coffee famous in the boutique world for decades. Not dragged down by other inferior Robusta species.

Kintamani volcano in the producing area

Processing plant Karana (Karana)

Producer Rodney Glick

Treatment slow drying sun treatment (SLD Slow Drying)

1600 meters above sea level

Flavor: dry aroma of tropical fruit, passion fruit and mango. When sipping, you can feel strong aromas of dried mango and passion jam, with blackberries, grapes, blackcurrants, cherries and mulberries. The overall flavor is strong, bright and juicy, with a dense and solid taste.

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 86-88 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji 3.5

Cooking methods: the ratio of water to powder is 1:15, 15g powder, the first injection of 25g water, 25 s steaming, the second injection to 120g water cut off, waiting for the powder bed water to half and then water injection, slow water injection until 225g water, extraction time about 2:00

Analysis: using three-stage brewing to clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. Because V60 has many ribs and the drainage speed is fast, it can prolong the extraction time when the water is cut off.