Coffee review

Colombia hopes that the Chateau pointed bourbon hand-made coffee why expensive _ pointed bourbon how to make good

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee bean resume country: Columbia production area: Cauca Valley producer: hope Manor treatment: honey treatment species: sharp Bourbon Haiba: 1510-1710 meters he: organic cultivation, rainforest certification Hope Manor Information Story introduction: hope

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee bean resume

Country of origin: Colombia

Producing area: Cauca Valley

Producer: hope Manor

Treatment: honey treatment

Variety: pointed body bourbon

Sea pull: 1510-1710 meters

Others: organic cultivation, rainforest certification

Hope Manor Information Story introduction:

Hope Manor is definitely the top manor in Colombia. Its manor won the Best of Panama Best Panama Champion (2008) and runner-up (2009). 2012 even arranged three seats in the top ten of SCAA Coffee of the Year with three products, the incredible number 2, 3 and 7. In GFA (Good Food Award), which has just been announced, Hope Manor has also become the only award-winning estate outside Ethiopia, Kenya and Panama.

La Esperanza Manor is located in the Huil producing area. The coffee farm, which does not belong to individuals or families, is a collection of several coffee farmers to sell under the name of Hope Manor (La Esperanza). It is hoped that the manor will be distributed in the forest at an altitude of 1400 to 1650 meters above sea level to harvest fully mature coffee beans by hand. Coffee farmers adhere to good planting environment and perseverance to control the quality of coffee beans. The winner of the 2007 Colombian Coffee Competition, it also won 9th, 12th and 14th (different coffee growers) in 2008 and was given a high score of 93 by American coffee master Kenneth Davids (author of coffee review and self-baking) in November 2008. it is the top manor in Colombia.

Introduction of pointed bourbon coffee varieties:

Bourbon, a French dependency in 1664, was named Bourbon to highlight the French Bourbon dynasty. It was renamed the island of Reunion (French: La R é union) after the French Revolution in 1792.

In the 18th century, the French planted coffee on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion, then known as Bourbon. As a result, the tree species mutated. Compared with the average bourbon, the pointed bourbon has smaller leaves, smaller and sharper coffee fruit, and the shape of the tree is as shallow as a Christmas tree (scientific name Laurina).

In the 18th century, pointed bourbon coffee was very expensive, with extremely low production, excellent flavor and high price. Loved by European royals, especially when the Bourbon dynasty Louis XV claimed to be the best coffee in the world, princes and aristocrats flocked to it and flocked to it.

In the 19th century, the coffee growing industry was almost destroyed by several severe hurricanes and coffee tree infectious diseases. Pointed body bourbon once disappeared on the world coffee stage and became history and legend.

Until 1999, Japanese coffee experts went to the island to find the remains of this coffee, but failed. Later, after years of hard work, local botanists on the island finally found this unique wild mother tree, so that the tree species was gradually cultivated and opened the way to his revival.

It was not until the 20th century that scientists discovered that the amount of caffeine in pointed bourbon was only half that of Arabica.

P.S. General Arabica coffee has about 1.2% caffeine, 2.2% robusta coffee, and only 0.6% pointed bourbon, so it can be called a natural decaffeinated coffee tree.

Introduction to honey treatment (Honey Process) treatment

Honey treatment method is between the sun drying method and water washing method, first sift the coffee pulp, and retain part of the pulp before exposure.

Honey treatment mainly originated in Costa Rica in Central America, and it is currently one of the most widely used treatment methods in Central America, but it takes a long time and must be handled very carefully. The time of exposure and turning must be well mastered to avoid defective coffee beans.

Baking suggestions / Analysis:

Colombian coffee generally grows at an altitude of 1500-1700 meters above sea level, so this pointed body has a relatively high bourbon density, moderate water content, slightly hard beans, and a thin thickness from the surface to the bean core, so it is not suitable for baking at too high temperature. in this way, there will be a bitter taste. We choose the method of throwing beans over medium heat to keep the firepower to the dehydration stage, fine-tune the caramelization reaction as the temperature rises after the first explosion, and keep the normal caramelization reaction between 8 and a half minutes to 9 and a half minutes. Preserve more flowers and fruits aroma, retain clean and bright acid. It is usually recommended to drop beans between the dense back section of an explosion and the end of an explosion, and bake about lightly or moderately.

Cup test flavor description:

Flavor description: lemon, citrus, spices, grapes, juice, slightly woody texture, malic acid and fruit acidity

Both dry and wet aromas have strong wine aromas.

On the palate, the wine has aromas of ripe fruit, fruity beer and comprehensive fruit tea.

The middle and later stages of the development of peaches, passion fruit papaya, mango and other tropical fruits sour and sweet juicy, complex layers.

Cooking analysis:

Today, we introduce the common method of making pointed body bourbon coffee in front street: V60 three-stage water injection method.

Extract by stages, pour all the cooking water into three stages.

Suitable for light, medium and medium roasted coffee beans

Use filter cup V60 cup

Increasing the steaming time or water cut-off times can improve the rich taste of the coffee.

Segmented extraction method of three-stage water injection

Advantages: it is richer than the one-knife flow, and can clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. The method is to increase the amount of water injection each time after steaming, usually when the coffee liquid is about to drop to the surface of the powder layer, and use small, medium and large water flow to do three-stage extraction.

Disadvantages: there will be relatively high requirements for the flow rate and flow rate of water.

Qianjie [pointed Bourbon coffee hand punch parameter suggestion]

The use of V60 filter cup can improve the hierarchical sense of hand flavor, drink more rich and clean, sharp bourbon varieties of rich flower and fruit aroma and soft fruit acid performance incisively and vividly.

15g powder, water temperature 89-90 degrees, grinding BG 5R (64% pass rate of Chinese standard 20 sieve), water powder ratio close to 1:15

Technique: steaming with 30g water for 30s. The hot water in the hand flushing pot draws a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup in the middle of the filter cup, starts the time when brewing, injects water to 30g, then stops the injection and waits for 30 seconds to inject water for the first time.

When the first water injection is the same as before, the speed can be slowed down slightly, speed up a little when you go around the outer circle, cut off the water at about 1:15 seconds, and then inject water again when the liquid level drops 1 inch 3. The second water injection is concentrated on the central water injection. The water flow should not rush to the place where the coffee powder is connected with the filter paper, so as not to produce channel effect. Finish the extraction at about 2:05 seconds, and the longer the time is, the longer the extraction can be done. The astringent and rough taste will increase.

Segment: 30-125-230g