Coffee review

The best coffee beans of Mexican coffee the characteristic flavor and taste of Mexican coffee plateau beans

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Mexican coffee produced the best quality coffee beans first is the most southeastern Chiapas, close to the Guadilavia Heights, the taste in the level of alpine characteristics, in Mexico also performed very well, marked on the raw bean packaging Tapachula Chiapas. Tapac

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The highest quality coffee beans produced in Mexico are the most southeastern Chiapas, close to the Guardia Vivie Highlands, with alpine characteristics in the taste and excellent performance in Mexico, with Tapachula Chiapas marked on the raw bean packaging.

The city of Tapachula is an important commercial and agricultural center. Mexican coffee is still grown by indigenous people so far, with only two or three hectares of their land, in addition to coffee, corn, soybeans and other crops.

While Mexican coffee is their main source of income, raw beans after harvest are handed over to cooperatives to deal with the latter matters, but some of them make a day on their own, and they are also highly appreciated and respected in fair trade organizations.

Dry aroma: the fruit has obvious sour taste, good thickness of nuts, greasy feeling and sweetness like black sugar.

Wet fragrance: thick nuts, creamy greasy feeling, orange aroma and sucrose sweet when the temperature is lower.

Sipping: the acidity is clean, the level is obvious, it is not prominent, the sense of health is good, the body is thick and excellent, the coordination is excellent, the Aftertest after entering the throat is long-lasting, the fragrance of the flowers is obvious, and the sweetness of the rhyme is comfortable.

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